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  • #220796

    Amy Harburg

    Hi Alyssa,

    Welcome, I’m a newby myself ( thanks for Welcome on my Newby thread).

    I can’t believe this, I have been looking for other girls to ride with for a while, and since joining this site last week I now know 2 serious girls to ride with.

    I gotta say that from Katgirl’s post it sounds like you two don’t mess around! 11hours from start to finish – sheesh! :ohmy: That’s a big day of riding. I can’t wait to get among the mix.

    I have a WR250R, but seem to spend most of my time on my 800GS. So I really need time on the WR and more single track or more technical riding (i.e. snotty hills and erosion gullies). I think if I can get out with you and Kat I should be get that experience and be in good hands (bring on the pain :silly: ).

    I live just down the road at Singleton. Every time I pass through Kurri I look longingly at the mountains around that area. I look forward to checking out your local trails one day. What are you (and Kat if she’s avaliable) doing on the 12th May?

    Cheers Amy



    Hey amy
    Singo, thats great thats not far at all
    12th may looks good
    Yep the sunday ride was a long ride considering i usually only go for a couple of hours
    But kat and the guys were awesome
    Would be great to get out for a ride, more time on the bike the better

    i havent been brave enough to tackle those hills you see around kurri,
    some of them, a goat would struggle to get up
    But hey a couple of girls could conquer anything!!!
    Or atleast alot of laughing as were trying!!!
    Not bad single trails though

    Let me know what your thinking for the 12th
    Up for anything and anywhere


    Flying Fish wrote:
    Hi Alyssa,

    I have a WR250R, but seem to spend most of my time on my 800GS. So I really need time on the WR and more single track or more technical riding (i.e. snotty hills and erosion gullies). I think if I can get out with you and Kat I should be get that experience and be in good hands (bring on the pain :silly: ).

    I live just down the road at Singleton. Every time I pass through Kurri I look longingly at the mountains around that area. I look forward to checking out your local trails one day. What are you (and Kat if she’s avaliable) doing on the 12th May?

    Cheers Amy

    Hey Amy… omg… I too have a 800GS as my road bike and a little CRF230 that i use for more single, technical trail type riding to help improve my skills. The XR400 is my adventure beast that I ‘try’ to ride on long distance firetrails. The GS doesn’t get much ride time as I love the dirty experience more. So yes I have a problem needing 3 bikes to cover my riding experiences. I’ve only been riding motorbikes for 2 1/2years and I was lucky enough to find OldBulls 6mths in and OffRoadExplorer (ORE) back in Sep last year….. so steep learning curve but tremendous support from the guys and great advice when it comes to working on the bikes.

    Here is the ride report from Sunday’s ride:

    Regarding 12th May – let me think about it for a nano-second……. YES. I’ll bring the CRF230 up. Maybe Alyssa can take us on some singles up Kurri way. Be prepared for lots of laughing…. and BTW Alyssa has a wicked laugh. That works as it’s Mothers Day on Sunday and I’ve already been summoned to attend a family event.

    Lets talk closer to time.


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