New leaf turned for Tee ‘n’ Cee Signs

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    Below is a copy of the e mail sent to me from Craig regarding the change of ownership? I have since been into the shop and met Rob and James and the guys are good value and keen to keep the same relationship with OBT and its members that we enjoy now. The guys made stickers for Coffs Harbour as they have for rides in the past and charged us nix ;)

    They has been pieces written on the site about the quality of Tee N Cee graphics in the past and I still say from my experience they are first class (my side cover stickers are nearly 4 years old now and haven’t peeled or faded)

    The offer an Old Bull discount still so give the guys a call for any sticker needs and barter a price :laugh:

    I am sure we all wish the guys all the best in the future


    Below the e mail

    New leaf turned for Tee ‘n’ Cee

    As Tee ‘n’ Cee Signs crests it’s 25th year of business, new owners have injected a breath of fresh air into the company.

    With a long history as one of the leading motocross graphics and signage companies in Australia etched into the record books, Tee ’n’ Cee will turn a new leaf with new owners jumping into the drivers seat. Previous owners Craig Bernard (Cee) and Tim Dimond (Tee) first established the company in 1986 as fully qualified sign writers and soon expanded their business.

    In 1991, Tee ‘n’ Cee took their sign expertise to motocross bikes creating race numbers and graphics as well as specialised motocross signage.

    Although new owners Rob Derksen and James Thomas are yet to tackle the art of motocross graphics, they share over 15 years of sign experience and are thick in the motocross industry. “We are very excited to be at the helm at Tee ‘n’ Cee and hope to learn a lot from Craig and Tim and take the ball and run with it” Said Rob. “The business has been very successful over the last 25 years and we hope with some fresh ideas and a re-energised approach we can continue the trend that Craig and Tim have set with our own spin on it.”

    Craig and Tim are excited to see where their business will head with the new owners taking control. “Although I will stay working at Tee ‘n’ Cee for the moment, myself and Tim are looking forward to seeing how Rob and James can take what we started and continue the Tee ‘n‘ Cee name and tradition – hopefully have lots of fun doing it too!”

    Tee ‘n’ Cee Signs will also have a revised company name from here on out. The company will now be known as Tee ’n’ Cee Grafix.

    The Tee ‘n’ Cee website, is currently under plans for a full-rebuild meanwhile, Tee ‘n’ Cee can be contacted on (02) 47 312011 and

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