New boots

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    Ive got those moulded sole O’Neal boots, have had them over a year, kick started my beast many times (no more now I went lithium) theyre still good as gold..If I were you Id contact the manufacturer and ask for an explanation and replacement…



    If I bought those boots locally I’d expect an exchange set no questions asked.
    I scored AStars Tech7 boots so cheap I can buy 3 sets for the price for some of the ones above….



    Old ones are Pro2, thats the pair i was talking about. My new ones are pro2.1 only done a half a dozen rides on them ;-) nice boots btw


    I kinda got my mind set on either the sidi or the gaerne’s.
    If I’m honest with myself the boots I got I’ve never felt comfy in at all and although I wouldn’t expect them to fail so quickly regardless how much I payed ( a coupla hundred is still a lot of money to me any way) I’m gonna get a good pair that I can maintain and hopefully keep. My red wings are testament to that 400 dollar boots and the only ones I’ve ever bought, been re soled a coupla times but still with me.
    When I pick the new ones up ill take the oneal back in to where I got them from and see how we go.

    It would be nice to be able to walk in a set of boots and the way I ride it could be a coupla miles :)


    All this boot talk got me thinking…… :unsure: So there I was in at Sutto’s today to pick up some parts for a mate and I just happened to have a look at the Boots…….. :dry: as mine are an old Pair of Alpine Star Tech 6’s (10yrs + I reckon) which have been great.
    Anyway I bloody well ended up walking out with a Pair of Gaerne SG10’s :S :whistle: :woohoo: I think……. They felt great on eh ;)

    Left B)


    Dwayne O
    Lefty wrote:
    All this boot talk got me thinking…… :unsure: So there I was in at Sutto’s today to pick up some parts for a mate and I just happened to have a look at the Boots…….. :dry: as mine are an old Pair of Alpine Star Tech 6’s (10yrs + I reckon) which have been great.
    Anyway I bloody well ended up walking out with a Pair of Gaerne SG10’s :S :whistle: :woohoo: I think……. They felt great on eh ;)

    Left B)

    Stung again in the pocket Lefty (by yourself mate) :laugh:

    Money only burns holes in them anyway ;)

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Lefty wrote:
    All this boot talk got me thinking…… :unsure: So there I was in at Sutto’s today to pick up some parts for a mate and I just happened to have a look at the Boots…….. :dry: as mine are an old Pair of Alpine Star Tech 6’s (10yrs + I reckon) which have been great.
    Anyway I bloody well ended up walking out with a Pair of Gaerne SG10’s :S :whistle: :woohoo: I think……. They felt great on eh ;)

    Left B)

    Stung again in the pocket Lefty (by yourself mate) :laugh:

    Money only burns holes in them anyway ;)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yeah Eags…….. I need to leave the bloody CC behind and just run in and run out eh!! ;)


    Dwayne O

    That might work mate !!

    I doubt it though :P

    Back on topic,
    I have been extremely happy with my TCX Pro`s.
    As already mentioned, real comfy from new, great support and protection for the feet and ankle area ;)

    Pity mine was already stuffed from cheap boots :pinch:


    xr torcher

    lefty i have had sg10s for 3 years and cant fault them


    That’s funny lefty
    Cos it’s the 10’s I’m sorta leaning towards

    I got mine back from miller Scott’s today and he has done an Awsome job on the repair. He ended stitching and gluing it so ill see if it gives me a couple of days riding.
    I might come home the coast and call in to Sutto’s on the way.
    Recon if I get a black pair the boss won’t be nun the wiser :)


    ——h—— wrote:
    My red wings are testament to that 400 dollar boots and the only ones I’ve ever bought, been re soled a coupla times but still with me.

    Mmmm miss my red wings


    They are a pair of boots H


    ——h—— wrote:
    Recon if I get a black pair the boss won’t be nun the wiser :)

    Now ya talkin :laugh: :laugh: B)


    Trailboss wrote:
    ——h—— wrote:
    My red wings are testament to that 400 dollar boots and the only ones I’ve ever bought, been re soled a coupla times but still with me.

    Mmmm miss my red wings


    They are a pair of boots H


    Do they make them for men ?



    pete the wulf wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    ——h—— wrote:
    My red wings are testament to that 400 dollar boots and the only ones I’ve ever bought, been re soled a coupla times but still with me.

    Mmmm miss my red wings


    They are a pair of boots H


    Do they make them for men ?


    Yeah we wear them I understand you asking but :laugh: :laugh:



    Yes they are real boots TB


    If they arnt for men they should be lol

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