Nickj’s Tenere

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This topic contains 71 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    Nick Jackson

    Finally I’m going to pick up my long awaited Tenere from Wauchope. Since the Cameron ride and spending a bit of time on TB’s I have been looking for one and thanks to Moose and Mick who were good enough to go and inspect one that was on ADV I got some funds together and bought it.
    It’s a 2009 in great condition with only 2300 km on the clock.

    Due to the floods it hasn’t been easy getting to Wauchope , originally I had a train booked for yesturday morning to arrive in Wauchope at 10am but the Pacific highway from my place to Grafton is still under water and will be closed for a few more days at least.
    Their are very few alternate routes to get to Grafton and all are blocked. So my only option was to book a train ticket from Casino then bribe my employee with Monday off if he could get up early on Sunday morning and drive me an hour north!
    So I now am sitting at Casino station waiting for the train for a 5 hour ride to Wauchope were Toes ( good bloke!!) will pick me up and get me to the Tenere! :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Thanks to the following Old Bulls for helping out with a usually straight forward process of buying a bike! :dry:

    TB- spotting the bike on ADV
    Moose & Mick- inspecting the bike
    Toes- picking me up from the station
    STM- the offer of a place to sleep tonight if it’s getting late!



    Hay that looks alright nickj,will pick it up and meet you at the station a.



    Good luck with the pick up Nick. Sounds like an adventure just to get there. :laugh:

    If you’re riding home, ride safe mate. :)


    Nick Jackson

    Not a chance toes :D I’ve already let Justin know that if you show up without me to keep the garage locked :D

    I am riding back Mal but have the option of staying with STM depending on road conditions after the flood !


    what a mission. hope you get there ok. that yami get thru anything :) stay safe on the way home nick dupsyam4


    Mick D

    You could drop around here for a beer if you want to show it off. Enjoy the new ride mate!!


    Nick Jackson

    micknmeld wrote:

    You could drop around here for a beer if you want to show it off. Enjoy the new ride mate!!

    Cheers for the offer Mick I’ll see how I go for time the train is already 45 minutes late :dry:


    Mick D

    Nickj wrote:

    micknmeld wrote:

    You could drop around here for a beer if you want to show it off. Enjoy the new ride mate!!

    Cheers for the offer Mick I’ll see how I go for time the train is already 45 minutes late :dry:

    Even if you dont have a beer, you can come and see the Elephant man…only 20c entry. :laugh:


    Nick Jackson

    Well the train ended up over an hour late so unfortunately I didn’t have time to catch up with any of the Wauchope guys except Toes who picked me up.
    Once we signed the papers over to me I was off and followed Toes to his place where he had his bike ready to go and offered to show me a back route to Kempsey, their was some twisty tar lanes and a few kms of dirt to get me straight into riding the Tenere.
    I said goodbye to Toes and flew up the highway to STMs who generously offered me a bed for the night , with some of the best home brew I’ve ever had ( legend !)

    My first impressions of the Tenere are good , it’s very easy to ride and once standing on the pegs doesn’t feel like a big bike at all. But the pegs will have to go , at one point I thought I might be standing on the brake and gear lever they were that skinny. :laugh:
    Also the suspension bottomed out on any decent bumps but I know Tekniks will have that sorted in no time. On the bitumen it will cruise all day and is very comfortable. The only other thing was the side stand caught me out once with Toes at a petrol station were the bike almost hit the ground and again at STMs. It seems a bit unstable and wants to fold back up easily but thats probably me not used to it, time will tell

    All in all I’m stoked and can’t wait for the ride home tomorrow! :woohoo:



    Hey Nick I checked the stand on mine, it swings forward enough to be stable. I use it climbing on and off. It’s never fallen off the stand (not like the bloody camel toe :laugh: )

    Enjoy mate



    Enjoy the new bike Nick, when do all the bling bits arrive!!Delivery to P.O. box only eh! ;)
    Electrical components for work. :)


    Nick Jackson

    boulder wrote:

    Enjoy the new bike Nick, when do all the bling bits arrive!!Delivery to P.O. box only eh! ;)
    Electrical components for work. :)

    You got it Boulder, it’s amazing what customers want us to install these days !! :laugh:

    I don’t think I’ll have all the protection in time for the Nabiac ride so I’m going to have to try and stay vertical on that one! :blink: :laugh:



    Congrats Nick!!! Looking forward to the transformation over the coming months..



    simon burke

    Nice wheels Nick :cheer: B) :cheer:

    How are we gunna tell you and TB apart now? :huh:

    Just be a bit carefull now you have a Tena….Moose gets a bit excited when he sees one :P :kiss:

    Bol :woohoo: camerons_corner_trip_2010_067_Medium.jpg


    Nick Jackson

    BOLLOCKS wrote:

    Nice wheels Nick :cheer: B) :cheer:

    How are we gunna tell you and TB apart now? :huh:

    Just be a bit carefull now you have a Tena….Moose gets a bit excited when he sees one :P :kiss:

    Bol :woohoo: camerons_corner_trip_2010_067_Medium.jpg

    TB will be the one gliding gracefully over the dunes and I’ll be the one paddling like crazy trying to stay upright!!

    Maybe my daughter will do a better job when she’s older, she’s already keen as mustard, I wasn’t home long before I found this !!


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