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This topic contains 25 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Damien Bonora 11 years, 3 months ago.
March 29, 2009 at 2:20 am #96097
Last November I fitted a MX Retread front tyre to my XR650, the tyre was fitted with a Michelin Mousse which eliminates flat tyres and sets the tyre pressure at around 13 psi and reduces the chances of dented rims.
The first ride showed that the knob flex on hard pack was frightening, scared me something shocking and I noticed that ADB’s write up also mentioned the knob flex so it wasn’t just me. The knob flex when I got used to it didnt seem to last long. And was only on hard pack surfaces. The first major ride was the Watagans Christmas Party in the wet and the tyre was great and inspired confidence at all times. Since then the tyre has remained on my bike for all the rides I have done, these rides include, HillEnd (hardpack / bitumen), Zig Zag – Orange (hard pack and some loom single line / bitumen), Wauchope (everything) Clarence (loom / rock / hard pack), Denman loop (bit of everything) Orange grass tracking and pine forest (grass / loom / sand) and some secret track exploring and riding I have been doing for a future ride and mixed other smaller rides. The tyre as per the photos has worn well, although I must say it is the same wear as the other brand I use, and there has been no knob chipping as per their web site. never had any stage has the tyre given me any drama or problem.Some of this has been very high speed on some very hot days and never has there been any concern regarding tread separation or anything like that. My only concerns are that you have no idea what case you are getting when you purchase one of these tyres and having recently seen how a stick went straight through the side wall of a cheaper brand of tyre, case quality concerns me. That and the fact that when the tread is joined in the centre of the tread is isn’t exact in the joint and the knobs didnt seem to line up, for these reasons and I wont run another at this stage its just personal preference on the case quality really but thats just me.
If you are after a cheap front tyre that does the job contact Ollie on the site here and I am sure he will help you out.
This is the tyre in question still on my bike after all that riding
Below is the tyre and some info from the MX Retread site
Another first for MX Retreads.
Popular soft terrain 21″ pattern hangs on where-ever you go, from rocks to mud.
Suits all 21″ applications in 80/100. (Side knobs don’t break off!)3.5 thumbs up out of 5 I reckon.
That is my honest experience and opinion
Thanks to Ollie for hooking me up with both the retreads, cheers mate
March 29, 2009 at 8:31 am #127200
Anonymousi tried out a mx retread rear on a pirrelli today at mxcentral.
it had a real tough casing and found i had to run it a few psi less due the strong case. at 14psi it felt like 18
i tried it on mx and a little dirt track. i reckon it it was choice and would definitly run in them in the future:)
March 29, 2009 at 10:59 am #127225I tried a rear also Champo one of Ollie’s, I also fitted a mousse in mine and I requested a case to suit the mousse so I had no problem with pressure related use
April 17, 2009 at 8:21 am #127201hi all,
i’m going to put knobbies back on my 640.
are the retreads a full retread? like a car tyre.
are they any good on the black top?
and where would be the best place to get them through?
thanks, all info is greatly appreciated!
cheers drew.
April 17, 2009 at 9:11 am #129585Gyday Drew, Mate with the retreads The tyre carcass is buffed back to bald all the way around,it is is then put into a heat and high pressure mould where a natural rubber compound is introduced,it is then formed into shape etc. All of the high quality brands use natural rubber ie Metzeler,Michellin,Pirelli and Dunlop.
They need to be treated like any Knobby tyre,if you were doing a lot of commuting I would not recommend,but if you have to go on some blacktop to get to your riding area they would be fine. I get a good 1000 k’s out of a rear easily,others may get less,I mainly ride tight single trail not dirt highways.
You can get the tyres from me for $150 a set plus postage. Postage obviously will vary but normaly no more than $25 to anywhere in Oz.
Hope this helps
ollieApril 17, 2009 at 9:29 am #129586thanks Ollie,
i have about a 20km black top commute to where i normally ride. do you think they’ll suit my bike/needs?
i got 3500kms out of the original metzeler that was fitted from new. and that was mostly on road. but i have a road bike now so 600-700km round trip to Melb won’t be on the cards.:blink:
April 17, 2009 at 9:45 am #129587Yeh 20k’s not a problem. 3500 k’s on a tyre :blink: was that front or rear? My favorite tyre is the Metzeler MC5 but at $130
With the retreads you tend to get rid of them when you know they have served their purpose.with the more expensive tyres you keep saying to yourself ” Ill get another ride out of it”
all I can say Drew is give them a try if you like them great,if you dont well youve only wasted $75 not $130. I became a distributor for 2 reasons 1.I have a few bikes in the garage (
and my local shop who sold the retreads shut down so I got involved. What area are you in ?
