Nundle exploring and anticipated carnage

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    simon burke

    A few of us are heading to Nundle this Sunday (21st of July) to belt ourselves about a bit :cheer:
    Should be good riding with rain predicted of the next few days…mmm…mud.
    Buzz & Aaron has got a wiff of a few new trails that have been discovered..and if we can’t find them we are just going to find some really steep hills somewhere and wreck our bikes :cheer:
    Meeting at Nemingha school 6.30 am Sunday..because we are hardcore :P
    BYO tucker and blood transfussions as we will not be going to the berry patch.
    Cripples need not apply…sorry Snowy :laugh:
    Post or PM if interested :)

    Bol :woohoo:



    Cool Bols. Me, Duey, Andy & 2 others will be out there as well. Were taken Duey’s daughter out for a spin on her (new to her) Husky 310. So I’m guessing we will see ya up there.




    Thanks boze

    i Will meet at the school

    We can use the paddock if needed bollocks



    simon burke
    Boze wrote:
    Cool Bols. Me, Duey, Andy & 2 others will be out there as well. Were taken Duey’s daughter out for a spin on her (new to her) Husky 310. So I’m guessing we will see ya up t up there somewhere boze! !!
    As long as its not head on :P
    Good luck with your family outing if I don’t cu B)
    Bol :woohoo:


    Hope ya all get lost. Bastards


    Aaron Wilde
    snowy09 wrote:
    Hope ya all get lost. Bastards

    Funny you should say that because it is a definite possibility. :blush:
    Any chance of spending a bit of time in a hyperbaric chamber snowy?? Or go and talk to the guys that cook up the pills for the Sharks. ???? Would be good if you could speed up this recovery thing. ;)



    Have fun boys



    Count me in please…… I will be at the school at 6:30 with bells on! :P :P

    I was just about to post to see if anyone wanted to ride up there this weekend…….. so stoked this morning when I checked this site and saw your post Bol. :whistle:



    Ron Birrell
    Boony wrote:
    Have fun boys

    Come on Boony. You know you want to do this B)




    It’s quicker for us to meet you up there. We park in the same place so then we all know if someone is out & about. That said we will probably ride with you lot and see if Sophie can handle it. LOL

    If not all good. I may also know the trails that your looking for.

    See ya up there at 7am



    Boze wrote:
    It’s quicker for us to meet you up there. We park in the same place so then we all know if someone is out & about. That said we will probably ride with you lot and see if Sophie can handle it. LOL

    If not all good. I may also know the trails that your looking for.

    See ya up there at 7am


    Sophie will be right boze just warn her that she may be required to frequently stop and pick a wr and rider (me). up off the ground at times. Lol



    simon burke
    Boze wrote:
    It’s quicker for us to meet you up there. We park in the same place so then we all know if someone is out & about. That said we will probably ride with you lot and see if Sophie can handle it. LOL

    If not all good. I may also know the trails that your looking for.

    See ya up there at 7am


    Boze old boy..we haven’t decided where we are going to unload yet
    that decision will be made at nemingha.
    you better pm me your mobile number ;)



    Pack a bag of traction boys,,your gunna need it,,
    Bozo I have your saw mate,,just found it….

    is anyone doing the ride day tomorrow at rebelx for matts shop???



    Ron Birrell
    Boony wrote:
    Pack a bag of traction boys,,your gunna need it,,
    Bozo I have your saw mate,,just found it….

    is anyone doing the ride day tomorrow at rebelx for matts shop???


    Yes Aaron and I will be out there around 8ish



    Buzz wrote:
    Boony wrote:
    Pack a bag of traction boys,,your gunna need it,,
    Bozo I have your saw mate,,just found it….

    is anyone doing the ride day tomorrow at rebelx for matts shop???


    Yes Aaron and I will be out there around 8ish


    sweet,,should be plenty of grip up there.. see yous up there!

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