Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides NUNDLE THE RIDE nOVEMBER 14 15 16 2014

This topic contains 157 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    daniel lewis

    yeah I cant wait prepping the wr this weekend :)


    Nick Jackson

    Boony , you always lead a cracking ride mate and pace is always good , I’m pumped for this weekend it’s always a lot of fun

    Nickj wrote:
    Boony , you always lead a cracking ride mate and pace is always good , I’m pumped for this weekend it’s always a lot of fun

    ive heard a lot of good things about this ride…..

    looking forward to it..



    See page one


    Nick Jackson

    All the North Coast crew are in for sure Snowy , that’s Me , Spud , Rob , Smally and Andy all 100%


    Shit there goes the ride



    With this ride coming up fast there has been some indepth discussions as to routes/numbers/feeds/and general shananigans. Speaking of shananagins I have made a call that one of the good ole nundle chestnuts will be making a come back, Boys grease up them wheel bearings, the great nundle rolling race will be on again,All engines are to be turned off and only gravity will power the iron steeds, It will be at the end of the saturday ride (should we make it back) . I am in dialog with the ride CEO for some kind of reward for the first one to cross the line at the bottom of the 5k hill.

    getting keener by the day now..



    glenn thomas

    High guys im new to this site and was wondering if there are any spots left on this ride


    OGAB sorry mate we are looking for less rather than more riders for this ride


    Hi Snowy/ Boony,
    I’m locked in for the Nundle.
    Ive been busy putting the bike back in order after Murphs ride
    a new front tyre with the tubebliss installed.
    forks seals doctored
    brake pedal reformed,
    ready to play……
    see you both on Saturday.
    I expect you’ll be in bed early on Friday..

    Cheers Gordon Mc
    G Mac


    Our connections are coming through!!!

    Nundle is getting a drenching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Send it down!!!!!!!!!



    Aaron Wilde

    Bloody great!! However some of the storms have been a bit vicious and you might not be able to get your adventure bike (patrol) down bobcat because of some fallen obstacles. Great news I say :woohoo:


    Your right Rags, so being the sort of bloke I am and at great personal expense to myself I will head up and ride all the trails again this weekend to check them. The things you do to ensure an OBT ride runs smoothly!


    Alan Roots
    snowy09 wrote:
    Your right Rags, so being the sort of bloke I am and at great personal expense to myself I will head up and ride all the trails again this weekend to check them. The things you do to ensure an OBT ride runs smoothly!

    Just goes to show what an absolute legend you are Snowy . :silly:


    Peter Reid

    Just went for a quick run around some of my trails and if nundle is anything like here you might have to take a chainsaw snowy, trees and branches down everywhere.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 158 total)

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