NSW Junior MX State Titles

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Steve 10 years ago.

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    Mark Bunting

    It’s that time of year :woohoo: :woohoo:

    A Primo track…the scent and sound of 300 2ts warming up after riders briefing.

    The last minute run to the toilet, tree, anywhere, for the nervous trinkle. That’s me :blush:

    And them the gates drop and it’s on :woohoo:

    Locked and loaded and heading to Cessnock tomorrow.

    Anyone in the Newcastle area this weekend with nothing to do, come and check it out. The racing in the older 85cc class and the junior lites is as good as it gets. AND it’s free.

    From nippers through to seniors 👿 I can’t wait.

    Kram B)


    Nick Jackson

    Good luck mate , hope you have a ball !! It was great to catch up for a beer last weekend :)




    Go Zy get some holeshots bud.Have a great time Kram,Dont let Hargy lead you astray



    How did the young bloke go Kram.
    Ride report please.

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