OBT 3rd birthday ride report 2011

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  • #202144
    sam. wrote:
    hey guys

    cheers for a good weekend it was awesome even with a really slow support vehicle :laugh: … you got me hooked and i’ll deffenatly be back for more.. thanks again.. sam.

    Keep up the good work there Sam you will have that WRF doing every thing you want it to and some

    clarkyktm wrote:
    Greg, do you mind picking up my bag whilst you are there too mate? I will get it off you at the Watagans ride if that is ok?


    No worries Clarky,
    Leave it with me. ;)



    Great weekend and ride.

    Thanks to all who came along and the sponsors who gave away their products for auction. Great job with the autioneering BOLLs. There were so many people there I didn’t get to talk to catch up with, let alone everyone else. There’s always the next ride.

    It would have been good to do the enduro loops but the Kato is in the shop so the DR650 got a run.

    Thanks for the DVD I was awarded. I’ve got a romantic week in the hunter planned in july and it will come in handy during the dull moments:lol:

    Maybe I can take the bike………..mmmmmmmmmmmmm………might get in trouble.



    GOCMAN wrote:
    clarkyktm wrote:
    Greg, do you mind picking up my bag whilst you are there too mate? I will get it off you at the Watagans ride if that is ok?


    No worries Clarky,
    Leave it with me. ;)

    Check Clarky and Greg just call me when you want to pick it up B)




    My Photos are uploading now, gunna take a while there is nearly 1GB of them or in layman terms 1000megabytes. Then theres the vids which is about 6GB worth.



    Thanks Guys for the ride that bike did with out me and special thanks to Crash for return it home to sleep in one piece and sound like he enjoy the time aboard the 300KTM even if it wasn’t running spot on.

    Glad to hear you all had a great time and good to hear the 300 dream is stilll alive out there in the tracks.

    Will be some 3 more weeks working in Melbourne then hitting the track myself and look forward to meeting up with the new bull sout there in the dirt.


    Nick Jackson
    Corey8 wrote:
    sam. wrote:
    hey guys

    cheers for a good weekend it was awesome even with a really slow support vehicle :laugh: … you got me hooked and i’ll deffenatly be back for more.. thanks again.. sam.

    Keep up the good work there Sam you will have that WRF doing every thing you want it to and some

    Hey Corey, I think you might have the wrong Sam , Sam13 is on the Wr , I think this Sam is the ‘ Hell Yeah’ ! top support driver?? Not sure but ?

    Nickj wrote:
    Corey8 wrote:
    sam. wrote:
    hey guys

    cheers for a good weekend it was awesome even with a really slow support vehicle :laugh: … you got me hooked and i’ll deffenatly be back for more.. thanks again.. sam.

    Keep up the good work there Sam you will have that WRF doing every thing you want it to and some

    Hey Corey, I think you might have the wrong Sam , Sam13 is on the Wr , I think this Sam is the ‘ Hell Yeah’ ! top support driver?? Not sure but ?

    Ok well i am sure the right Sam will get my message LOL thanks Nick.

    Man what happened last night with only taree? Dad slept from the M7 to the twin servo’s so i woke him for dinner then slept till port macquarie. He was the best co driver ever. Not often he stays that quite though :laugh:

    Corey8 wrote:
    Nickj wrote:
    Corey8 wrote:
    sam. wrote:
    hey guys

    cheers for a good weekend it was awesome even with a really slow support vehicle :laugh: … you got me hooked and i’ll deffenatly be back for more.. thanks again.. sam.

    Keep up the good work there Sam you will have that WRF doing every thing you want it to and some

    Hey Corey, I think you might have the wrong Sam , Sam13 is on the Wr , I think this Sam is the ‘ Hell Yeah’ ! top support driver?? Not sure but ?

    Ok well i am sure the right Sam will get my message LOL thanks Nick.

    Man what happened last night with only taree? Dad slept from the M7 to the twin servo’s so i woke him for dinner then slept till port macquarie. He was the best co driver ever. Not often he stays that quite though :laugh:

    It is more a case of what happened the night before :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Eag`s view continued,,,

    When the crew arrived from the trip from Capertee, they looked to have had a ball :woohoo: They were a bit spread out, but soon enough all were at camp for lunch.
    I was going to have a run in the singles with Mal 5.1 to give the 690 it`s forst real shakedown ride, however , Tb asked me if I felt like a blast back to Capertee to retrieve a spare brake lever for young Mike (pity he didn`t get to use it before his accident on the arvo loop) :whistle: The ride to Capertee was a tad slower than normal, as I had to stop periodically to check the tomtom for the correct way to go :laugh:
    On the return leg, I was able to cut loose a bit & had to give myself a reality check once or twice when I realised I was cruising a tad too fast at times :blush: :whistle: The 690 really goes when needed ,,,

    On return to camp, the guys were all out again on the trails, so I had a bite to eat then hit the same trails I had run in the morning, but in reverse & switched back & forth for a while, had a ball again.

