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This topic contains 237 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Dean 13 years, 9 months ago.
May 30, 2011 at 12:26 am #202158
i felt a bit rough today as well axel but its all worth it .bikes fixed ready to go for next weekend got to burn the rest of the fuel.where we going?you got to train for a murphsberg don t you
May 30, 2011 at 12:26 am #202045No worries Lefty, cheers mate.
May 30, 2011 at 12:29 am #202159[attachment=2505]mick4.jpg[/attachment]
Tommo the tree
Mick the muppet with his blue steel pose
May 30, 2011 at 1:02 am #202164Thanks to everybody for an awesome weekend, had alot of fun and laughs. The tracks were alot of fun and there were some nice hillclimbs. I was supposed to be taking it easy due to still recovering from my collar bone injury but within a few seconds of riding i had forgotten all about taking it easy haha :cheer:. Like all the old bull rides they are well thought out tracks that can cater to all levels of rider experience, i liked it how there was hard and easy options on the main whole group rides, and then it was great to be able to split up the riders and go on the ride that catered for your experience level. Unfortunately i missed Galeys off when he over cooked it on a corner and went sailing into the bush, I rocked up a few seconds later wondering what the hell this lone ktm was doing down off the track 20 meters into the bush
. And good to hear he was un hurt. Unfortunately we had the broken femur, but it could of been worse, all my sympathy goes to him as i broke mine and know it is the pits
, get well champ.
And thanks to crash for letting me have a good ride on his mates 300 (wish i had mates that would lend me their bikes when I blew mine up), and he also let me test out my tubliss system with a tyre plug after that sunny corner loam made a mess of my front tyre :laugh:.
Thanks again everybody, keen for the next ride.
May 30, 2011 at 1:06 am #202163The loops on Saturday arvo were great fun.
The 3/4 group of Galey’s was by far the biggest group so Nickj and I swept that together with the blue tooth on. Riding with those on is so funny and Nickj and I were giving each other heaps and pushing each other hard. The trails were linked well with a great mix of native and pine singles. It is totally different terrain to my local so I enjoyed the diversity and was loving the pine singles.
Galey is a pro and picked up on the fact that some were starting to fatigue so he pulled us over and gave riders the option to cut it short and bail. I was having a ball and it was an easy choice for me to stay and keep sweeping. Galey planned another 30ks to finish the day and about 20 in Mike hit the tree. He is one tough bastard because he had cleaned snapped his femur in two and shattered his knee yet he lay there and sucked it up. He did well to stay calm and eventually the ambulances arrived and sorted him out. He seems like a real good guy and hopefully will make a full recovery and be back on the bike.
We arrived back on dusk and freezing cold. It was warm in the singles and I had stripped down at lunch but the temp had plummeted and I spent a good 10 mins around the fire before I got changed and ready for the night.
I sat a can of Fully Loaded in the fire and 5 minutes later I had eaten, binned my can and plastic spoon and grabbed another beer.
The presentation and auction was very funny and TB, Chris and Bollocks did a great job. It was another great night of laughs and bonding with such a good bunch of guys. Everyone mingled and you only had to turn your head and you started up another conversation with someone equally stoked on the day they had had. As I mentioned earlier coronations can get messy and straight JD was probably not what I needed nor any of Gotchya’s liquid madness but that is easy to say in hindsight. I did have a small spit to clear my throat but nothing major :whistle:
It was time to crash so I stumbled down to my tent and wrestled with my sleeping bag which I woke up next to instead of in :pinch: I was showing anyone who would look my new camping setup and I still didn’t mange to get in my sleeping bag. I will be back next year for third time lucky.To be continued.
May 30, 2011 at 1:23 am #202165Awesome is the best word to describe it…
Well done to TB and his merry men for organising bloody good weekend :cheer:
and to all old bulls that came from near and far it was great to meet, ride and sleepwith you all…
Also thanks to the sweeps nickj and Corey? for getting me through the sat arvo loop (cheers guys).
May 30, 2011 at 1:37 am #202168OMG there has to be a competition here.
May 30, 2011 at 1:38 am #202170All Photos Uploaded, here is a link to the slideshow.
May 30, 2011 at 1:50 am #202160Sunday’s Rides
We started another ride on Sunday led by Mal5.1 and swept by Kram. Thanks gents.
It was a fairly steady ride with a little tricky/slippery creek crossing which bought a few boys undone :huh: but it was great to see the comraderie among the guys to help others out.
