Never give up and keep it pinned

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 16 years, 8 months ago.

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    Mick D

    Video I shot on the weekend that shows never give up and keep it pinned no matter how bad things look.
    It was in my son’s 85cc race. Connor is in 3rd place in the video on his KX< but just watch the kid in front on the CR!!!!
    It is only 12 seconds of video, so it takes no time at all to download and is funny as and worth the effort.



    That is gold Mick, he was waving to the crowd but using his legs lol funny as !


    Mick D

    The funny part is he only lost one place and there was a heap of kids bearing down on him from behind!!!



    Mick thats young ***** Norman doing the Huck-a-Buck


    Mick D

    Yeah I knew who it was, It was funny as though, I did well not to laugh while I was filming it.
    He has done a few of your motocross schools hasn’t he? Did you teach him that trick??

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