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This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  David 16 years ago.

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  • #96024


    Just joined up & thought I’d say g-day.
    Been riding for a few years now & currently have a ktm 530.
    I usually ride in the watties with lotsa & GavB although I have ridden
    with you guys once b4 on the singles around the pines.
    Thats about all folks
    Tryhard (joe)


    Dwayne O

    Excellent work Joe, Welcome to OBT mate
    Pleased that Gav got ya onboard;)
    Now get ya name on the Denman ride, TB is waiting to hear back from me about you & Lotsa.
    It will be a good day.

    Cheers Eagle



    welcome to oldbulls like your choice of bike i ride a 530 to i think a fair few old bulls ride around that area



    I have other comitments on that day which I am trying to get out of.
    A soon as I do I will be there.Sounds like to good a ride to miss.
    Your right Gavb & Lotsa have been at me about joining for a while..
    Finally did it.


    Dwayne O

    tryhard wrote:

    I have other comitments on that day which I am trying to get out of.
    A soon as I do I will be there.Sounds like to good a ride to miss.
    Your right Gavb & Lotsa have been at me about joining for a while..
    Finally did it.

    No Worries mate,
    Work on it man, will be good to have you three along together;)
    Keep us posted if ya can get there,,,



    Welcome to OBT tryhard, see you on a ride soon as I ride in the Watties too :)



    Welcome my orange brother, we grow stronger by the day, see you on a ride one day:)

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