    It was good to catch up with the Central Coast Adv`ers , GavB, MickP & Losta Lotsa when they rolled in & I promptly handed them a cool beer that I had prepared earlier :laugh: :laugh: They had ridden from Newcastle on their ADV Bikes (690E, 640 ADV & DR650) & looked like tey needed a cold beer, and a warm fire :whistle:

    The arfternoon was dampened a bit when news of the accident filtered back to camp, there were guys out there with him trailside, guys on the access to the trail from the road 7 guys going back & forth with the space blanket etc It was a relief to hear he was doing ok in the end and had been extracted before dark (damn it was getting dark & cool quickly)

    So eventually we had dinner & then got into the presentation of prizes & the famous OBT CHARITY AUCTION, it was terrific thanx to Bollocks ;)
    Great fun, a laugh a minute & also raised a great amount of $$$ for the welcome cause,,,,
    A massive thanx must go out to all sponsors & other retailers that dug deep to donate some fantastic prizes. Also good work NickJ with your extra effort on the trip down mate :)
    Also some good buying from the guys in the crowd to try and score a bargain, although some items selflessly went for more than their retail prices :laugh: All for the cause ;)

    Then it down to the ring around the fire & some quality catchup time and meeting some new Old Bulls for the first time. Hope you all felt welcome and feel like part of the Crew so you will all come back again & again !!!!!

    The rest of the night became a bit of a blurr as the drink took over (STM aka the KING was by far the worst out there) :P Way to go Scotty & congrats on your new appointment mate, you are now a member of a very special group :whistle: :laugh: Glad the Tiara wasn`t around a couple of years back :unsure:

    Sunday`s goings on later,,,,,


    Thanks for a great weekend!!!!! It was my first OB ride and looking forward to my next. thanks to all that made it all happen . We did freeze camping in the carpark on friday night!!!!cheers


    Todd Jackson

    Gents, Many Many Thanks.
    I had a top weekend. Camping in the Capertee carpark on Fri night certainly wasn’t a highlight.:blink:
    But those memories were soon evaporated actually frozen off.
    Some great riding.
    Nice banter around the fire.
    Its always good to get some nice solid mechanical advice, I’m only new on the tools so i picked up so good tips (Cheers Adam, Corey, Bigger Al and Rebore)
    BTW can anyone give me advice on replacing a HEAP of spokes on a rear wheel?

    Again thanks to all the organisers, the lead riders, the sweeps. Not to forget the support vehicle crew, and all the wives that let us out for a weekend :)

    Also a big thanks to the sponsors and TB’s gift of the gab to get the goodies. TB, do you think you could approach Bundy to come on board as a sponsor???:cheer:

    I hope all the money raised helps those that need it, even the guy that’s too modest to put his hand up.
    A speedy recovery for Mick (poor bastard)
    Lets hope Aido’s mum is OK
    I look forward to doing it all again hopefully real soon



    As we drove to Capertee along the Mudgee road the temperature dropped to -3deg on the dash on TB’s Hilux and the fog was as thick as pea soup in some spots. :unsure: Anyway as you all know it was bloody cold but everone was pumped for a great weekend. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    I was thinking i may need one of these! B)


    We left our gear with Moose, Tiny and the Redneck twins (Bubba and Sam) to pack into the truck, and trailer (A special thanks to all the support crew on the weekend, you guys were awesome!) ;) and we were on our way.

    I was riding sweep with TB, Nickj and King STM which was great fun, thanks guys. STM and I helped out Pete the Wulf change a tube in a flat rear that he encounted :huh: but then we had to repair his rear chain block as is was falling off. :dry: A couple of cable ties did the trick and we were on our way.;) Btw Pete I think STM had my drink on Saturday night. :laugh: :laugh: It was a nice steady ride to camp and great fun.

    After we got to camp and set up, had a bite to eat. Well sort of :angry: as TB was doing the lunches but had a few too many the night before and well no lunch eh! :huh: But he did pack the bread, bit dry though :laugh: :laugh:

    The afternoon ride was a leasurely grade 2 ride led by Mal 5.1, thanks Mal, and i went sweep. To be honest i thought it may have been a little mundane but i actually had a great time with the guys as we were only in a small group and I started to teach Sam13 a few little tips like standing up and squeezing the bike to gain better balance and control which was very satisfying. Well done Sam ;) and i hoped i helped in some way. :dry:

    Saturday night was great. Thanks to all the sponsors for their donations of prizes and auction items as it all goes to a good cause. Thanks to TB and Chris72a for all the work done behind the scenes, to Bollocks for being such a great auctioneer, bloody great job. I appologise to anyone that I may have missed who also worked behind the scenes to put this weekend on it was awesome to be apart of with a great bunch of blokes. ;)
    Sorry to hear about Mick as i have been in that situation before with a broken pelvis :unsure: Unfortunately i didn’t get to meet him but i wish him all the best in his recovery. Get well soon Mick. ;)

    Day 2 later, but feel free to ask TB about his ghosty :P :silly: It was pretty to watch. :blink:


    The Left One



    Hey lads, I’ll be the first to admit then that I still feel like I’ve been hit by a freight train (even at my youthful age). Worse than after the 4day, easily. That’s life being off the bike for nearly 2 years. Great rides, awesome loops, great company.

    BTW, my little 2 man tent never appeared at the Capertee car park Sunday avo. It made it onto the truck that I’m certain. My stuff was the last on the truck, threw it up to Lefty I think before eskys went on.

    Update: Moose has found my tent. All good.

    Cheers, Axel


    Sorry Axel it wasn’t me as i only left my swag with all the others before the truck was packed. my stuff went in TB’s ute.

    Sorry Champ!

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