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May 28, 2011 at 9:55 pm #99951
Wow what a weekend, thanks to everyone that attended and make it the best weekend / bike event I have ever been to with OBT.
The Mal5.1 and Doona cheers guys
The red neck twins Sam and Bubba thanks
DJ and Troy the boy you rippers
Moose for using your truck
The sponsors, Bollocks for being the auctioneer wow we raised over 2500 bucks!!
All the sweeps, the leaders and again everyone that went thanks for making it the biggest and best weekend ever at OBT
Much more later
May 28, 2011 at 11:50 pm #202026I will start with a thanks to the organizers and contributors, the leads and the sweeps, the support drivers and to everyone who attended for making it a great weekend.
Some memorable moments for me were
• Arriving at TB’s place and being freezing in jeans singlet, t-shirt and flanno while he wore t-shirt and shorts.
• Meeting Evil Rudy, what a character, he reminds me of Seth Rogan, and the dog that wanted to eat my shoe while I was still wearing it.
• TB having a moment of weakness and saying what a good job Micknmeld does and Mick wanting to repeat it while he recorded it so the he could :blush: ,,,,,,, um,,,,,,,, err,,,,, pleasure himself while playing it back :sick: :S.
• The now infamous test ride of Eagles new 690 and wheel standing into the camping area then laying it down on the grass as I was turning into his camping spot to give it back (Bloody touchy rear brakes) and all in front of the local copper who had dropped in to see what we were up to (I haven’t seen him yet). :blush:
• The frost on the ground and ice on the cars as we made our way to Capertee on Saturday morning.
• The cold on Saturday morning and again Saturday evening
• The rocks
• The smooth way the ride went considering there were 40 odd out there (one obvious exception there, Get well soon Mike).
• The alleged grade 3 ride that had me huffing and puffing so much at one point I got a stitch, but great fun.
• The huge log the redneck twins came back with for the log of knowledge, thanks boys.
• Something I don’t think anyone else saw but a certain OBT site owner with a reputation for water crossings of late having a wobble in one of the creek crossings.
• An extremely hung over STM being chased around the fire by the smoke, no matter where he stood the smoke just followed him.
,,,,,, and as always on these ride the camaraderie and banter between the guys, great to watch and be part of.
Arriving at the start point there were cars, bikes and people everywhere, a mass of humanity.
Some had been there overnight and had ice on there bikes, there was a DR650 that refused to turn over, an XR400 the wouldn’t kick over and the Nickj’s DRZ wouldn’t turn over or kick over. Eventually the DR650 turned over enough to fir but the 2 400’s needed some manpower to fire up the horsepower. After the briefing we eventually headed off onto what was mostly fire trails as we made our way to the camp ground some 60km away. The ride flowed well with no real problems other than I think 2 flat tyres. I and 2 others did at one point miss the lead riders pulled over with a group and continued on a bit. I came to an intersection and there was no corner man but as it was straight through didn’t worry too much about it and continued on my merry way. I even managed to pull a half decent wheelie that went for about 100 meters (that has nothing to do with the story but as no-one saw it I wanted someone to know), at the next intersection there was a rider stopped because he didn’t know which way to go. Seconds later a rider came through to tell us we had missed the leaders so we headed back and found they had made their way to the previous intersection where we waited for the rest of the crew before heading into out fist single trail for the day.
This was an easy grade 3 single but it was nice to get off the main trail for a while, we popped out onto the fire trail again only to find trees down blocking the road. This required a tricky ride up a meter and a half embankment that was almost vertical followed by a short section of single and another embankment about the same as the first that we needed to go down. Can’t remember much of the trail after that but we were fairly close to camp by that stage I think.
