NEWY to WISEMANS & Back Sunday 10th July

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings NEWY to WISEMANS & Back Sunday 10th July

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    What time at Freemans Eags? I will meet you guys there



    Dwayne O

    Aiming for 7.30 at Freemans mate (early start for you) :dry:
    Kat is still keen for an overnighter if you were keen to come up Sat arvo (bring Sal with ya if you are kid free maybe) ???
    Always welcome here,,,,,

    Option is open if you need :)



    Will be on my own mate, maybe stay over will ring and chat thanks



    Ian Carr

    HI Eagle02 MAY join you and other Old Bull’s on this ride and lunch, I’ll watch this post and up- date’s. CHOOT


    Dwayne O

    No worries CHOOT,,
    Will be good to have you along if you can make it mate ;)

    Will add you to the list

    Looks like I better get some vests ready for a sweep rider, we have some good numbers now :)


    Dwayne O

    The two main pickup points are,,,
    Freeman Waterhole servo 7.30am
    The Pines 8.00am ish Ready to Ride (adjacent to the intersection on Watagan Forest RD)
    Anyone not familiar with either pm me & I can provide better details of locations if needed.

    This early start should give us plenty of time to have a gawk at a couple of the convict sites on the way for those that may wish. And plenty of time for a good lunch, some laughs and get back to Newy well before the sun sets ;)



    Dwayne O

    bump :)



    Hey Beags did Steve get hold of you this arvo mate?


    Dwayne O

    Yes thanx,,,,
    Confused he was :dry: :S :whistle: :laugh:

    All good, should have the goods tomorrow or Thursday at the latest …

    It`s gonna be a tad cool Sunday morning ;)


    Dwayne O

    Can I please ask that all thinking of coming, whether on the list or not, let me know by sat evening if you will be riding & where we are to meet you,,,
    Just so we don`t miss anyone on ther way thru on Sunday ;)

    It should be a fun day out




    Well I will be riding Saturday as well somewhere, thinking maybe Putty way somewhere, want to explore some old tracks we used to use a few years back. Also got a lead on a track in Yengo and another out of Ourimbah state forest or around the back of the Watagans. Will probably head up the central coast Friday night somewhere and leave sometime from there heading somewhere 😆 There will be a counter lunch of course and staying in Newcastle on Saturday night thanks for the offer Beags :)

    Anyone interested in a ride somewhere on Saturday as a warm up cause I haven’t ridden since last Saturday :laugh: :laugh:



    Dean Weik

    Hi Eagle,

    Mate can you tell me a little bit about the ride you have planned. Is it mostly dirt trails and roads or is there a fair bit of bitumen? I’m in Hamilton on a KTM 520 exc.


    Dwayne O

    Sure Deano,
    It is a cruisy type ADV ride, probably tar to Freemans servo, then Gav is running us thru on dirt to Mt Faulk RD, where we will be on the main trail thru the Wattagans to the Letter A.
    A short tar run over to St Albans Rd, then dirt all the way to Wisemans Ferry.
    Reverse the same route home mate.

    Its around 130k from Freemans to Wisemans I think for fuel range. (most will be fine, or carry a litre of fuel if worried)

    There may be one or two relatively new riders, so the pace will be to suit and also maybe have a look at some convict ruins on the way down too…..



    Dwayne O

    See here for the route, pretty much identical to what we will be running Sunday,,,


    Dwayne O
    Trailboss wrote:
    Well I will be riding Saturday as well somewhere, thinking maybe Putty way somewhere, want to explore some old tracks we used to use a few years back. Also got a lead on a track in Yengo and another out of Ourimbah state forest or around the back of the Watagans. Will probably head up the central coast Friday night somewhere and leave sometime from there heading somewhere 😆 There will be a counter lunch of course and staying in Newcastle on Saturday night thanks for the offer Beags :)

    Anyone interested in a ride somewhere on Saturday as a warm up cause I haven’t ridden since last Saturday :laugh: :laugh:


    No wuckers,,,
    I will be home around 1.30 -2 pm Sat (after soccer) ;)

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