Nundle the ride report

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This topic contains 56 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nathan Heather 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    smally wrote:
    Boony wrote:
    The peanut gallery went early so we can’t say much except ” go magic” :woohoo:

    The Nundle Princess texted me to see where we were on sunday to boony …. might slipp back down this weekend for a ride :S

    ‘nana’ was asking where you were smally, you missed out on the Sunday ‘session’ with her , jacinta and Vic.

    Excitement of the day was two young Sydney fellas in dads 4wd being escorted into town by two paddy wagons. :huh:

    The didnt take one of the bends on river road too well and daddies landy had a dirt nap resulting in a popped windscreen. Couple of locals got it rubber side down again for them.

    They joined in for a few hours while waiting for dad to rescue them. They hadn’t stopped in nundle to check out the wildlife before, was a bit of an eye opener for them :pinch:


    Nick Jackson


    Ready to roll

    Andy and Rob



    Who’s this character


    We set off early on and had a great run up the range arriving in Nundle around 10.30

    Rob , Spud and Andy

    , after a feed and gearing up we hit the trails.
    The trails were in great condition and we spaced out through a well run corner man and the pace picked up , I dropped into one of the first pine singles behind Andy29 and put 100% faith in him knowing the line and sat on this back wheel for what seemed like forever , the Sherco has certainly changed the game for him and we turned pine trees into a blur and had a ball !!!
    A good mix of pine and native bush with the occasional twin trail or fire road to cool of was a perfect warm up for Saturday :)
    Beers flowed but everyone ( except Toes ) kept it under control looking forward to the next day !!


    These 130km of trails made for the best Nundle ride I’ve had and this was my third , more singles than before and even the twin trails had a defined single line with plenty of woo boys to get some air :woohoo:
    Spud and I don’t often seem to get to ride together on bigger rides but today was different we seemed to be together most of the day and had some fast runs behind the leaders , Boony was peddling the Kato at a cracking pace and Snowy took some catching when his lead turn came.
    Rob400 had the biggest moment I saw leaving a 4th gear off camber twin track and making a spectacular recovery.
    I’m lucky to have such a good travel crew with Rob , Spud Smally and Yambandy and we celebrated by hitting it hard on Saturday night , most of the chats were how much the pace has picked up and how good those pine singles were !!! This is thanks to Snow , Andy , Boony and Damus who have an awesome playground that they look after and thankfully share with us !! Amazing job this year guys thanks heaps.

    There was a bit of talk about the dust, but heat and dust has never bothered me one bit , just suck it up , ride accordingly and think about how much better than work it is :D

    Can’t wait til the next one :)


    Dean Small


    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: what an awesome weekend :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks heaps to the Tamworth crew you guys have gone all out on this one :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    It was great to catch up with some of the Old Bull boys and meet some new ones. The riding was awesome , the beer was cold and the bullshit flowed all night long.

    A big thanks also to Nickj for driving and Spud and Yambandy for making the trip entertaining.

    Thanks again cant wait to do another ride with all you guys again.


    PS: Thanks heaps for the crowning :cheer: :cheer: :laugh: :laugh:



    Awesome vid smally…. I shit myself when that car came round the bend…
    We droped the front end real quick :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: ….
    Great ride boys….
    …spud… ;)


    Nick Jackson

    Nice edit mate , that’s just how the weekend felt too !!!


    :sick: :sick: :sick: sunday morning :sick: :sick:



    Nice Vids wish I was there. Next year I hope ;)


    I said it early but :woohoo:

    A big thanks for the Sunday ride to Buzz for getting back in the saddle to lead the small but keen group and Aaron for sweeping. The pace was great we had Buzz stretched and sometimes we did travel a bit to close with no allowance for urgent stops .. :whistle: due to the Buzz’s unscheduled brief lay downs.
    :pinch: At one such stop I found Sam and Sherco just able to pull up with me doing a front wheel mono on grass, finshed with a small lie down…. in a small hole :S Didn’t touch the Sherco ( Matt) but it was very close :silly:
    A bloody great ride, had everything , including me spinning down one of your hills. :whistle:
    who knew red clay, granite stones, a steep slope mixed with rain water and speed could be a problem :blush:

    not me 😆
    Saturday was a great day
    Sunday was the next step up.. 👿

    it was a perfect way to finish up Cheers GORDO



    great job editing Smally



    Here’s Pollys favourite trail :whistle: But ya gotta learn to rail that corner :silly:



    Great vid Boze, poor Polly, but it is a great section .

    CRF Rick

    Boze wrote:
    Here’s Pollys favourite trail :whistle: But ya gotta learn to rail that corner :silly:


    The bastard eh Polly, the minute you slip up your on video. :D


    Sooooo Boze wheres the video of the other fall????
    The one someone had on gravity.
    involved a ktm



    Flat Battery :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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