We arrived at camp and the support guys were there including Eagle with his new (to him) kato 690 which I duly took for a test ride. The map seting was on the tamest and after a quick lap I said t Eagle that I needed to try it again after getting of my DRZ, not the 550berg as his felt heavy and lethargic in comparison. He changed the setting to what he thinks is the most aggressive and I took it out again for another try and was much more impressed this time with the exception of the sensitive rear brake pedal that caused my undoing in the camp area. Coming off there I tweaked my already injured shoulder pretty good as well as dislocating a finger, the important one too if you want to flip the bird.
After lunch there were 3 separate loops, a grade 2, a grade 3 (yeh right) and a grade 4, I decided at the last second to go with the grade 3 group instead of the grade 2. It wasn’t long into it that a few people started to struggle, myself included although mine was more to do with physical fitness than anything else. As I said in the memorable moment, I was doing some huffing and puffing. Not having done a lot of riding lately the constant up and down hills had me hanging on for grim death and using far too much energy but still having a ball. Eventually though it got the better of me and when to opportunity came up to bail out early I took it. We were heading back to the road where the softies like me could find camp when I saw Mick roar past on the back wheel, not wanting to be out done I too roared off on the back wheel and when it came back down my fingers were cramped shut on my throttle hand and I couldn’t open them so I gues I got out at the right time.
Back at camp I slipped into something more comfortable and began the long arduous task of drinking around the camp fire. Bit by bit the different groups came back until Nickj came back and announced that one of the riders in the grade 3 group had come off and broken his leg. Ambulances had been called and it was well after dark before they all got back after the ambulance had taken Mike away. Get well soon Mike.
After tea the prizes were awarded (Thanks to Mud’n’Tar for the front tyre, not sure when I will get to use it, with the shoulder op next month it will likely not be this year) followed by the auctions. Special thanks to Bollocks the official OBT auctioneer and also to Boulder who paid top dollar for a Whipps stand then domated it straight back to be re-auctioned. Also to Fish who seemed to be bidding for everything then got the fine system rolling to raise yet more money.
Sadly for me I am a big girl and was tucked away in bed early but judging from the stories the next morning there were a few shenanigans that went on that night, and a few sore heads the next morning.
My shoulder was really sore by now with limited movement so I decided to call it quits as far as riding goes. I offered Eagle the chance to ride back to Capertee with the group while I drove his car but he decided to give it a miss so we packed up and headed off around 11.00am while the keen riders were out in the forests having a good time. Not long after leaving we came across some rain and so thought we had made a very wise choice to bail out when we did, I hope the boys didn’t get too cold and wet today.
I have some video to post once it is sorted and I can get bloody utube working :angry: , not many pictures of riding from me though, too busy having a good time.A quick picture puzzle before I go though. Can you guess who this fashion victim might be?
May 29, 2011 at 12:50 am #202073Lads, I have a quick update on Mick who broke his femur.
He was taken to Orange hospital and had a rod put into his broken femur which had a “nice” clean break. He also smashed up his knee cap which was also operated on. His parents and GF are with him.
Big props go to the ride group who attended to him on site, kept him comfy and spirits up whilst help was on the way. Mick’s family pass on their thanks.Mick also signed up for health insurance on Friday;)
Other than Mick’s drama a great weekend was had.
Cheers Galey…grade 3/4 ride leader
P.S. Adv Moto will be getting a order from me this week for a spot tracker for my camelback. http://www.adventuremoto.com.au/
May 29, 2011 at 1:03 am #202076Thanks for the update Galey, that is the old bull way, we always look after each other. Actually on the first OBT Birthday the group came across a fallen rider and his mate both unknown to the group. The guys stayed with him until the ambulance had taken him away and even retrieved his bike for him.
Lets hope his recovery is quick is quick and painlessMay 29, 2011 at 1:08 am #202027what a top weekend had a great time :woohoo: :woohoo: got to meet some new old bulls and catch up with some others jeffro falling of infront of the copper was clasic he also honked the horn at the same time so no one would miss it .the riding on both days was excelent the special test stage we did today was my highlight of the riding it was in the pines fairly open and fast(for pines)but it was all good .done heaps of hill climbs to :laugh: run in my new second hand bike (ktm300) crashed it and tore my new shirt so there all good for futer rides thanks for puting on such a great ride tb and mal and every one that organised it.
