OBT 3rd birthday ride report 2011

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    Mick D

    Thanks everyone for a fun weekend, will do a report later.
    I especially enjoyed the Sunday morning ride, thanks Mal and Lefty for some great pine forest action.

    Just uploaded 90 photos to photobucket and will post them with my report. Had a look through them and there are some good ones among them.


    Robert Clark

    Hey fellas,

    Thank you for a top weekend. Great trails,few incidents (glad mick is ok) and a great chance to meet some top blokes too. Most of our group were ob virgins and we were welcome with open arms. Thanks again,

    In my rush off from Capertee i seemed to have left my blue overnight bag behind. I don’t suppose anyone picked it up? It had Clark written on the side with my mobile number on it.

    Anyway, if you know of its whereabouts could you let me know?

    Clarkyktm (white ktm)


    Mick D

    Hey Clarky
    Thanks for coming, the cameraderie is what we try to promote at OBT, glad that you had a good time.

    As for your bag ,I didn’t see it but I did see your white Kato and it did look sweet. ;)

    Hopefully your bag turns up somewhere.




    Surely was an awesome weekend, pretty much put my bike away had a shower and went to bed, will be posting tonight.



    Keep the reports coming Dudes
    Some piccy’s would be good


    Adrian Gale
    clarkyktm wrote:
    Hey fellas,

    Thank you for a top weekend. Great trails,few incidents (glad mick is ok) and a great chance to meet some top blokes too. Most of our group were ob virgins and we were welcome with open arms. Thanks again,

    In my rush off from Capertee i seemed to have left my blue overnight bag behind. I don’t suppose anyone picked it up? It had Clark written on the side with my mobile number on it.

    Anyway, if you know of its whereabouts could you let me know?

    Clarkyktm (white ktm)

    Clarky mate I am sure someone in Capertee now has a shiny new European carryall that you left behind as a thankyou for our little bit of Heaven we call the Sunny Corner State Forest:P



    Mick D

    Hey Murph, here’s a couple of pics that I bet make you wish you came on the ride.
    The say it was a bit “fresh” Saturday morning is an understatement. It was a bit of a shock for us Northcoast boys. :ohmy:


    I walked across that puddle and it didn’t even crack!!!




    Well what a HUGE weekend. Thank you to everyone that had a hand in the makings of this weekend it was such a top ride. Thanks to Mal 5.1 and donna for letting us stay at there place friday night.

    Friday started about 10ish when i rocked up at the old mans place and loaded all the gear and bikes up and shot through to MudnTar for a quick pitstop. Thanks brock for getting what i needed in quick.

    then after a quick bite to eat in Taree we headed for the mountains and after a nice drive down i noticed as we started going through town before climbing it was 15 degrees and that just kept going down as fast as we were climbing. by the time we reached Mal 5.1 place it was reading 1c and i thought the jump was now in order. After a few things done to the bikes we headed in side to a pizza and a look at some video Mal had taken of the loops and i was busting to get riding. So off to bed we went (not that i slept that well with the excitement)

    Saturday started off with one of the best sunrises i have seen in ages (maybe because that hour doesnt normally get seen much from me) i stepped out side for some photos and then i relised the frost :blink: Mal kitted up and left on bike and we jumped in the car and headed to Capertee where my car was reading -4c
    We unloaded everything and kitted up and yes we were running late as TB like to point out to me ;)
    The first hour was a blur as i was so cold but i guess the 2 things that stood out for me was the Sunny corner loam and Ollie on a XR650 WTF.
    Loved all over the harder loops and the rocky country was unreal to ride in. The loss hills and the pine forest were just so much fun.

    The afternoon loop was great fun as we were cracking a better pace now all up to Mick the muppet (as he now wanted to be called) hit tommo the tree and don’t ask me why we had named the tree tommo it had something to do with 3rd party insurance and all his big talk then we found out his working back ground and we kept him in high spirits till Matt and Pat the ambo dudes arrived and they took good care of him and sorted him out. How ever i think Dr Sutto may need to have a look at the KTM :P

    After the lack of sleep the night before i made it to after the auction and hit the sack.

