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This topic contains 237 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Dean 13 years, 9 months ago.
June 3, 2011 at 1:08 am #202481King STM wrote:Boony wrote:is that the bike carrier someone donated for auction at the coffs ride?????
That’s the one. Nickj paid about $300 bucks for it in Coffs purely for charities sake. He then moved the piece of shit a dozen times around his shed till he loaded it up in his ute to surprise Ollie with. Whilst loading my bike on last Friday he slipped on it, my bike rolled backwards and as he turned to grab the front wheel his left foot got locked in the carrier whilst his right got jammed between my pivot peg and the tray. My bike was at the balance point and was about to topple out and tear Nick in half so I jumped behind it and held it up like a scrum. Neither of us could move and to any passer by it would have looked a sight. Nick untangled his left leg, I lifted the peg of his right and we skull dragged my bike back into his ute.
Bwaahhaaaaaa ..Priceless. Ohhh to be there…
June 3, 2011 at 2:05 am #202483So where is the bike rack/ man trap now Ollie ?? I hope you used it to transport the new xr home !!!!!
June 3, 2011 at 3:05 am #202489Nickj wrote:So where is the bike rack/ man trap now Ollie ?? I hope you used it to transport the new xr home !!!!!It ended up at my place Nick, Nathan my brother is looking for one so might get a few $$$$$$$ for the jug
June 3, 2011 at 4:36 am #202066Lads , Quick update ….Mick Connor is now at home recovering:)
GaleyJune 3, 2011 at 10:31 am #202494GaleyKTM300 wrote:Lads , Quick update ….Mick Connor is now at home recovering:)
GaleyGood to hear, hope he is back in action soon.
Rest up Mick, we will keep the greenies of your back, there are plenty more trees in the forest mate. :laugh: :laugh:PTW
June 3, 2011 at 5:04 pm #202482King STM wrote:Boony wrote:is that the bike carrier someone donated for auction at the coffs ride?????That’s the one. Nickj paid about $300 bucks for it in Coffs purely for charities sake. He then moved the piece of shit a dozen times around his shed till he loaded it up in his ute to surprise Ollie with. Whilst loading my bike on last Friday he slipped on it, my bike rolled backwards and as he turned to grab the front wheel his left foot got locked in the carrier whilst his right got jammed between my pivot peg and the tray. My bike was at the balance point and was about to topple out and tear Nick in half so I jumped behind it and held it up like a scrum. Neither of us could move and to any passer by it would have looked a sight. Nick untangled his left leg, I lifted the peg of his right and we skull dragged my bike back into his ute.
Bwwwaaahhh ha ha snort Bwwwahahaha !! :laugh: :laugh: Now thats funny ! When it was at my old mans place I think it took more skin off people than I care to remember and was told by the old man to get rid of it :laugh: I think a few people got bitten by it when it was near the truck as well at the auction. There was no way in hell it was coming back with me !! đź‘ż We were going to lean it up against a sapling and hope that it would grow around it :laugh: But Al said he would take it for Nathan
if its at your place Corey make sure its well out of rhe way and wrapped in plastic or foam or something especially with your recent stint of bad luck with your legs
Glad it has helped make a serious contribution to some worthwhile charitiesOLLIE
June 3, 2011 at 6:40 pm #202508Bwwwaaahhh ha ha snort Bwwwahahaha :laugh: :laugh: yeah right you failed to mention the sooky attack you had and wouldn’t come up to the stage to accept at first until the crowd got into you
I am glad it has gone to a good home and I to fell over the f$@king thing on the stage
June 4, 2011 at 5:52 pm #202510Well I finally got to type my report late last night. Sorry it’s a bit late. But here goes.
Friday night Corey and Bigger Al turned to camp at home. After a bit of bench racing and a beer bigger Al changed his front sprocket and we chowed down on pizza and beer, then off to bed.
Up early Saturday morning to a magic sunrise and cold temps. Got geared up and the boys got out of bed to watch the sunrise. I left them to get organised at around 7am to meet Medogrocket and Gotchya. The run up to Capertee was cold but ok until we hit Cullen Bullen. I swear the temp got down to -3 and we were riding over puddles with ½ inch of ice on them. I got so cold I was nauseous and had to slow down and concentrate real hard.
Once at Capertee all was good, except for getting Gotchya to undo my fuel cap. My little cold hands couldn’t do it. Did the rounds, caught up with the usuals and met some newbies. Briefing done and we were off.
Medogrocket and I had a rough plan of the tracks to take as we had heaps of time and wanted to throw in some interesting bits. We were cruising along having a bit of fun riding side by side and enjoying the ride. I was enjoying watching dog boy trying to keep control of the berg on some of the rocky up hills. Normally I don’t get anywhere near him but the bike didn’t seem to want him on there that day so I took advantage and rode up beside him. I’m sure if he knuckled down and pushed I would have eaten rocks. I hope everyone liked the run to the camp site.
