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May 29, 2011 at 5:18 pm #202036
Well what can I say, but what top bunch of blokes. Thanks to all the organisers, contributors, support drivers, lead and sweep riders you blokes made a free flowing ride / weekend, well done.
This was my first Old Bulls Birthday Ride and I had a ball. Everyone was there to help each other in different situations, if you were getting stuck on a hill ( namely me ) or if you had a bad stack ( Mick hope you have a quick recovery ) there were people there willing to help.The different rides catered for everyone on all levels, no one was left out.
It was good to have a chat with some of the bloke around the camp fire, I think I ended up getting to bed at about 1.00 and once my head hit the pillow I was out for the count.
Looking forward to catching up with you all, on future rides.
GregMay 29, 2011 at 6:13 pm #202089Hey Clarky I picked up your bag as I was second last to leave, Pete the Wolfs ute wouldnt start,so tried to to get him going I will call you tonight
I also have a OZtrail sleeping bag with O’conner (maybe O’Connel) and A heavy Duty Tarp that was left behind
clarkyktm wrote:Hey fellas,Thank you for a top weekend. Great trails,few incidents (glad mick is ok) and a great chance to meet some top blokes too. Most of our group were ob virgins and we were welcome with open arms. Thanks again,
In my rush off from Capertee i seemed to have left my blue overnight bag behind. I don’t suppose anyone picked it up? It had Clark written on the side with my mobile number on it.
Anyway, if you know of its whereabouts could you let me know?
Clarkyktm (white ktm)
May 29, 2011 at 6:41 pm #202079GaleyKTM300 wrote:Lads, I have a quick update on Mick who broke this femur.
He was taken to Orange hospital and had a rod put into his broken femur which had a “nice” clean break. He also smashed up his knee cap which was also operated on. His parents and GF are with him.
Big props go to the ride group who attended to him on site, kept him comfy and spirits up whilst help was on the way. Mick’s family pass on their thanks.Mick also signed up for health insurance on Friday;)
Other than Mick’s drama a great weekend was had.
Cheers Galey…grade 3/4 ride leader
P.S. Adv Moto will be getting a order from me this week for a spot tracker for my camelback. http://www.adventuremoto.com.au/
I just spoke to Steve and my Spot Tracker is in the mail. That really was a lesson to all of us who go out for solo rides. Breaking your leg is one thing but spending the next week dying in the bush on your own is avoidable.
May 29, 2011 at 6:44 pm #202126ok great Ollie. Thanks mate. Really appreciated.
In our group there was a bloke named Greg OConnor so maybe that Sleeping bag might be his. I will try and get in touch with him.
We are obviously a forgetful bunch:laugh:
May 29, 2011 at 7:19 pm #202132Thanks everyone for coming riding in our (Galey & Medogrocket) backyard. It was a pleasure to show you guys around. We picked the perfect weekend, it been raining all day here.
I had a great time riding with some new guys and catching up with the regulars. Sounds like everyone enjoyed the riding.
I have a heap of video which needs some editing, so I’ll get to that this week. I’ll do a report through the week too.
Thanks to Galey and Medogrocket for leading the loops, Greg for most of the organising and Chris for keeping the internerd stuff running smooth.
Huge thanks to the site sponsors. They supplied some awesome gear and lots of it. Top work by NickJ hitting up his local shop for some gear too.
STM – congrats mate, you deserve the kings tiara mate. Although at midnight saturday you were not the little princess you started the night at. :whistle: I’ll post up your Sunny Corner ride grade system later too. :laugh:
Crash – It’s over mate let it go. You’re now back with the village idiots. :laugh:
More later.
May 29, 2011 at 7:30 pm #202127Ollie,
Yep that was my sleeping bag, thanks for picking it up I didn’t even miss it until I saw this post.
The Tarp isn’t mine.
What suburb are you in ??May 29, 2011 at 7:39 pm #202135I have it on good authority that a certain person who had a flat not far from home has gotten a deal on Some ultra HD Tubes and a new rear tyre from Suttos. Good on ya.
(name has been withheld cause I don’t know it but think it started with a G)
May 29, 2011 at 8:30 pm #202136GOCMAN wrote:Ollie,
Yep that was my sleeping bag, thanks for picking it up I didn’t even miss it until I saw this post.
The Tarp isn’t mine.
What suburb are you in ??Hornsby Greg, check your PM’s
May 29, 2011 at 9:04 pm #202137Thanks to the organizers , support crew and of course the local obt riders for showing us their awesome trails. I haven’t travelled that far (1684km) for a 2 day ride before but it was well worth the drive and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
A big highlight for me was getting to ride with my good mate Chris-t, we used to ride together on the road a lot in England but this was our first singles dirt ride together and he can really get along on that 690 , cheers mate !
Sweeping on Saturday morning was great fun , laughing with STM on the Bluetooths , playing silly buggers with TB trying to run each other into the bush and following lefty who just seems to float over the knarlyest terrain. I tried to keep up with lefty following his exact line and only saw him for 2 corners and he was gone :ohmy:
The afternoon grade 3 ride had STM and I sweeping and we had a great time riding top notch singles and talking on the Bluetooth the whole time. The group split halfway through and we went back out , Galey had a nice paced ride going that was moving really well when poor Mick hit that tree
( get well mate )
This ment some quick thinking and Galey soon had a plan, he lead 3 of us out of the pines at warp speed, I really had trouble keeping him in sight and at times their was no visible track so I was glad when I caught up on the fire road. I went along to go back to camp and let everyone know what had happened so they didn’t send out a search party as it got later. As it turned out the ambos wanted us all to go back to the camp and meet them their. It was a releaf when everyone got back to camp and Mick was safe.
