New car in the drive.

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  • #96630

    Mick D

    My brownie points should be at a good level today, as I just bought the Missus a new car to replace the busted arse Festiva she had and to take the heat off over the new BRP in the shed.
    So we are now a 2 Nissan family,I got her a Nissan Tiida,1.8 litre EFI,6 speed rocket. She looked a very happy girl when she picked it up.Trouble is now she wants to park it in the shed!!!



    micknmeld wrote:

    My brownie points should be at a good level today, as I just bought the Missus a new car to replace the busted arse Festiva she had and to take the heat off over the new BRP in the shed.
    So we are now a 2 Nissan family,I got her a Nissan Tiida,1.8 litre EFI,6 speed rocket. She looked a very happy girl when she picked it up.Trouble is now she wants to park it in the shed!!!

    Your your own worst enemy….
    tell her you need a bigger shed



    Tell her she can park the car in the shed but the BRP gets the loungeroom!!!


    Mick D

    That was my exact approach and she has agreed I can build a double car port off the front of the shed. Looks like I will have to sell my boat to afford it.:(



    micknmeld wrote:

    That was my exact approach and she has agreed I can build a double car port off the front of the shed. Looks like I will have to sell my boat to afford it.:(

    noooooooo go back into negotiations the boat has to stay….



    I agree with Boony the Banana Man, go back to the negotiation table, she just got a new car , surely the boat has some value and security in your collection now:)


    Bruce Curtis

    Boat Smoat, ditch the boat and do the carport man! boas are for Old Blokes with nothing better to do than go fishing or Yarting around the bay, you Mick are a Man in the prime of his life seeking adrenaline and adventure on land where sharks don’t venture.




    Mr Blue wrote:

    Boat Smoat, ditch the boat and do the carport man! boas are for Old Blokes with nothing better to do than go fishing or Yarting around the bay, you Mick are a Man in the prime of his life seeking adrenaline and adventure on land where sharks don’t venture.


    Cant swim Blue???



    Good work Mick. Get her drunk and make her sign an agreement you type up. Works for me…..


    Mick D

    Mr Blue wrote:

    Boat Smoat, ditch the boat and do the carport man! boas are for Old Blokes with nothing better to do than go fishing or Yarting around the bay, you Mick are a Man in the prime of his life seeking adrenaline and adventure on land where sharks don’t venture.


    It is quite a handy vessel for catching mud crabs which I am rather partial to a feed of.



    Moto wrote:

    Good work Mick. Get her drunk and make her sign an agreement you type up. Works for me…..

    Bugger the boat if she is drunk enough to sign stuff, get her to sign for the good stuff. You all know what I mean.:P :P :P :P



    Mr Blue wrote:

    Boat Smoat, ditch the boat and do the carport man! boas are for Old Blokes with nothing better to do than go fishing or Yarting around the bay, you Mick are a Man in the prime of his life seeking adrenaline and adventure on land where sharks don’t venture.


    Blue what are you on mate..
    we keep the boat ,even if we don`t use the bl&^dy thing and we negotiate for more big boys toys if she wants to use his shed to put his new car that she is allowed to drive.

    The end:ohmy:



    I hired an auto tiida a couple of months ago and it was a good car even if it did look like a pope mobile!


    How did you buying her a new car get turned around into you selling ya boat?

    If thats browny points ya can keep em!



    Scotty wrote:

    How did you buying her a new car get turned around into you selling ya boat?

    If thats browny points ya can keep em!

    Yeah I am thinking the same Scotty, she bought the car she should have thought about where she was going to park it knowing full well all along it wouldnt fit in the shed and would never be going in there anyway..


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