April 17, 2009 at 9:49 am #129588April 17, 2009 at 10:01 am #1295893500km was the rear, and that included smoking it to show up the rice racers in mildura, a guy backed his honda crx against Katie. and he ate his smug look from when i backed my single cylinder against any std car from 0-100 and from 100-140 against any std v6 commodore:side: ….. he thought he WAS on A WinNeR against a trail bike!
anyway back to topic.
it still had the original front on it when i traded it at 11000 kms. :ohmy:
well you have sold me Ollie. next pay day i’ll send you some money.
i’m in Deniliquin nsw 2710, where all the wannabe coy boys gather in october.:laugh:
you’ll have to PM me your details, but i’ll PM you first when i’m ready and give you the sizes then too.
i’ll be guided by you on sizes if different to what i have. or are rim sizes more important?
thanks again Ollie.
April 17, 2009 at 10:10 am #129590No worries Drew, I have a couple of Michellin cased 130’s that would suit the Kato, I will keep 1 in reserve for you,if you want a front as well it can be included with the same postage.
cheers OllieB)
April 17, 2009 at 10:58 am #129591yeah i’ll buy a pair/ set, front and rear.
thanks again Ollie.
PM you soon.
April 17, 2009 at 1:23 pm #129595….man i said “good tyres”, god damn. get a “real front” and a MX retread rear. 3500kms. i got 350kms out of my factory metzler (6 day extreme, didnt last 6 days i tell ya) i will be buyin my next rear from ollie. i just paid $139 for a rear michy M12 yesterday….that hurt so bad…new fangled 140 size rear tyres suck…(no offence intended ollie) (theyre cheaper off you than anywhere in vic ollie…delivered even!!!)
you wait XY, youll see the short lifespan….. dragonflies live longer..LOL.. (of rear knobbies in general, that is)
April 17, 2009 at 1:47 pm #129628menace wrote:
Quote:….man i said “good tyres”, god damn. get a “real front” and a MX retread rear. 3500kms. i got 350kms out of my factory metzler (6 day extreme, didnt last 6 days i tell ya) i will be buyin my next rear from ollie. i just paid $139 for a rear michy M12 yesterday….that hurt so bad…new fangled 140 size rear tyres suck…(no offence intended ollie) (theyre cheaper off you than anywhere in vic ollie…delivered even!!!)you wait XY, youll see the short lifespan….. dragonflies live longer..LOL.. (of rear knobbies in general, that is)
Menace your mad :woohoo: I dont sell them to make a living more a hobby and am happy to help out OBT.prices have gone up all over the place but I am still selling them for the same price as when I started. BTW the front retreads have a very strong following as well and rate very highly.If I didnt like em I wouldnt be selling them.
cheers mate
ollieApril 17, 2009 at 2:19 pm #129633ollie, relax bro, im serious, im gonna buy my rears from you from now on. the 300 rips tyres off like a new brides nighty.:laugh: (so im finding). i dont think its gonna matter what i put on the rear end, so the cheaper option is the better option. however the front tyre, i rest my life upon. i change the tyre at the pointy end nearly as often as i change my undies. (its not like you can turn a front tyre inside out and ride it the next day, unlike my jocks!!):huh:
f*ck mate, if the 300 used oil filters, id buy them off you too mate, all for the old bulls, and to line your pockets too., as you are an OB. (and thats what counts;)
i dont think your rippin anyone bro.
no shit, i didnt know you sold tyres till i was trawlin through the archives today.
and as you said, its a hobby, i will support you buddy.
i might come across as “mad”, but im really just as crazy as the rest, but in a different way……
peace bro….(i will spruke your goods to all and sundry:)
just cause you ride a GG, its still a 300 and its still a smoker
feel the love comrade
menace (the drunken)
April 17, 2009 at 4:08 pm #129635:laugh: :laugh: Menace I wasnt going off I was just trying to say I stand behind all the products I sell,nothing worse than getting something and feeling ripped off, The front tyres will surprise you as to what amount of grip they really do offer,once you have the pressures set right its a walk in the park.Maybe if I was a gun rider and pushing the absolute limits id notice but im not. Peace bro,long live the 2 stroke,BTW I have a KTM 300 and a 380 in the Garage and the grin factor I get from them is pretty good.
hey when are we gonna get some more songs I nearly fall off my chair laughing funny shit.
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