The arvo grade 2ish ride was fun and we had a great crew. Lefty the little pocket rocket ran sweep and did a great job. Nothing fazes him and he always had a smile. Thanks mate. I was told that sam13 was a bit worried about going out and holding everyone up, so I picked some suitable tracks (I hope) that all the guys would like and had a couple of easier options for Sam13. We headed over to the top of 2 steps hill to watch medogrocket’s boys come up and have a bit of a break. Then went down 1 step hill, which is not as steep but infested with rocks (sunny corner loam) and sam13 nailed it and not too far behind the rest of the guys. Great work mate. We then cruised a nice fire trail that splits the natural bush and the pine forest until a rocky downhill where we peeled off to head back to camp for the evening’s festivities.
Sam13 and Lefty
Sam _ Lefty by malinjected, on FlickrAdam
Adam 1 by malinjected, on FlickrSaturday night was a blinder (literally for some). Hearing of Mick been attacked by a tree is never good but Galey is a trained professional and help was on the way fast. Rest up mate and see you on tracks when you’re all healed.
The drinks flowed and so did the prizes. Huge thanks to all the sponsors and guys that donated prizes. Thanks to ADVENTURE MOTO for my fuel bladder. I thought it was so good I bought the other one at the auction. And what about the auctioneer, Bollocks you’re a legend mate and do a great job. More drinks flowed and most of them went into the new Kings guts. STM you’re an alcohol mole, mate you will drink anything put in front of you. Great to watch. After everyone left the fire I turned the lights out and sat by the fire to finish my drink.
The new King in all his glory.
STM 6 by malinjected, on FlickrCamp fire and power pole type log from the redneck twins
fire 1 by malinjected, on FlickrSunday morning came around rather quickly and a lot of sore heads gathered around the fire, mine included. After a chicken sanga and heaps of water I was good to go. Sam13 had decided to rest up for the ride back to Capertee so I uped the grade a little for the guys I had. I had Kram sweeping today, cheers mate. We started on a couple of flowing fire trails, then down through a creek and up a slippery slope that had Bollocks trying to land his front wheel on my head. Great job taming the WR Bol.
We picked up a few more singles and some nice fast fire trails over to a great pine single section. We ripped through the first single and I stopped for a regroup and a rest. Everyone was enjoying the tracks and welcomed the rest. Lucky we stopped as a small group of riders came rocketing out of the track we were about to get into. All rested with cancer sticks and snakes inhaled, we headed off into some of my favourite tracks. Single after single of pine goodness then some fire trail and one more single to the main road. Cross the road and straight into another single. We toured some open fire trails and came out at the top of a steep rocky hill. There was an easy and hard option for the brave. Down the bottom we cross the creek and head for the first section of the Ski Run hill. I forgot to tell the not so confident guys that there was an easy option and when Lefty and I raced to the top, I asked Lefty to help anyone that has trouble and I’ll go down the easy way and let the guys know about the easy way. When I got to the start of the hill there were bikes spread all over the place. Most guys had a crack at it and 4 or 5 made it up, the rest Adam took the easy way. Thanks for that mate. It was getting time to be back for the run to Capertee so we high tailed on fire trails back to camp.
Everyone packed up and rode off. I pack up the love shack and checked the camp before we left. Thanks everyone for cleaning the camp site. You’d hardly know we were there. Got home unhooked the trailer and headed to Capertee to pickup Mick’s van. Mick had left the lights on and the battery was dead flat. The redneck twins tried pushing me for a clutch start but that didn’t work either. We found a set of light cabled jumper leads in Mick’s van but they were to light to jump off my battery. So we sat for 10 – 20 mins while the van battery charged enough to start. All good got the van home, had a shower and went to bed for a couple of hours then went to work for 12 hours. Top weekend in my books.
Big thanks to everyone that showed up and everyone that helped with the organising. The support drivers were legends again, thanks guys.
Huge thanks to Medogrocket for making me look like I know where I’m going. I’ve spent the best part of 10 years following him around Sunny Corner and still seem to get myself lost. Cheers mate.
I have a bit of video. I just need to get an editing program working to cut it up.
MalJune 4, 2011 at 9:19 pm #202593Hey Mal,
Nice ride report there mate and some good pics.
Checkout that Sunny Corner Loam :dry: Ain’t it just awesome.
June 4, 2011 at 9:24 pm #202067Looks a bit more like the Rock Loam we saw at Louee a while back :whistle:
June 4, 2011 at 9:53 pm #202598i thought the sunny corner loam was arwsome and the singles flowed real well nice spot
June 4, 2011 at 10:33 pm #202600Yeah i thought it was great too Rocket. It is challenging and absolutely no problems if you use Ultra Heavy Duty Tubes, which i did.
And yes it is a great spot and I wish I was riding there again this weekend.
I will be definately be back. :woohoo: :woohoo:June 4, 2011 at 10:50 pm #202602I remembered it being much rockier last year than this year. Either it was the trail selection or Tekniks working their magic but I loved the riding. Those pine forest singles were epic and I am looking forward to next year already.
June 4, 2011 at 11:24 pm #202603Ohhhh comon!!!!!!!!!!! who won what????????????????
June 4, 2011 at 11:26 pm #202604i got some baby wipes boony ????
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