North Star Trail Ride 28-29 July!

Home Forums Ride Gatherings QLD Rides North Star Trail Ride 28-29 July!

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    North Star is on again!

    The home of “Mt Mitchell” and the not so enchanting “Enchanted Forest”, will soon be hearing the echo of motorbikes screaming their tits off and riders cursing the rocks and scrub.

    We have a new section marked out through the enchanted forest (which had to be done on foot with GPS 😆 ), as the old way through was getting a bit easy. I don’t think we have put a bike throught here yet.

    The “Snake Pit” is not being used this year but Nixons MX track is to be a feature once again.

    Due to complaints from people that own horses, the Enduro X does not look like it will be held this year. :angry:

    I haven’t been around the track yet this year but hope to get out there this weekend.

    Check out the website.





    Here is the new FaceBook Page!



    Heres the video from last year.


    Aaron Wilde

    Me and Buzz will be there. Can’t wait for this one it gets better every year. We will be there friday to set up camp.



    Excellent video Gibbit. Glad there is no footage of me in the enduroX arena although I didn’t end up quite as bad as the one bloke you did show. It was fun in there. It’s a pitty there have been complaints and it can’t be held again.

    Conditions should be pristine this year after the rain. I was pleasantly surprised last year. I never had high expectations as I thought it would be overcrowded, poor riding and just a piss up (not that there’s anything wrong with just a piss up). Turned out there was hardly any rider blockages on the loops, the riding was great. The hard hills could have been a bit harder but in saying that we found a quarry that had some fairly steep banks and I didn’t try them so can’t complain. The only tip I have is find out where your mates are camped before it gets dark.


    Mark Bunting

    Looks like a top weekend for the trail riding family.

    I’d like to take my young fella.

    Kram B)


    Aaron Wilde
    Gibbit wrote:

    Heres the video from last year.

    Re the 1:49 minute crash.I smashed myself on the log behind those sleepers. I Clutched the YZ to loft the front wheel and all I got was wheel spin in the sand. :ohmy: I slingshot myself straight into the log and almost went over the bars. Lucky there was only about 50 people looking when I did it. :blush: I loved that video!!! Thanks for posting it up Gibbit. :) Gives you a good idea of what these rides are all about when held out in the bush. Love it!!!


    Aaron wrote:
    I smashed myself on the log behind those sleepers.

    Was that when you were racing me or was that a different crash!


    Aaron Wilde
    Bundyroy wrote:
    Aaron wrote:
    I smashed myself on the log behind those sleepers.

    Was that when you were racing me or was that a different crash!

    Sadly another crash!!!!! :laugh:


    i’ll be coming up from Tamworth for this one, looks like it will be a blast



    Spent the best part of today out there today putting up more tape and arrows. There are some pretty wet spots which should be pretty good by next weekend. I would recomend taking off your front sprocket cover and just having the case saver on. My mate did his counter shaft seal today from the build up of mud and grass.

    Sign on should start at around 6-7pm on Friday night.

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