Hi Pete,
I have a neck brace and a Scala and unfortunately what you say is true they don’t work brilliantly together.
I have just gotten use to it and for the safety of the neck brace and having the Scala I just put up with it. For me it’s not too bad, but it did take a bit of getting use to.
Like I always say, it’s not as bad as getting use to wearing a bra. I’m sure if we strap one of them to you, you will soon forget about the neck brace/Scala issue. 😆 😆
I might have a slightly longer or skinnier neck than you which might make the difference for being able to wear it. After all I would never part with either………imagine a ride with you and TB where we were not able to talk the amount of sh%t we do. Actually, now I come to think of it………..
Only Jok’in.
Sorry I don’t have the answer, just random comments, but hope it helps.
My suggestion is to buy a bra……..make sure it’s sport bra with lots of uncomfortable underwire and makes you feel like you are wearing “Zene Princes Warrior’s” metal chest piece. Then fill it with a couple of oranges so it’s a full D cup and wear it for a few days…….trust me you will forget about the other problem. 😆 😆 😆
Flying Fish