New singles,hills & Bingles !

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This topic contains 26 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    that was great mad stack at the end ouch



    Looks like a top day of riding was had by all,great vid there Nick,,love the the final comentery , “that was f#ckn masiv” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Hope the hand is OK.
    Cheers Teza.


    Alan Heather
    micknmeld wrote:
    Great Video Nick.Some nice looking trails up that way mate! That hill looks like a tricky bastard! I was surprised how well the little CRF lugged up it!

    mick the little crf,s are incredible on hills ;)


    simon burke

    Cool report Nick ;)

    i hope the wrist you hurt was not your “writing hand” :P
    Bol :woohoo:


    Nick Jackson
    KING BOLLOCKS wrote:
    Cool report Nick ;)

    i hope the wrist you hurt was not your “writing hand” :P
    Bol :woohoo:

    Lucky for me Bol I can “write” with both ;) :P



    Great looking ride fella’s
    That waterfall definately deserved a swim
    Nick, that off happened bloody quick, as they do at speed.
    Hope your alright
    The other stack was good to get on “film”. Now thats a saying that will not be heard much anymore.
    Looked like it was at a more gentle pace and hope he is OK too
    P.S. Good job with the editing
    I used to do a bit of that but it was with a digi video camera and the program I used to use doesn’t work with the Go-Pro gear


    Good work nick nice video mate. ;)
    I am surprised the wife let you out to play so close to your weekend away!! :laugh: :laugh:
    Hope your hands ok. B)


    Mike Wyeth

    Yes nothing wrong with editing there Nick, video looked great ;) as did the ride.

    As everyone else has said that was a big off :pinch: :pinch:

    Take it easy mate, got some good riding lined up for you up here ;) ;) so need you in peak condition :laugh:


    Hows the wrists mate…
    Make sure there right for mikes ride..
    not long now..Carnt wait.. ;)



    Nick Jackson

    Strapped but ok , be good for Mikes , no worries !!

    Bring on Noosa , can’t wait either !!



    Mike Wyeth
    Nickj wrote:
    Strapped but ok , be good for Mikes , no worries !!

    Bring on Noosa , can’t wait either !!


    If nothing changes you better bring some dust masks :blush: :blush: I’m praying for rain :unsure: :unsure:


    Nick Jackson
    mike wrote:
    Nickj wrote:
    Strapped but ok , be good for Mikes , no worries !!

    Bring on Noosa , can’t wait either !!


    If nothing changes you better bring some dust masks :blush: :blush: I’m praying for rain :unsure: :unsure:

    Dust , rain I don’t care mate , it’s a ride in new terrain so it can’t be bad :)


Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)

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