After that Mal took us through some awesome pine forest singles which were part of the 4day special tests. :woohoo: Thanks Mal, they were an awesome start to the mornings ride. We had some good fast tricky downhill sections also, which i must admit i nearly ran out of talent :unsure: going down as it was rutt infested and at some stage i was thinking to myself “f#%k me slow down you swapper & don’t crash” as i got the kato back under control. I am sure at some stage i was in every rutt at once :whistle: :whistle: If i cut anyone off going down that hill i must appologise it was certainly not intentional. :huh:
We then ventured down a steep rock infested down hill to a creek crossing and on the other side was an awesome hillclimb. It was a combination of damp red clay and some loose shale. Not too long about 100m or so but quite steep and a little cracker. I was behind a couple of guys and hit the bottom in third and just held it on. I thought to myself momentum is the key here so stay on it! Then all of a sudden there was one bike stopped half way so i just had to change lines, which was a bit awkward but i made it to the top still in 3rd! :woohoo: :woohoo: It was awesome, then i turned around to see bike carnage everywhere stopped on the hill. So we helped turn everyone around and those who wanted to have a crack had another go. Micknmeld was the first to have a go on the big XR650 and tractored up like a Massey Ferguson, pretty to watch champ! I was down halfway catching a few bikes on the way up it was great and i hope someone got some pics. :dry:It was then time to head back to pack up for the after noon ride to Capertee……
More later,
May 30, 2011 at 1:53 am #202175chris72a wrote:All Photos Uploaded, here is a link to the slideshow.http://s298.photobucket.com/albums/mm250/chris72a/OB%203rd%20Anniversary%20Ride/?albumview=slideshow
Thanks Chris, nice photos well done if you don’t mind I will help with maybe add some names to the photos where I can as I know how busy you are
I will for all those going put the photos on the site with the names of people
Crash hooking in and helping with a flat standard tubes just don’t cut it
What’s Adam thinking while he watchs on :laugh:
Was this when Crash pinched it ?
Corey8 sweeping the trip back to Capertee
Fish or should I say mister excuse, he has an excuse for everything nothing is his doing
Pete the wolf running as he doesn’t want to get wet :laugh:
Crash on the D mobile
Super Sam
I will finish these tomorrow so we know who’s who
May 30, 2011 at 2:07 am #202178Here are a few videos from the run to the camp site.
Note the prime examples of Sunny Corner Loam in these first few
You will notice Ollie practicing kick starting the fiddy on the other side of the creek on this one.
Look for Bollocks getting cold wet feet after his bike died crosiing the creek.
May 30, 2011 at 2:15 am #202179The last 2 from Saturday morning, afternoon grade 3 videos to come.
This is the start of the first of the pine singles for the weekend. I chopped a few bits and pieces together for this video cutting out some of the hold ups
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiKO7OK2fvYNote the gold coloured water (either that or all the wild life pee in the same stream
) across the track in the early part
May 30, 2011 at 11:27 am #202181Where does a man start? What a top weekend!
Here is my take on the weekend, mainly in pictures. Sorry if the quality is a bit suspect, the camera only cost $99.
TB and Mal at the briefing
Lefty, whispering a prayer to the tree gods
A fine piece of machinery
The happy group of campers who decided it might be best to leave before the camp ground turned into a circus
The pile of gear and the support crew, Tiny is the king of planking and Eagle has a bit to learn.
Eskies?? Yep we had a few there.
Talk about after sales service. Fit a recluse to your bike and Sutto sends a staff member to adjust it for you on the trail,
The next pics are of the arvo 3-4 grade loop. Sorry I didn’t know who was who.
PM me with a photo description if you are in any of the un named pics and I will add your name to the pic.
Stickman on his Husky
I dunno why but I like this pic.
I bet TONY got hot on this loop in his big jacket
Dan on the mighty XR400. Nicely presented XR Dan.
A bit of high speed flowing single got every one warmed up before the tighter stuff sorted a few out.
Adam chasing Tony
Kram on the 310 Husky
GO Moose!! Ol Burple is so fast you can never get a photo of her that isn’t a blur!!
Strucky got Bogged and looked up in horror to see me with the camera!!
That is Mick stuck behind him,Mick had to work hard to get unstuck, little did Mick know things would only get worse for him, get well soon mate.
A bit of a detour around a log was in Order.
My God is that Ollie doing it easy on a XR650?
TONY on his WR
Dan on his XR400
………………..?? On a WR
……?? On the CRF
Stickman on his Husky
….?…….?? on a WR
Sorry dunno who this is, cant work it out , it is a Husaberg I think. Gotcha is that you?
Back at camp Saturday Arvo
The Ambulance arriving and a plug for our sponsors too.
Couple of rough heads. Jeffro and Bollocks enjoying a beer.
The gang, and Chris being………Chris
Chris still being…..Chris
Sam13, Crash, Mal 5.1, Jeffro and TB in the Eagles nest.Pete the Wulf, White Rocket and Bollocks, say Cheers!!
Kram and Ollie give Jack links Jerky the thumbs up!!
Dan, taking full advantage of the great fire
TB likes Marshmallows
Bubba says Cheers!!
Nick gives us his best peodophile smile
Jeffro was feeling 2nd hand after his big stack on Eagles new bike, so we got him a wheel chair.
Just after I took that pic I lost my camera and didn’t find it until the next morning. Will post some more pics of Sunday soon.
May 30, 2011 at 11:32 am #202180Old Al sweeping, actually holding Coreys hand as his Dad rides better
One of the new members (sorry forgot names my bad :blush: ) Pete running to help
And getting a helping hand from Pete the Wolf
May 30, 2011 at 12:55 pm #202187Chris72a wrote:
Quote:Frig Me, after waiting 5 odd hours for them to upload I wasn’t about to sit there till 2am posting them individually it was a quick way to get them up there,Yes of course There was so many photos thanks for doing that and of course you will always be my photo man I was only joking
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