New to me Crf 450x 06

Home Forums Your Garage New to me Crf 450x 06

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    Rob400 wrote:
    Nice one mate

    hang on tight

    We better look out now rob…. :woohoo: :woohoo:
    well done mate..



    Nick Jackson

    1st job is to strip it right down, do a valve check , replace -chain and sprockets , all bearings , service the forks and shock , new rubber , brake pads , brake fluid and coolant then…….

    ride as hard as I dare :woohoo:



    Nice, I recon the 250 club is in peril. Can’t help notice most who bought 250 4t’s were looking for upgrades for more power, ie, cams, big bore kits and the like. That being said the 250s are fast in the tight stuff. Great if ya race I guess. The way I see it fast bikes for racing, powerful bikes for fun. :woohoo:

    Trailboss wrote:
    If a 250 was really that much faster why do dudes win on 450s not 250s


    Two words, Daniel Milner? :whistle:


    Scotty wrote:
    Two words, Daniel Milner? :whistle:

    You are kidding arent you? I am a huge Daniel fan but really :blink:

    Dont want to take Nicks thread to far of track but go and read the results for the last say 4 years world wide ;)

    Sorry Jacko back on track, I shouldnt havent posted the bait earlier :laugh:



    Nick Jackson
    Scotty wrote:
    Nice, I recon the 250 club is in peril. Can’t help notice most who bought 250 4t’s were looking for upgrades for more power, ie, cams, big bore kits and the like. That being said the 250s are fast in the tight stuff. Great if ya race I guess. The way I see it fast bikes for racing, powerful bikes for fun. :woohoo:

    Trailboss wrote:
    If a 250 was really that much faster why do dudes win on 450s not 250s


    Two words, Daniel Milner? :whistle:

    Funny you should say that Scotty, I bought the 450 to set up to do a couple of things one being a few pony express races where the extra power may help but for the fact I have an easier and more achievable ( for me ) maintenance schedule …

    But I really like my 250 for the tight technical riding where , unless a gearing change makes a lot of difference , ‘THIS’ 450 didn’t suit me :)


    Trailboss wrote:
    Scotty wrote:
    Two words, Daniel Milner? :whistle:

    You are kidding arent you? I am a huge Daniel fan but really :blink:

    Dont want to take Nicks thread to far of track but go and read the results for the last say 4 years world wide ;)

    Sorry Jacko back on track, I shouldnt havent posted the bait earlier :laugh:


    Like shooting fish in a barrel. :laugh: :laugh:

    Nick I looked at a couple of Crf450s before I bought the WR, mainly cause I think the CRF are a horny looking bike but I couldn’t find a good one in the price range I was looking for. I still have one bloke from down he coast messaging me with weird shit after I didn’t buy his bike. Lesson learnt, never give out mobile number. :pinch:


    Matt Baker

    Nice work Nicolas!

    Is that the one that has been at your place for a while with the nice front forks?

    250 for trail ride and 450 for racing????? It should be the other way around. ;)


    simon burke

    Nick :cheer:
    I knew you had a secret boner riding behind me the otherday :P
    here’s me thinking it was me…and the whole time it was my bike you were eyeing off
    :cheer: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :P
    Welcome to the crf 450 club mate ;)
    It’s very exclusive B)
    Bol :woohoo:


    Good work nick!!! ;)


    Nice buy Jacko. An absolute steal for the price you got it.




    Nice one Nick. Will good to see you go past me at Nundle flapping around off the back of it. From memory they have massive amounts of grunt. Way to much for me.


    Finally Jacko you can start having fun. :laugh: :laugh:

    But on a serious note well done on growing a set of nuts and moving up from the mountain bikes




    Looks Good Nick B) I did enjoy riding the CRF4fitty loaner when I had it for a couple of weekends. (biggest issue I found was that I was always looking for another gear ) other than that it was a good thing to ride. The CRF’s are going pretty cheap atm. One near here going for under $4k



    Nick Jackson
    LC4skin wrote:
    Nice work Nicolas!

    Is that the one that has been at your place for a while with the nice front forks?

    250 for trail ride and 450 for racing????? It should be the other way around. ;)

    Yes mate it’s a bike I’ve been fitting a wiring loom too for a friend and the forks are sensational !! They should be too they are built by Precision Concepts USA for one of Johnny Campbell’s race bike B)

    As for racing and trail riding , at theTransmoto the 250 spent a lot of time hitting the rev limiter on the faster sections and especially the grass track so I thought the 450 would be better suited to that type of racing !! Not that I’m getting too serious ( natural talent prevents that :D ) but a few pony expresses would be fun :)




    Sweet aquisition Nick, ” he who dies with the most toys wins”

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