My new stronger better faster riding boot

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 15 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #96554

    Aidan Keough

    Just picked up my new boot this morning. it’s fantastic, really light weight and has top protection factor.

    They’re available from any physiotherapist, I chose the OBT branded one :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    But the best part is the internal reinforcing, really really strong


    and it goes really well with my new transport (which has heated grips too!!) :silly:


    Doc was really happy with progress which is great, next milestone is off the crutches in 4 or 5 weeks. and then Syd to Bris ride…


    Mick D

    That must be the fancy BMW rider one? In November when I did mine they fitted me with the el cheapo Honda rider one.

    [img size=640][/img]



    Fark! That’s a nasty break.
    And a lot of metal in there.
    You’ll be keeping them guessing at the airport with the metal detector :)



    SO you have to go back and have the plate and screws removed in due course as well then. At least you are back on your feet….foot :)


    Eric Smith

    I think I’ll wait for a long-term report on these boots before I go out and invest in one! :laugh:



    Yeah I am with ECKS on this one, I would like to see the long term benefits of these new boots, I am an old fashioned guy and will probably go to great lengths to not use one of those.
    Great to here you are doing so well buddy :)


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