Newcastle Toy run 2nd dec

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    The toy run is coming up, anyone keen ?



    I should be there Pete.


    Dwayne O

    Was a decent day last year mate,,, except it was near 38 degrees and overheating bikes in a line A DOZEN WIDE trying to get out of Stockton for 45 mins :whistle: :S

    Think I will be doing it again though, will let you know in about a week ;)

    We can run the Reindeer Antlers on the bikes or something for a laugh hey ??? My in laws used to have a Santa suit, not sure where it ended up :blink:



    Dwayne O

    You need to change your date in the heading Pete :whistle:
    It`s actually on on SUNDAY 2nd Decamber

    I thought the saturday date was a bit weird in your first post



    I will be there somewhere. Its a good cause.



    whats the toy run involve
    ? can you ride unregistered?
    but if not is there any unregistered events coming up? thanks.



    Sounds like a good day for a great cause. I will do my best to get there Pete ;)


    Dwayne O

    Rego`d vehicles only Alex, it is a ride from Stockton to Newy Foreshore to deliver toys, donations to the Salvation Army dropoff area. Many of the participants dress in XMAS cheer, decorate their bikes, take kids as pillions and strap toys to their bikes as well.
    I think there were close to 10,000 bikes last year and $75000 raised B)
    It is a national event with dates in different locations (some coincide like Newy & Port Macquarie & tamworth last year)

    Last year some of us met on the Industrial Hwy and rode in together, meeting FourtyFour on the last road into Stockton,,
    Will most likely do similar this year,, meet point & time will be announced closer to the day for those interested in tagging along as a group.



    oh wow thats awesome!! missing out on this one though :(


    Dwayne O

    Any further thoughts for this Sundays Toyrun ??? Riding in as a group ???
    I`m gonna try & grab some antlers before the weekend :laugh: Too flami` hot for a Santa suit :whistle:

    I`m thinking of getting to Stockton by 9.30 this year,,, it was jammed packed last year & we were lucky to get in just before the troops started riding off



    Im keen to meet up Eags.

    I will have to meet you there cause I’m riding down from dads.
    Getting there by 9:30 shouldn’t be a problem.



    Dwayne O

    Geez you get around Pete :laugh:
    No probs,, will see you there somewhere. I will be the 690 with Antlers on the mirrors :laugh: :laugh:

    Give us a ring & we will find you n the park somewhere



    Yeah no worries mate, i will give you a call.

    Your 690 shall now be called Prancer :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Dwayne O

    :laugh: You can wear the Santa suit then :silly:


    Dwayne O

    The bike ,, I Mean “RUDOLPH” is ready to go in the morning :laugh:
    Cleaned, shined, blinged up and a couple of passengers ready to jump on for the ride to Stockton…

    Planning on arriving there about 9am this year, last year was a torrent of machines trying to get into the park around 9.30 :whistle:

    Will tak to you when you arrive PTW and anyone else that turns up.
    I will be there with a couple of blokes from work as well .

    All for a Great cause B)

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