North Coast Ride and Camp July

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This topic contains 187 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  andrew 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #258283

    Nick Jackson

    Nice little dust suppressor last night :woohoo:



    Mike Wyeth
    TrailBoss wrote:
    1900 plus views on this thread :woohoo: , well done Nick, Spud and Co. Shows its all good if you build it they will come ;) . They won’t if it’s all done secret squirrel because people are afraid that someone they don’t know turns up, yet as it’s been said before “We were all new here to new friends we now have”
    This will be a cracker of a ride, thanks to Boony for starting the ball rolling, Nick for running with it and passing it to Spud. I know what the boys have done, it will be a cracker, STM (When he was cool and rode dirt bikes :laugh: ) taught Nick how to run a ride at Coffs :P


    I’m leaving noosa at around 6am , if I see you guys on the road I will give you a wave 😆

    Nickj wrote:
    snowy09 wrote:
    About the bridge.

    Could you lay some hotmix on it and the approaches and fit some safety rails. Also some air bags would be good.

    And for god sake pack a gun there’s a troll living in the creek , I saw it in the photo and its horrible.

    :D :D
    The bridge is optional mate , it’s the only way through that section but there will be riders either side to get anyone’s bike over that’s unsure. Plenty of great local riders have taken that option and there’s no shame in that .

    As for the troll ….. You wait til he’s had a few at the after party :D


    I live on chicken tracks ! I will pack extra bubble wrap and a life jacket so I can try the bridge if balls allow!


    Nick Jackson

    We are still getting steady light showers here and tomorrow is the same , sunny from then on :woohoo:

    You couldn’t order it any better. !!



    Nick Jackson

    And Mike , we increased the morning low temps a bit just for you :)



    Nick Jackson

    Once off the pacific highway signs like these will lead you to my place .. Any dramas you can call me on 0414949558.





    What you want us to run???


    simon burke
    snowy09 wrote:
    What you want us to run???

    There is no beard or beer gut on that little man on that sign Snowy…so your exempt :P

    Sorry I couldn’t make this one Nick :(
    Have a great ride guys, looks like it will be one to remember :)

    Bol :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    Should have drawn a bike under that little bloke on the signs Jacko :laugh:

    Have a great weekend guys ;)



    He’s running to the eski isn’t he ;)



    dam cold and wet in tamvegas this morning. Should have packed a motorhome


    Nick Jackson
    snowy09 wrote:
    dam cold and wet in tamvegas this morning. Should have packed a motorhome

    It’s a toasty 9c here right now mate , high of 19c today. Clear skies !!! Perfect for a ride :)




    Hopefully its warmer at cells when we get there. Tomorrow arvo.


    Farrrrk. We are driving thru a snow storm 30 k north tamvegas

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 188 total)

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