    Sunday woke around 6ish and made a fire and had some breaky and packed up and fueled up. The morning loop was the best loop of the weekend for me i played sweep on this loop but nearly every one kept moving along bar 1 little misshap hey Galey ;) after a quick lunch the remaining 36 bikes rolled out for the ride back to Capertee which i played sweep on and had a little fun on the way back to the cars. After loading up we headed home and i walked in the door at 1.15 this morning and thought poor nickj would still be going.

    – Congrats King STM
    – Thanks every one that come on the ride to make it what it was
    – Thanks OBT admin for what you do



    Nice one Mick
    Gets bloody cold down that hey.
    Is that bottom pic taken at Lithgow Macca’s?


    Mick D
    Murph the surf wrote:
    Nice one Mick
    Gets bloody cold down that hey.
    Is that bottom pic taken at Lithgow Macca’s?

    Spot on Murph!! You certainly know your McDonalds!!


    That was a massive weekend!
    It started with Nickj picking me up from work in Coffs and by 2.30pm we were on the road. We had a good run down to Sydney chatting and laughing the whole way. We arrived at TB’s just before 9pm and cracked open some beers. Some of OBT’s finest were all sitting round and the banter was on. It was a good chance to catch up with the old crew, meet some new and have a laugh with the redneck brothers. Hell Yeah! :cheer:
    TB looked keen to empty the eskies there and then but we showed reasonable constant and by 11.30 we were bedding down. Somehow TB fitted us all in the house and before long Kram was at full song :pinch: I slept even with the Ewok cutting wood and before long the 5am alarm rang through the house.
    A quick assembly at Maccas and we were on our way to Capertee. The closer we got the colder it got and not far from town the frost got thicker. As ee got ready in the car park it was clear the morning ride would be cold so I added another layer. It was roulette whether your bike would start in these temps and I had to resort to kicking it over. Several others were seen push starting so the temperature was already having an effect.
    On the run out to Capertee I ran sweep with Lefty, TB and Nickj. I had ridden plenty with the others but it was my first good look at Lefty. He can ride a dirt bike!
    We took turns spliting in two and sweeping the hard and easy options. At the beginning of one split Pete the Wulf had a rear flat. He had a HD tube but the valve had failed. We did a change The pit boys would be proud of and we were on our way.
    I really enjoyed the ride out and considering the size of the group we moved well. After a flat front from Fish we rolled into camp and set up. The support boys had done a great job and the Moose mobile certainly made life easier. Good onya Moose. :cheer:
    I waited to see where Kram was laying out his swag and then I set up on the opposite side of the clearing. :laugh:

    To be continued.



    Geez Murph your on the ball, that’s Lithgow Macca’s alright


    Adam Rodgers

    Well another top Old Bulls weekend :woohoo:

    They never dissapoint :)

    And a big thankyou to all involved especially those that prepared and organized the weekend and made it run so smoothly ;)

    Sam and I woke to a frosty morning in Lithgow where we stayed overnight and put on our warm riding gear :) I pitied the boys that slept in the carpark as everything they had was frozen :S We arrived to a flurry of activity at Capertee and got ready for the cold start, for me this meant ensuring my grip heaters were on and working :laugh:

    The riding was tops even the arvo grade 2, 2.5, 3ish was a hoot :woohoo: and I congratulate Sam13 on his efforts to keep up and try things that I’m sure he would not normally have done :laugh:

    Sunday morning we woke to balmy weather considering Saturdays start and had a fantastic ride on the grade 3 loop it was a hoot :woohoo: The ride back to Capertee was excellent as well, I’m sure TB put in all those singles because half the group kept opting for the easy options :whistle:

    I’m dissapointed Bigger Al didn’t have a camera for my over the hangers flop down one of the hard option hills, it would have looked good :laugh: I also can’t wait to see the photo of the Sunday morning pileup on one slippery hill :laugh: :laugh:

    Again thankyou to all, a quick recovery to those that got injured and see you all next time ;)



    Mick D
    adam wrote:
    I also can’t wait to see the photo of the Sunday morning pileup on one slippery hill :laugh: :laugh:


    Yep, Adam I have the photo of the pile up on the hill but you’ll have to wait until I get time to do a report. :cheer:

    I presume that is the hill that my old shitbox XR ate for breakfast ?? ;)

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