Nundle the ride report

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This topic contains 56 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nathan Heather 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #260340

    Shall I describe it for those that missed it?


    snowy09 wrote:
    Shall I describe it for those that missed it?

    Oh this will be funny


    Richard W

    Any time now….


    Boze wrote:
    snowy09 wrote:
    Shall I describe it for those that missed it?

    Oh this will be funny

    OK then – what I saw happen:

    Demas and I were sweeping and picked up Boze and another corner man about 2/3 of the way down gravity hill. Boze takes off with his usual posing wheely, but fails to get it down in time for the next corner. He hits the anchors in a panic, bounces uncontrollably up the embankment hits a tree straight on and flips the bike sideways, runs over a goat catching it under the front forks, then bounces a few times – sparks fur and rocks flying everywhere and ends up lying beside his bike just above the last corner with the goat pinned under neath him squealing in fear and Boze swearing nothing happened between him and the goat.

    True story!!!


    snowy09 wrote:
    Boze wrote:
    snowy09 wrote:
    Shall I describe it for those that missed it?

    Oh this will be funny

    OK then – what I saw happen:

    Demas and I were sweeping and picked up Boze and another corner man about 2/3 of the way down gravity hill. Boze takes off with his usual posing wheely, but fails to get it down in time for the next corner. He hits the anchors in a panic, bounces uncontrollably up the embankment hits a tree straight on and flips the bike sideways, runs over a goat catching it under the front forks, then bounces a few times – sparks fur and rocks flying everywhere and ends up lying beside his bike just above the last corner with the goat pinned under neath him squealing in fear and Boze swearing nothing happened between him and the goat.

    True story!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    That was funny as shit snowman but here is what happen from my angle

    Glad I didn’t delete it now :laugh:

    Boze wrote:
    snowy09 wrote:
    Boze wrote:
    snowy09 wrote:
    Shall I describe it for those that missed it?

    Oh this will be funny

    OK then – what I saw happen:

    Demas and I were sweeping and picked up Boze and another corner man about 2/3 of the way down gravity hill. Boze takes off with his usual posing wheely, but fails to get it down in time for the next corner. He hits the anchors in a panic, bounces uncontrollably up the embankment hits a tree straight on and flips the bike sideways, runs over a goat catching it under the front forks, then bounces a few times – sparks fur and rocks flying everywhere and ends up lying beside his bike just above the last corner with the goat pinned under neath him squealing in fear and Boze swearing nothing happened between him and the goat.

    True story!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    That was funny as shit snowman but here is what happen from my angle

    Glad I didn’t delete it now :laugh:

    Gravity didn’t fail, that’s what gravity does. The rider is what failed :D :D



    That I did :ohmy:


    xr torcher

    the rider x report

    well another excellent weekend at nundell big thank to demas for sweeping for 2days sucking dust he carrys enough parts in his backpack to rebuild any bike on the trail thanks to snowy and Andy thanks to tb for not turning up the there is the boony what can pic the pace up when pressure the Tamworth boy put on a great ride you should treat your self’s to 3 goats this week



    epic read rider x



    Ok here 1 of brother Duey getting around me up Parachute with bald tyres front & rear.


    Boze does that bike even rev past 1000rpm?


    snowy09 wrote:
    Boze does that bike even rev past 1000rpm?

    Yeh when I got back around him :P . You should take it for a lap one day and tell me snowy 👿
    She gets ugly when you got a fist full & no traction :woohoo:


    Better late than never. Corey8’s footage :)

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