Nundle Tracks Pre Run Report

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Amy Harburg

    So, as we all know, you don’t need much of an excuse to get out for quick weekend jaunt. I needed to pre run some sections for one of the upcoming 2 day rides and with a free weekend at hand, a few of us decided to check it out.

    TB, and another friend of mine Luis (not an OBT…….yet) and me left Singleton on Saturday mid morning bound for Nundle. TB on his new white Tenere, Luis on his very black XT660R and me on my F800GS.

    Our chosen track was Moonan, Ellerston, Glenrock station and Barry Station then into Nundle. For anybody who doesn’t know, this includes 20 creek crossings, ranging from small and easy, to rather large and requiring a bit of commitment.

    However, before we even got to the first crossing we came to what seemed to be an innocuous causeway crossing with a small amount of water over it. Now we all know that these can be a trap for young players and slippy as hell. So the golden rules are, stay in the wheel tracks and don’t accelerate or try to turn you wheels.

    Ummmm …..well, what can I say except……dam those things really ARE slippy!!

    Thanks to Scala rider head set, TB heard my half scream – half laugh as in slow motion the inevitable happened and down I went, thankfully we were going very slow (first gear). It felt like the back end went first, then all hope was lost and I was merely a passenger. The funny part he was that Luis was right behind me and when he saw me go down he grabbed a front break and followed me into the slide, both bikes gently low siding on the same side. TB said he turned around in time to see both bikes sliding in exactly the same position and both riders doing our best ‘turtle on its back’ impersonations with arms flailing. Apparently it was perfectly synchronised and both bike achieving a 180 spinning slide.
    10/10 for style and form!!!! This how we ended up.

    It was incredible how we slid so far……i actually made most of the way across the causeway before stopping. The concrete was soo slippery that picking Luis’s bike up was hard because it just kept sliding around like soap in the bottom of the shower. Anyway after we all stopped laughing we managed to get going again.

    The creek crossings were not too bad in the great scheme of things and the deepest any of them got was about foot peg height. But that’s not to say they are all easy. Luis is rather new to adventure riding and unfortunately he went for a dip in a crossing or two. No harm done just wet boots and a bit of experience gained.
    Top job Luis for getting through it all!!! :laugh:
    Later we all discussed that the only way to learn to ride through creek crossings….IS to ride through creek crossings. We’ve all been there!!! :whistle: :blush: I also got my feet wet when I stalled mid crossing then got a bit bogged. :angry:

    The rest of the run into Nundle was sweet and we got there in time for a late lunch at the pub.

    This is where we spotted Ace’s new ride – the pink Beemer :sick: . The bike was actually a promo bike for breast cancer awareness by BMW Motorline Brisbane.

    ALL HAIL THE KING!!! Luis’s xt-r only has a smallish fuel tank and we were hoping to top up with fuel at Moonan, unfortunately there was a wedding on and as such the bowsers were closed and no fuel for Luis!!! :ohmy: :ohmy: We were about to see what the little xt-r’s range really was. He had no option but to push on to Nundle. Well, he must have been on vapours when we got to Nundle only to find out that they had no fuel either :angry: ……what to do????
    A quick call to King Bollocks and he was on his way from Tamworth. Now, this is about an 80 or 90km round trip for him to bring out a jerry can of fuel for our little friend. What a man, what a King!! Thanks mate.

    That night we were joined by another mate of mine, Dan. He bought out his new Husky 610 for a run. That night we all camped in Nundle and had a few quiet drinks.

    Sunday was a stunning run back through Crawey Station, over Crawey Pass and back into Ellerston. What a great adventure bike road………and just incredible scenery!!!!

    We finished back in Muswellbrook at Lunch time and had the official adventure riding breakfast of Eggs Benedict and coffee…….what can I say except I was on my Beemer.

    Thanks for a great weekend TB, Luis and Dan, with a special thanks to the King.
    Then this randomly passed through town?????

    Flying Fish



    Great report FF. Sounds like its going to be a great 2 day nav ride.

    Good to see you took a real bike bike out for a ride for a change. :P Hope not too much damage with the slip & slide??



    Great report fish.

    Such as shame you didn’t get your slide on camera would have been great put to a bit of swan lake music :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ;)
    Glad you both weren’t hurt though.


    Mick Pilgrim

    Hi FF
    glad to hear you both came out of the croosing without injury.
    Joe (Tryhard) came down on that crossing one time going in the opposite direction and Reece has sucumbed to it as well and broke some ribs around Christmas time. They can be damned slippery.
    Wayne (Lotsa) is the only one of our group that has not had an off on a crossing but he’s had plenty of other crashes to make up for it :laugh: :laugh:



    simon burke

    Great report flying fish :cheer:
    Looks like you have joined a long list of old bulls who have come undone on that crossing
    I can think of 3 others :laugh:
    Great seeing you at nundle and you looked like you were having a ball on that sexy bike of yours :woohoo:
    Bol :woohoo:



    Great read Aims felt like I was almost there ;) oh yeah I was :laugh: Am loading some of the pictures now




    Great report Amy,
    Wish i could have been there to take that pic of your bike on the ground…………..i mean help you lift it back up. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    looking forward to this two dayer. B)

    I wasn’t surprised to read about what the King did, thats exactly why he is King, cause your a legend Bol. B) B) B)



    Nick Jackson

    A top report their Flying Fish , looked like another fun 2 day Pre run B)




    This is a few of my pictures they are a mixture of photos taken by mainly FF and I. Special thanks to Dan and Luis for their patience when we stopped and marked the track on the GPS what felt like a million times. These navigation rides take some work. Thanks again to Bollocks for saving the day. Wooduck, Fish and a frog is funny!

    Bikes in the bush





    Amy and Luis’s



    606 coming apart? Never had one do this and I have to say I have been taking it easy with this one. Theory is I have caught it on the sharp edge of a grid maybe?


    Great views


    Flying Fish



    Dan and Luis

    Random including my bike






    Dwayne O

    Crawney Pass is a sweet run for sure,, nearly on par with Barry and Glenrock I reckon.
    Did you guys visit the little campspot near the wooden bridge about 14k from Nundle,,, “Something Rest” I think it is called ???

    Causeways –8
    Old Bulls – 0 :laugh:



    Awesome pics TB, whats with the Canadian mounty in the second pic ??? Thats not a BMW :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Love the pic of the Tenere on the back wheel B)



    pete the wulf wrote:
    Awesome pics TB, whats with the Canadian mounty in the second pic ??? Thats not a BMW :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Love the pic of the Tenere on the back wheel B)


    The mounty had a seat no one has ridden it Pete only me. It was the only one that didnt fall over on Saturday or the whole weekend ;) :P




    Excellant ride report and pictures love it out there.
    Top day out by all love water mark very pro :).


    Gavin Brown

    Nice ride guys,

    That crossing is getting quite infamous. Man its slippery, tried to walk it once. ( Tried ) Ha Ha Slip Slip Woosh

    There is also fuel at Woolamin about 23 Km Nth of Nundle. Or there use to be. It saved our asses once. Not sure if you would have made it or not on the smaller tank.


    Mick D

    Those slippery causeways aren’t just a trap for the newbies, I have seen a few seasoned riders take a dive on a slippery Causeway. Lefty comes to mind on that very road and Moose learnt the hard way on a trip to Hillend on another.

    New Avatar pic there TB!!


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