Nabiac Museum ADV Ride Weekend 5th/6th Feb 2011

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This topic contains 242 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dwayne O 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    Dwayne O

    I went back to the Nabiac Museum yesterday with some guys from work for an RDO ride ;)
    Was going to do a solo cruise thru the Wattos & out to Laguna, but the prospect of some other blokes to ride with was alright too (although they were on 4 Harleys & a Triumph) :whistle: :laugh:

    The 690 hauled ass up the highway no worries at the rear of the procession, one Harley had an inpromptu lydown on the corner to the Buladelah Pub :unsure: (legs too short was the excuse) :silly: No damage done,,,

    The reason I was posting this up was that the guy from the Museum was proud as punch to show off the 1914 Militaire wooden spoked wheels & all B)
    Apparently the insurance companies approached were not willing to set a value & told old mate to name his own price :blink:
    He also commented on what a great weekend we had (apart from the cabins cross the road) :whistle: and we are welcome back for more Nabiac hospitality anytime,,,,

    It was a wind blast in the face on the way home after lunch (need a dual sport helmet real soon)



    Any ride is better than being at home :) Beags was there any dirt involved?

    Will go back there one day, really it’s not about the destination but the journey ;) Or the piss up we old bulls have when we get to the destination :laugh:



    Dwayne O
    Trailboss wrote:
    Any ride is better than being at home :) Beags was there any dirt involved?

    Will go back there one day, really it’s not about the destination but the journey ;) Or the piss up we old bulls have when we get to the destination :laugh:


    No sadly, no time for any dirt :S
    I had limited time for the day & had to get back to get Ash (Chris called me also with a parcel to drop off) So I came back on the tar,,,

    I was almost going to come back via the Ferry at Bombah Pt, maybe I should have done that, there is some dirt that way :) Next time maybe

    Too right about the piss ups :laugh: Makes any trip worthwile (even the 45 degree days) :woohoo: That Nabiac Run was a scorcher,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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