Neck Brace and Scala

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  pete 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    I am interested in seeing if anyone wears a neck brace and uses a scala (or similar coms unit) and how they get the combination to work properly.
    I have tried fitting a few neck braces and ended up getting an Omega one at the birthday auction, every combination i have tried i get the same problem of the scala hitting the neck brace.
    Does anyone else have this problem or have solved this problem ? Or is it a case of ” sorry, your neck is too short and your head is too fat, deal with it “




    What does Crash do? Speak to him?


    Dwayne O

    Might need to find a way to mount the Scala further up from the bottom of the helmet mate ???
    It could cause more damage, besides restricting the already restricted movement you will have from the brace …..

    I was thinking the same thing a few weeks ago when looking at neck braces :whistle:

    Knee braces have taken priority this week now though :laugh:


    Amy Harburg

    Hi Pete,

    I have a neck brace and a Scala and unfortunately what you say is true they don’t work brilliantly together.
    I have just gotten use to it and for the safety of the neck brace and having the Scala I just put up with it. For me it’s not too bad, but it did take a bit of getting use to.

    Like I always say, it’s not as bad as getting use to wearing a bra. I’m sure if we strap one of them to you, you will soon forget about the neck brace/Scala issue. 😆 😆

    I might have a slightly longer or skinnier neck than you which might make the difference for being able to wear it. After all I would never part with either………imagine a ride with you and TB where we were not able to talk the amount of sh%t we do. Actually, now I come to think of it………..
    Only Jok’in.

    Sorry I don’t have the answer, just random comments, but hope it helps.

    My suggestion is to buy a bra……..make sure it’s sport bra with lots of uncomfortable underwire and makes you feel like you are wearing “Zene Princes Warrior’s” metal chest piece. Then fill it with a couple of oranges so it’s a full D cup and wear it for a few days…….trust me you will forget about the other problem. 😆 😆 😆


    Flying Fish



    Thanks Amy but I’m only just getting used to the bra i have on now :ohmy:

    I think i have a short neck which unfortunately might mean i have to forfeit one or the other, don’t worry mate the scala will stay, cant keep all that crap that goes on in my head all to myself, thats enough to send a man insane :laugh: :laugh:



    Nick Jackson

    Invent a wireless remote mount scala unit mate , problem solved plus you’ll be rich ;)

    Not such a silly idea really !!




    Bloody good idea i reckon Nick, i think you might be onto something there B) B) B)



    Ace wrote:
    What does Crash do? Speak to him?

    Like Amy and Dejay he just puts up with it, gets on with the job (one job :laugh: ) and gets on with it without whinging :P

    After talking on the phone tonight Pete I think you have no neck like me :laugh: :whistle: :pinch: and that’s why it’s worse with the scala for you. Try making sure the brace is adjusted right now you have the instructions ;)




    If its the microphone getting in the way there is a product company “u-clear ” I think mcloeds import it same as the us military spec ear piece mic, works off vibration in the ear some how have used it on a road bike works pretty good. Still has an outside transmitter unit same as scala but that can be mounted higher I’m guessing with some ingenuity.

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