Nundle – An attempt to Mount Bollocks ride report

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This topic contains 91 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cris 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    Matt Baker

    He is pissed off because Boony keeps rooting his missus



    Great report there Andy thanks for taking the time to do that. Squiggle new helmet time mate, HUGE crash lucky to walk away from that mate :ohmy: Great adventure bike trails there ;) . Very dusty I noticed at least one of the trails we used up there on the bikes recently (the one of the tar on the right up the hill leaving Nundle) was bloody dusty and loose from the videos earlier.

    Great reports

    Love Boony on the WR and his quote

    Boony wrote:
    Bloody Kato
    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Great videos all through the thread awesome, I wasnt there but by all reports another well run ride by the Tamworth / Nundle clan, well done guys :)



    Hey Andy, thanks for posting that! Cant really tell too much what happened from the vid but basically it was the erosion mound before the last one that caused the problem. Just got too much air and spooked myself. Hit the last one trying to slow down instead of setting myself up for the lip. …… moral of the story is slow down :blink:

    Great pics and post mate

    Boze wrote:
    Thanks to Snowy, Boony, Bollocks, Buzz, Damus & House for a fantastic Mount Bollocks 2013 ride. Also the 36 or so that took part.

    I got to apologize for not staying for a drink and chat after the ride. The plans were to stay back and party for a while then call the girls for the taxi home. Well the ride was too good and wore me & Duey out by the end. 2 drinks and we probably would have dropped off. Head cold & dam rocket fuel.

    more to come

    Awesome Boze, that was a really bad line over those logs :) excellent stuff

    Trailboss wrote:
    Great report there Andy thanks for taking the time to do that. Squiggle new helmet time mate, HUGE crash lucky to walk away from that mate :ohmy: Great adventure bike trails there ;) . Very dusty I noticed at least one of the trails we used up there on the bikes recently (the one of the tar on the right up the hill leaving Nundle) was bloody dusty and loose from the videos earlier.

    Yup, the luck held but the talent ran out on that one TB. Was up for new helmet soon anyway, the peak on that one is a funny shape now ;)

    It wont see too many more rides but on the bright side I GET A NEW PAINTJOB :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Im getting 3 cyrills on mine :P

    That first hill was very loose, I think STM was telling me about one of your hillclimbs he caught on camera on the weekend, can you guess which one :laugh: :laugh:



    [Awesome Boze, that was a really bad line over those logs :) excellent stuff[/quote]

    Yeh I recon it was too. You 300 riders are all the same :laugh:

    Like you Duey came out unphased and ready for the next one. B)

    Boze wrote:
    [Awesome Boze, that was a really bad line over those logs :) excellent stuff

    Yeh I recon it was too. You 300 riders are all the same :laugh:

    Like you Duey came out unphased and ready for the next one. B)[/quote]

    :laugh: :laugh: I gave it a go but my mojo was GONE, probably because I couldnt see properly (still dunno why) the bars were badly bent, the accelerator was sticking and the front brake didnt work properly.

    I proceeded to ride at a very sedate pace for the what little remained of the ride. Still enjoyed the rest of it but nearly rode past the cornermen on a couple of occasions and just took it real easy.

    Cant wait for the weekend though, a couple of hours in the shed and the 300 is good to go again, damn I love that bike, it just never lets me down. Not once in over 6000ks now.



    I know to take it easy over them humps they have nearly caught me out to. That second one is a sly one.
    I past you some where after that and you were takin it easy then I stop on a corner to put some air in my rear tyre and andy said you should be dead :ohmy: :pinch:

    It was a dam great weekend for everyone to come out untouched I recon.

    Duey hasn’t touched his 300 in the 4yrs he has had it, he loves it. I mean all he has done is lube the chain & put tyres on it. It had a rest until I got mine. Its been skull dragged all over Nundle 👿




    damn I love that bike, it just never lets me down. Not once in over 6000ks now.[/quote]

    uhoh! thats exactly what Adam said about his 350 :laugh:


    Ollie wrote:

    damn I love that bike, it just never lets me down. Not once in over 6000ks now.[/quote]

    uhoh! thats exactly what Adam said about his 350 :laugh:


    Pretty sure I dont have any loose bolts floating around the cams in the 2 stroke though :P
    (if were talking about the same thing)


    Nice vids boys. It is great to watch it all back a few days later. My Mac is pushing one throughout YouTube at the moment and I will post it up in the morning.



    Rob400 wrote:

    Morning Rob, mate your video won’t play comes up as private



    Adam Rodgers
    Rob400 wrote:

    Rob your settings are on private and I can’t view your vid :(

    You need to change them to public ;)



    As Saturday has been well documented I cut an edit of Friday’s ride. It was a great way to start the weekend and watching it back makes me wonder what you boys are up to this weekend B)


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