May 29, 2011 at 1:21 am #202077GaleyKTM300 wrote:Lads, I have a quick update on Mick who broke this femur.
He was taken to Orange hospital and had a rod put into his broken femur which had a “nice” clean break. He also smashed up his knee cap which was also operated on. His parents and GF are with him.
Big props go to the ride group who attended to him on site, kept him comfy and spirits up whilst help was on the way. Mick’s family pass on their thanks.Mick also signed up for health insurance on Friday;)
Other than Mick’s drama a great weekend was had.
Cheers Galey…grade 3/4 ride leader
P.S. Adv Moto will be getting a order from me this week for a spot tracker for my camelback. http://www.adventuremoto.com.au/
Yeah, Thanx for the update mate
Glad to hear he is doing ok (considering the circumstances), he seemed like a nice lad when I spoke with him briefly regarding the broken brake lever in the arvo. I was bummed to see him out there again when I returned from Capertee actually, hope the broken lever didn`t contribute to the bingle :whistle:Anyway, Glad to have helped in some small way (retreiving the spare one, was a good 100k test run on the 690) :laugh: Also glad to send out the Space Blanket to keep him warm, hope it helped a bit, it was a cool day in the forest ,,,
Be sure to keep us informed on his progress & hope to see you all again out there on the trails OBT style mate
CheersMay 29, 2011 at 1:23 am #202082BTW, Tell him he still owes me a few beers for the favour !!! Ha Ha
Nah, just joking,,, the Armorall pack TB gave me blinged up the 690 real nice this evening
May 29, 2011 at 1:34 am #202028Ok,
My view was a tad different to most on the ride,,,
Travelled down with Jeffro on friday morning to Penrith so we could give TB a hand with picking up the prizes, meet Scotty at Sutto`s, Nick & Evil Rudy at Teknik (and the dog, he has a fetish for feet :laugh: )
Had some takeaway for lunch before sorting the gear and packing the gear into trailers & Moose`s truck when the rest of the crew arrived.
Great to finally meet Aido (Bummed to hear he had to bolt sat morning from the carpark at Capertee :unsure: ) Such a big effort to leave at 4am to drive up for the weekend & then get some bad news,,Hope all is ok down there mateAnyway, the arvo provided some great banter, as usual and of course Mick had to change his rear tube so we could all have a circle of knowledge (standard OBT procedure for such an occasion) :laugh: Thanx Mick
The evening rolled on & pizza was ordered & smashed down before turning in for the night (Jeffro had actually snuck off early to stake a claim on the study by himself, sneaky man)
Also, that weird animal was there again, with all the freaky noises, lucky Keiran had gone to Nan`s with Sal & Loccie :laugh: ONYA KRAMBig thanx again to Salina for letting us ransack the place :whistle:
End of night one ,,,,,,,,,,
May 29, 2011 at 1:48 am #202078GaleyKTM300 wrote:Lads, I have a quick update on Mick who broke this femur.
He was taken to Orange hospital and had a rod put into his broken femur which had a “nice” clean break. He also smashed up his knee cap which was also operated on. His parents and GF are with him.
Big props go to the ride group who attended to him on site, kept him comfy and spirits up whilst help was on the way. Mick’s family pass on their thanks.Mick also signed up for health insurance on Friday;)
Other than Mick’s drama a great weekend was had.
