Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides NUNDLE THE RIDE nOVEMBER 14 15 16 2014

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  • #258802
    Boony wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    Hopefully the leg might be better by then. If it is I might just stick my head in.

    That would be pull your head in. :whistle: 👿

    That’d be a change from him knocking the head off :laugh:

    snowy09 wrote:
    Forget the other threads. Heres the details.


    Riding 14,15,16 November 2014

    Friday An introduction to Nundle 60-80km depending on when beers are called.
    Ride leaves Nundle freeway cross over ramp 12 at 1300 hrs

    Saturday The best we have, no secret bits left out. If you dont like Nundle after this ride, your just weird!
    Aiming for 130km but again depends on when beers are called. Lunch at the Berry Patch to allow the Berry icecreams a chance to make a second appearance when you least expect. More singles than a dating site.
    Ride departs Nundle railway station at 0730

    Saturday night we are going to the pub for a feed before retiring to the fire pit of knowledge for the presentations for the days best performers.

    Both Friday and Saturday rides are grade Boony, so if you can ride better than him your fine, if you cant your a retard and should stay at home.

    Sunday The heroes asked for it so here it is. Nundle the hills of shit. Every hard hill we can find in an out and back loop of only 30 km but you will remember it. Led by Aaron (rags) with support from Boze. Leaves Nundle Botanical Gardens at 0800 back when all hills are conqured or the riders give in.

    We are staying at the Nundle fossickers caravan park and they are holding cabins for OBT until next Friday 1/8/2014 after which they will not be held. The pub and motel also have accomodation.This is a Organise your own everything ride, We cant beat Nicks catering arrangements so we wont even try.

    Riders Coming. Please let us know if your pulling out

    1.Boony Lover of goats
    2.Snowy All around great bloke although needs help on hills
    3. Polly promises to stand up at least once on the ride
    4. Damus super sweep
    5. Rick the not arranger anymore
    6. House Private shool boy so watch you grange hermitage around him
    7. Matt Dont eat anything he cooks
    8. Boze likes to be filled in
    9. Ruts Bring the vest man you will be leading sometime
    10. Bollocks King of the mud hole
    11. Buzz Just having a lay down – seriously I didnt fall !
    12. Damo the gay kwaka rider
    13.Aaron (rags) leading the cliff climb if he can get across the creek without drowning
    14. Aaron brother of Boze
    15. Andy if the sherco is not at the shop
    16 STM riding his BMX iff the CRF isnt fixed
    17.Nick Holder of best ride ever
    18.Rob Please dont embarass us with what you can do on a DRZ
    19.Spud I will find a bridge for you to cross but may make it out of paddle pop sticks
    20.Kram The fire pit will rock in his presence
    21.Smally Rescues blokes who cant climb hills – thanks
    22.Stuart Coasty who will struggle without 100% humidity
    23.Axel the man not the metal shaft.
    24.Oldfatbeerman – who are you?
    25.Xy Transit Aren’t you from Victoria?
    26.Hoss the rider not the bloke from Bonanza
    27.Bigger al the legend on a green bike
    28.Adam gets a flat on every ride
    29.Sam, dragger of CRF’s up hills the rider cant make.
    30.Dude The Ride whore
    31.White Rocket (had a dog with a red rocket)
    32.Corey Will be handicapped to make it fair for everyone else
    33.Rider X International man of mystery
    34.Squiggle With Miss Patt?
    35.Jeffro Mr Asia
    36.Fordy Rides to fast
    37.Pikey Same as above
    38.TB wont come when he realises its a trail ride
    39. Yambandy Beta 300 so Nick doesnt feel alone
    40. Burnsy The someone I forgot who told me they were coming
    41.Gmac Sniffing two stoke all day
    42. KecDog never misses a Nundle ride
    43. Nato The ride just went to poo with him coming
    44. Fuchsy Late entrance specialist
    45.Lawrence Part of Buzz’s support team
    46.Tak Not the man we know just his shadow remains
    47.Storky Doubtful but listed
    48. Peg Leg Needed to get Storky here

    Geez that got out of control quick. So while the ride is overfull. Rather than take reserves at the moment we will let the ride list whittle itself down to a more manageable level then see how it goes.

    Well that escalated quickly!! :ohmy:



    as menace said.
    love ya snowy


    Strange for us to be prepared, but all trails now marked and ready to go. Damus and I walked and marked the last three of our new single trails today, now they just need riding.

    One open sweeping pines run,
    One tighter more technical single with an interesting windrow crossing and
    One trail like we have never made before. As straight as we could make it, a1km long and sweeps up a steep hill then drops down the other side. this will become a favourite trail, fast a bit challenging and very different. Speed will be relative as 40kmh is fast when the gap in the trees your riding between is only 2m. Also runs right past the home of the biggest brown snakei have ever seen, but dont worry he is very friendly – he tried to kiss my boot last summer (or was that a bite attempt)

    Ill get one of the camera hounds to film it when we ride it in.



    Cool where is it. Ring me. Couple of us going out sunday? ;)


    Done. Enjoy it



    I,m out unfortunetly.
    Broke foot in four places last Friday,off the bike for a few months.
    Have a good one,


    Adam Rodgers
    Stuart wrote:
    I,m out unfortunetly.
    Broke foot in four places last Friday,off the bike for a few months.
    Have a good one,

    No good Stu :( Hope the surgery goes well for you ;)


    Stuart wrote:
    I,m out unfortunetly.
    Broke foot in four places last Friday,off the bike for a few months.
    Have a good one,

    Mate just say you cant handle the pressure of a Nundle ride no need to break yourself to get out of the ride.



    That terrible Stu hope you get well and heal quick.
    all the best Pikey


    Hey Boys,

    I just got reminded that I am going to Sydney that weekend for a good mates wedding so I am out. :(
    Nothing good ever comes of weddings :laugh:



    There is a slim chance I will be around when this all goes down, might have to make a trip and say hello.


    Mike Wyeth

    Where the f–ks Nundle :( :( :(
    If Nato can do it from Rockhampton then maybe I can get there from Noosa :huh:
    Can you pencil me in please Snowy ;) maybe I can travel with the Yambe crew B) B)


    Hahaha mike not scared to travel :)

    mike wrote:
    Where the f–ks Nundle :( :( :(
    If Nato can do it from Rockhampton then maybe I can get there from Noosa :huh:
    Can you pencil me in please Snowy ;) maybe I can travel with the Yambe crew B) B)

    Where the f–ks Yambe :laugh:


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