The beers and laughs really flowed evening and STM and I managed to polish of a carton of 500ml cans :dry: :sick: Bollocks ,as always was great doing job with the auction and well done everyone with all the money raisedI woke on Sunday with the mother of all hangovers and thought I might improve with a little grade to ride with Mal5.1 :blink: to say things didn’t flow for me is an undersatement as the hangover grew. I still had a really fun time but was in no shape to tackle anything technical ( I could see boulder knew how I felt as he too knocked back any challenges that could involve the possibilty of picking up a bike :laugh: )
We got back to camp and after a quick refuel I wired up stms helmet and watched him try to put it on between chucks :sick: 😆 for someone so hungover he was riding well and we had a good time racing back to Capertee with the long twin track section really getting fast and fun.
We hit the road home but only made Taree by 10.30 and I could barely stay awake so we got a motel and left for the last leg at 5.30 this morning.
Thanks all OBTs for making this ride one of the greats for me, I had a ball
May 29, 2011 at 9:18 pm #202037Hi and thanks to everybody who organised and attended the birthday ride i met a great bunch of blocks and had a great ride [ the bit i did anyway ] big thanks to the people who helped get the DR tanker through the tough stuff . Looking forward to the next ride on something a bit lighter . Hope Micks leg recovery is quick . Thanks to the people who helped and kept him in good spirits while waiting for the ambo.
Thanks again for a great weekend .
cheers bonesPS. Congratulations to the new King STM
May 29, 2011 at 9:18 pm #202038Like everyone so far i had a great weekend.
Caught up with OLD Bulls and some NEW OLD BULLS and as usual not a bad one amongst them.Few thoughts and observations from the ride.
Rolling into Capertee with the temp at -4 degrees.
Catching up with Action who had camped overnight.:huh:
Pulling one of the first cornerman jobs and seeing bike after bike roar past.
Wrapping my hands around the muffler at the first stop to get feeling back into my fingers.
Following Mal on the afternoon loop (great ride thanks Mal).
Sitting around the camp fire and putting faces to site names.
The auction and presentations were a good laugh. :laugh:
Thanks to all the sponsors.
Young Sam talking to me later that night in a new language.
(let’s call it Jackdanieleese).
Being kicked awake at the fire and told to go to bed.
Adam pushing me out of the creek on the loop on Sunday morning.
Another great 2/3 grade loop well lead by Mal and swept by Kram.
Joining the other six guys that got stuck on the hill.
Mick showering me in roost from the back tyre on his Massey Furgusson in the pine singles.
The trip back to Capertee in the afternoon with just about everything you could want from a ride, hills, singles, rocks, mud etc etc.
Talking to new OBT rider Stickman for about 3/4 of an hour waiting for everyone to come through the gate that i had to close. (i needed the rest at that stage).
Meeting up with different people on cornerman duty.As usual met some interesting characters, learnt some things, laughed a lot and rode my bike. All good!
Thanks to everyone for another excellent Old Bulls adventure.
Lead riders
All the OBTsRebore.
May 29, 2011 at 9:20 pm #202138Greg, do you mind picking up my bag whilst you are there too mate? I will get it off you at the Watagans ride if that is ok?
Ollie wrote:GOCMAN wrote:Ollie,
Yep that was my sleeping bag, thanks for picking it up I didn’t even miss it until I saw this post.
The Tarp isn’t mine.
What suburb are you in ??Hornsby Greg, check your PM’s
May 29, 2011 at 9:49 pm #202090clarkyktm wrote:Hey fellas,Thank you for a top weekend. Great trails,few incidents (glad mick is ok) and a great chance to meet some top blokes too. Most of our group were ob virgins and we were welcome with open arms. Thanks again,
In my rush off from Capertee i seemed to have left my blue overnight bag behind. I don’t suppose anyone picked it up? It had Clark written on the side with my mobile number on it.
Anyway, if you know of its whereabouts could you let me know?
Clarkyktm (white ktm)
There was “bag found” on a sign outside the Capertee servo when the adventure guys went through at about 1pm on the Saturday if you lost it before then. give them a call anyway. it may have been handed in.
May 29, 2011 at 9:52 pm #202039hey guys
cheers for a good weekend it was awesome even with a really slow support vehicle :laugh: … you got me hooked and i’ll deffenatly be back for more.. thanks again.. sam.
May 29, 2011 at 9:56 pm #202139Well where do i start? What a bloody fantastic weekend!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
It all actually started at TB’s on friday afternoon dropping my bike off & meeting up with Eagle and Jeffro. Eagle and Jeffro were great and took care of my stuff while I had to go back to work. But I must admit Eagle was like a dog with two dicks :huh: and so proud of his new Kato 690 so i had to take a look. Awesome bike champ, wish i had one. :angry:
Went back to TB’s after work and caught up with some more OB’s. Had a couple of beers and helped Mick change his rear tyre after there was a little banter. :laugh: :laugh: Went home, serviced the bride, (I could only hope!) :whistle: No go there!, so got some sleep. Then when TB arrived to pick me up at 5:15am he looked like the colour of bad shit :sick: so i guess it was my turn for a steer. We met the crew at Macca’s Blaxland and headed for Capertee. :woohoo: So before we left Macca’s i thought i would warm my shoulders up, as they need a bit of attention before a ride, so i put some Goanna heat cream onto them
Well that gave TB a bit of something to snort on the way up :sick: :sick:
but i can assure you he was not real happy about it but as i was driving his car i was pretty sure he wouldn’t have an up and under in it. :blink:
Well when we got to Macca’s Lithgow all was back on track. Had some brekky and headed to Capertee for the start…….
More later, dinner is on!
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