Cheers Galey…grade 3/4 ride leader
P.S. Adv Moto will be getting a order from me this week for a spot tracker for my camelback. http://www.adventuremoto.com.au/
Cheers for that Galey that’s the best news I have heard today that the break was a simple one (funny how that’s a good thing) wish him all the best from everyone and cheers for the update
May 29, 2011 at 2:23 am #202029Sat morning was the start of the grand procession to Capertee. A medium sized convoy of vehicles headed out from Maccas to Lithgow where the temperture was , well F&^$#(g freezing :laugh: Most of us peeled off to grab a coffee to warm the bellies before the run out to Capertee. I think it was at Cullen Bullen that the frost looked the thickest & had Jeffro winding the window down to try some happy frozen snaps on his phone :S the temp on the thermometer for my fridge was plummeting & I told him to hurry the #%$^ up & put the window up at times
On arrival we found there were some brave souls who camped out in the carpark, their cars were white with ice as well as their crunchy swags :woohoo:
Surprise also to see Bollocks there bright eyed & bushy tailed ready to roll,,, not the case for his WR though (it was frozen stiff & cranky) 😆After some meet & greets, the guys attended the breifing at the back of the OBT Express, before departing off into the cool unknown. That left us mere support drivers to pick a UHF channel (that Bubba & Sam the Redneck Twins are funny blokes) & stroll out single file to Portland & then to the campsite. It was a funny trip with all sorts of crap getting thrown about on the radios :laugh:
Once at spot X we went bananas unloading the mounds of gear from the truck before I set up camp (wait for the pics, they are clangers)
, unloaded the 690 then went for a run to Yetholme for phone service. Then I had a ball exploring the trails close to camp to familiarise myself with the new ride, and that was a lot of fun actually.
More to come again
May 29, 2011 at 3:04 am #202030Glad to hear that Mick is doing well for what he has gone through, I nerver thought I be a corner man whating for a ambo.
To all the oragnise what a great job you have done to put this togeather, such a large number of people and ran so well.
To the support team a job well done, I belive once they replace to power pole that Bubba stole there shoud be power back on in Portland on Monday.
It was great to see all the gang and meet new members which there was a lot I thought TB might have to order some more chain cleaners as they all rush up to the Wauchope Factory Team Truck to collet them.
To Mick and Kram thanks for the laughs on do way down I nerver herd so many BEE storys in my life on one person , plus loosing my fork safer on the way home, Moose and I were in factory Truck comming down this hill at about a dollar 10 and I said I think thats off my bike as we drive over I look in the mirror as it dissapear.
Congrats to the new King well done STM it was good to see that you follow the old kings foot step on the night of becoming a Kingif not beter.
So much more I could say but it was just a great weekend from start to finsh the rideing was just great, you have a good backyard MAL and to all OBT members and ther familys who have help out to put this weekend togeather well done and see you next year.
StruckyMay 29, 2011 at 3:09 am #202031hey boys thanks for having us again had a bloody great weekend!!!! glad to hear mick is doing well, considering… congrats to queen scott for old bull of the year, after this mornings efforts maybe instead of bull.. perhaps cow?????? :laugh:
thanks again boys had ball!!!!
May 29, 2011 at 3:57 am #202032Hi Bubba
Glad you made home safe mate big day for you did you old mate van started.Cheers
StruckyMay 29, 2011 at 10:08 am #202033Thanks old bulls for putting on a cracker ride all the new guys had a great time.
well done to all the guys that waited with mick after he stepped off untill they finally
carried him out and loaded him in the ambulance, we all hope it doesnt happen to us
but its good to know your in good hands if it does. the ride itself was great there was a good mix of nice flowing single sections, tight singles, good hill climbs and open fire trails.
the weather was perfect for it aswell. there were great prizes being given away in the night. also as one of the new guys i have to thank the old bulls for making us feel welcome
that was hot2trot’s (my dad) first big group ride at the young age of 63 and he loved it.
i tagged along with all the harder graded rides and my vote for crash of the weeked was lead rider galeys spectacular high speed high side straight off the road into the pine forrest below after he came into a sweeping left hander at warp speed. but it was hard to judge between that one and jeffro falling in the carpark in front of the cops.
thanks again old bulls for putting on a good show that really did cater for everyone.May 29, 2011 at 11:21 am #202084yeah strucky we charged the battery with mals navara… eventually got it going!! hahah 😆
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