My Scrapheap build begins

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This topic contains 57 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    micknmeld wrote:
    It was a different situation, with me sitting on my arse drinking beer while someone else worked on a bike.

    Bullshit :laugh: need a list :P I can remember two nights :laugh: :laugh:

    Great thread this, awesome to follow it. You are a clever man Charlie, well as clever as a guy that rides a bike with one wheel :pinch: :ohmy: :laugh: or maybe that is clever :whistle:

    Calm down Mick only stirring you, dont drink any petrol, I dont want you starting :laugh: :laugh:



    TrailBoss wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    It was a different situation, with me sitting on my arse drinking beer while someone else worked on a bike.

    Bullshit :laugh: need a list :P I can remember two nights :laugh: :laugh:

    Great thread this, awesome to follow it. You are a clever man Charlie, well as clever as a guy that rides a bike with one wheel :pinch: :ohmy: :laugh: or maybe that is clever :whistle:

    Calm down Mick only stirring you, dont drink any petrol, I dont want you starting :laugh: :laugh:


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: too funny:)



    Hows the sprocket going.
    after a bit of research,expensive option ,buy a TM.steel sprocket and a FZR and mate them,
    They make a 57 tooth rear for them. that’s one way to get round the problem.
    the odd size front sprocket does not help.


    toes wrote:
    Hows the sprocket going.
    after a bit of research,expensive option ,buy a TM.steel sprocket and a FZR and mate them,
    They make a 57 tooth rear for them. that’s one way to get round the problem.
    the odd size front sprocket does not help.

    They make a 520 front sprocket for the FZR and I can get a 65 tooth 520 rear sprocket made to fit the wheel, in Victoria, problem is it is $159 , ouch!



    Small step closer, has an engine now:)



    Yamaha adventure touring:) 50% finished , 97% unfinished.




    Dwayne O

    You have done an outstanding job Charlie !!!
    Well done mate and I hope you have a blast on the , you should gather plenty of admirers (well the bike should anyway) :laugh: :P


    That’s the Tenere that Yamaha should have built :)



    I am really loving this build Charlie

    It looks so ‘Right’



    I’m going make an early call and say this could win best build :woohoo:
    It’s definitely got my vote.




    Well, the FZwhy lives again. It runs, for the first time in over three years. I spent over an hour cranking it over, desperately trying to get it to start without removing the carbies, while Mick sat there, drinking beer, leg in a cast, giggling at my futility. Finally I gave in to the inevitable conclusion that mick was correct, I had no choice, the carbies had to come off. After removing the bowls I found that the idle jets were plugged, the main jets were plugged, the in between jets were plugged, the up jets were plugged, the down jets were plugged, the New York Jets were plugged, hell, even the Sharks were plugged (let’s see who gets that reference) what I’m getting at is that everything was plugged solid, but with a couple wires from a wire brush, an oxy tip cleaning set, and three hours of poking holes, the carbies were back on and the bike fired right up.




    Mick D

    I love being right, it doesn’t happen all that often, so I make the most of it when it does! :woohoo:

    The funny smell the bike was making that smelt like turps, was a dead give away that there was old fuel residue blocking the carbs. I have smelt that before when I was trying to sort out the Buell.

    Anyhow, it was a fun evening in your shed,(not getting much shed time of late).

    The little beast sounds awesome!! Kinda looking forward to having a ride on it!



    Yeh! nice one,It sure is a sweet sound when they fire into life after all the hard work. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    Cheers Teza.



    Spent the whole day on the scrapper. Getting close now, brakes are done, fairing mounts are all done. Only things left are front guard mount, left rear set mount, sprockets, chain, battery, and a straight set of low rise bars. I lowered the rear suspension a bit, but after planting my fat ass in the pilot seat I think I will raise it back up. Can’t wait to test ride this thing.


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