My Scrapheap build begins

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This topic contains 57 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Finally, an update on the FZwhy. I Cut out all of the suspension mounts in the FZR to make way for the TM250 suspension. A whole lot of measuring and head scratching ensued. I Had to keep all of the geometry in place so the suspension works properly, had to keep sprockets aligned while allowing for chain clearance. Also had to keep room for the battery and try to leave as much room as possible for a fuel tank. Trying to do all that and build in a lot of strength left me scratching my head for two weeks. I think the final product will fit the bill ok, I will only loose about five litres in the fuel tank, and the suspension works nice and smoothly, and everything lines up just as it did on the TM250. There is heaps of work to do, but progress should speed up now that the engineering is finished.





    daniel lewis

    the craziest thing ive ever seen I hope you give me a ride on it (dan at tnt)



    Almost finished now, not! I’m hoping to finish welding it up today.

    rameses32 wrote:
    Finally, an update on the FZwhy. I Cut out all of the suspension mounts in the FZR to make way for the TM250 suspension. A whole lot of measuring and head scratching ensued. I Had to keep all of the geometry in place so the suspension works properly, had to keep sprockets aligned while allowing for chain clearance. Also had to keep room for the battery and try to leave as much room as possible for a fuel tank. Trying to do all that and build in a lot of strength left me scratching my head for two weeks. I think the final product will fit the bill ok, I will only loose about five litres in the fuel tank, and the suspension works nice and smoothly, and everything lines up just as it did on the TM250. There is heaps of work to do, but progress should speed up now that the engineering is finished.




    That things insane. I can see you now working away in the shed like a mad scientist, Bwahahaha. I like it!


    Nick Dole

    Got some swingarm angle going on there. How close are you to the TM angle? Will the chain pull over the guides be OK?
    Love the build, very good. you will be a tap dancer on the gear change to keep it in the power but that adds to the fun


    Teknik wrote:
    Got some swingarm angle going on there. How close are you to the TM angle? Will the chain pull over the guides be OK?
    Love the build, very good. you will be a tap dancer on the gear change to keep it in the power but that adds to the fun

    The chain should just touch the front of the swing arm with the bike unloaded, a 57-60 tooth sprocket should help with clearance as well as improving the woeful low end torque this bike has. It should bring the 180klm top speed down to about 130klm, that should be plenty with knobbies in dirt,lol:) should sound pretty wild, 4 cylinder, 16 valves, flying through the forest at 17,000 rpm.



    Had to cut out the frame to clear the Ohlin rear shock.




    Weld weld weld.



    Been workin my tail off on the FZwhy, most importantly I added a bit of go fast colour to the Yamaha frame:) I lubed what was left of the the needle bearings in the rear suspension, turned out all of the spacers and bushes needed to retrofit all of the TM parts to the FZR. Installed the front and rear suspension and even mounted the new front tyre. Tomorrow I will anneal the rear wheel so I can hammer out some dents, and then I can mount the new rear tyre, I’ll also shop around and find the largest 428 sprocket I can so I can cut the centre out of it and weld it to a new centre I’ll turn out on the lathe to match the rear wheel. I’m having a ball with this project, I can’t wait to ride it, it should be as dangerous to ride as it looks, but then, I am a bike slut, I’ll ride anything with two wheels, and on occasion, one wheel:) I’m looking for a new front FZR250 sprocket, a straight set of low rise handlebars, a new 428 chain, and four FZR250 carby rebuild kits, just incase anyone has any of that just laying around in their spare parts pile:)





    Looks good the last pic a hint to bring those tyre levers around.
    Guessing you cut the old one off.


    toes wrote:
    Looks good the last pic a hint to bring those tyre levers around.
    Guessing you cut the old one off.

    It took me 15 minutes with two little screw drivers, I wouldn’t know how to use tyre levers, I’ve always done it with screwdrivers, the front tyre was even easier. That hardest part about the rear tyre was figuring out the bead locks:)


    Mick D

    It was a good afternoon hanging in the shed with you while you worked on the beast Saturday arvo. It was a different situation, with me sitting on my arse drinking beer while someone else worked on a bike. Thanks Toes for kidnapping me.

    Glad I was there to witness the random moment of Kram just cruising past on a PW80. The things you see in Bago!!



    I just ran into a major hurdle, I need a 75-80 tooth 428 sprocket, don’t care what it fits as long as it is steel, the custom sprocket boys only make 500 series sprockets, I can’t find anyone that makes custom 428 sprockets . I can get a 57 tooth, but I don’t need the 220kph that would give me,lol


    make one



    The good ole XR 500 is getting a led light bar its good to go again. We have had our first meeting about the route but I can’t remember what we came up with.bloody beer. :huh:

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