New car in the drive.

This topic contains 26 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Paul 15 years, 9 months ago.

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    Peter W

    Mick,take a look at the size of Bulls shed and he can only just get the Missus’s car in!
    I think you know what you have to do! Keep building more shed mate.
    You can never have enough shedspace ;)


    Mick D

    P-Dub wrote:

    Mick,take a look at the size of Bulls shed and he can only just get the Missus’s car in!
    I think you know what you have to do! Keep building more shed mate.
    You can never have enough shedspace ;)

    Bill’s shed is my dream shed.


    Peter W

    micknmeld wrote:

    P-Dub wrote:

    Mick,take a look at the size of Bulls shed and he can only just get the Missus’s car in!
    I think you know what you have to do! Keep building more shed mate.
    You can never have enough shedspace ;)

    Bill’s shed is my dream shed.

    Mine too mate.I may have considered living in it at one stage B)



    Good buy Mick as I said to you yesterday the father inlaw has had a Tida for 3 years & loves it just need to put the bowling hat on the parcle shelf:P

    ps. if I keep hurting myself on my bike I may be looking at living in Bulls shed:laugh:



    if puddles keeps falling off its the bike or the family maybe Dave will be able to help him, i say ditch the boat go the car port or you could live at bills with Puds

    Signed the interfering Mrs Puddles



    Regroup gentlemen the boat needs to stay and mick needs a bigger shed,, lets focus here , keep your eye on the ball,, boys



    Moto wrote:

    Good work Mick. Get her drunk and make her sign an agreement you type up. Works for me…..

    So that’s were I’ve been going wrong and Kylie so right:angry:



    Boony wrote:

    Regroup gentlemen the boat needs to stay and mick needs a bigger shed,, lets focus here , keep your eye on the ball,, boys

    i agree with the boon here:blink:



    Mick needs to extent cos the boat is too good an asset to live out side in the elements. and depreciate, and after aforementioned extension, IF, if the boat has to go maybe for a bigger version for all his new crab loving pals to fit aboard. the shed is already there .

    and after negotiating for the bigger vessel there is less negotiation needs entering into for a small extension to cover the newer boat rather than a whole bigger shed down the track.;)

    makes sense to me anyway:blink:


    john morgan

    what are you thinkin???
    never give up a toy unless it is being replaced with a newer,better toy.Even then think about it. Once a toy ia gone , rarely is it replaced..
    talk to your workbuddies,bloke at the pub, they will tell you the same thing.

    get a bigger adds value to your home..nice line there.
    also , with sheds, if you pick out one that you think is big enough, get the next size up..plan for the future..more room for more toys..
    Randbuild do interest free loans on sheds at the moment…


    P.S- get a big shed as you may have to sleep in it .:laugh:


    Mick D

    MY shed is only 2 years old as it is. At 60 square meters it is a big as the council would let me build in town.
    So I can only put a double carport off the front of it now and that’ll pretty well fill up what is left of what was a 450 sq meter back yard.


    Nick Again

    Well then Mick, looks like you have a problem. time to buy a BIGGER HOME?…LOl…(with a huge shed already in place.)



    Husky610 wrote:

    time to buy a BIGGER HOME?…LOl…(with a huge shed already in place.)

    But be carefull, huge sheds are often called barns, she might want a horse or something, then what?

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