OBT 3rd birthday ride report 2011

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    Dwayne O

    Here`s a link to Photobucket for my pics & a couple of vids, Excuse the quality (I took them on my I Pod) :whistle:

    You will also notice that they are back to front in order and it starts with some pics of the 690 today ;)



    Mick D

    shyte, I dont remember that. ;) Did you photoshop that Eagle?? :dry: 👿



    Ok, time for a few more videos. This time from the Saturday afternoon ride, unfortunately in the toughest going I didn’t think to turn the camera on.
    This first one was just at the start so was a bit of a warm up, the trail itself wasn’t that difficult except that it was littered with tree branches often at bad angles to the track as well as a few logs and rocks to get over
    The next 2 are some faster open trails, I thought I had a fairly decent pace going until someone shot past me like I was stopped :blush: , you will see it towards the end of the second video.


    This next one is a tricky little up hill that doesn’t look as steep as it really is. When I moved back and watched some of the other blokes go up it looked almost vertical from back behind where the video starts. I was a bit worried but got up the hardest bit ok, it was only when I relaxed after getting past the steepest parts that I had a bit of trouble.
    And the last before we headed back, it was nice to hear Bollocks cheering me on at the start :D. This one is again much steeper than it looks. One of the things I am most uncomfortable with when riding is heading across the face of a steep hill then having to turn sharply to point down the hill. I find it hard to make myself lean the bike down the hill and always end up trying to turn leaning to the outside of the corner.
    Now if I could only get the few photos I have off my phone :angry:


    simon burke

    i have nearly recovered…nearly :ohmy: still walking around like a half rooted Zombie.
    i feel like i have gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson :blink:
    Great weekend :cheer:
    Big Double Thumbs Up to all the Old Bulls involved in running such a cracker of a ride.
    Great to hear Mick is going to be ok :)
    i really enjoyed meeting all the new old bulls and also meeting some of the Old bulls that i haven’t had a chance to do before the week end.
    If i start to thank everyone it will start to sound like an Oscar speech and then i might end up thanking God :huh:
    What a great BirthDay party :cheer:
    Congrats again STM on your knighting as our King…allthough Henry the 8th could handle his piss a bit better than you :P
    only took vids on the weekend..although i accidently took these 2 with my Go Pro.Vids down loading on u tube at the moment…should be ready in about 2 years :laugh:

    WTF?…is that God over my shoulder..here to protect me on my ride ???? :ohmy:

    Yes…Yes it is !!!!!!!!!!! :P

    Bol :woohoo:
    PS…Thanks SuperMoto for my gift voucher…legends :cheer:


    Mark Bunting

    Ah……….What a weekend. I was really looking forward to this ride and it didn’t disappoint.

    On the way down to TB’s on Friday I had the pleasure to ride in Moose’s Ute with Strucky and Mick. Strucky did the honours behind the wheel and Me and Mick took the opportunity to taste test a few of the weekend’s cans of ale. Mick kept us in stiches for miles with his Bee Sting stories. :laugh: :laugh: I didn’t think it was possible for one man to be stung so often and still be alive :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Friday Night at TB’s and a few more of the cans were taste tested and the banter was on. Mick copped a flogging while changing his tyre and more OBTs kept arriving. We slipped into some pizza and a ring of knowledge without the fire. Thanks for the bit of carpet mate by I’m not sure I’ll stay at yours again. I think it might be haunted. I kept being woken up by a mysterious box of pointy cornered Kleenex tissues landing on my person and strange mumbling noise that sounded something like F@#K*&G Shut up. I think there was even a little begging :blink: :blink:

    Saturday Morning and the wait was over. We kitted up in Capertee and the temperature was about -3 degrees. But the temperature soon began to rise when we hit the trails. I have to say the organisers of ride to the camp ground did a great job. With so many riders with different skill levels it could have been a nightmare, but it worked perfectly. There was always something to keep everyone happy with hard and easy options to cater to everyone. Hats of guys.

    I’d also like to thank Mal and guys who put together the loops from the camp ground. I’m sorry I don’t know names but they did a fantastic job. The hills were tops. Some really tricky little sections that saw a lot of guys get stuck on their first attempt. The singles in the pines made kitting up in the -0 degree temperatures a pleasure. What a treat and probable the highlight of the riding for me. Wish we had some around where I live.

    Congrats to STM for taking out the honour of King for the year. A just monarch I’d say. You did the job proud with your inauguration celebrations and I hope I played my small part in helping you to forget what a great night it was. :woohoo: And it was a Great night. I had a fantastic time catching up with guys I’d met on previous rides and meeting new ones. This is what OBT is all about for me. Riding and meeting a top bunch of blokes, most of whom I’d never meet if it wasn’t for the efforts of everyone who put this site together.

    Too many highlights to list, it really was a good weekend. Again big thanks goes to TB and all the crew who did their bit to make it all happen.

    Get well Mick. Mend and I hope to ride with you next year.

    Thanks Moose for lending us your ute and using you truck.

    I do have one complaint though. I didn’t get to ride all the loops. Next year lets do it on a long weekend. It was all over far too quickly.

    Kram B)


    simon burke

    This first vid is a track through a heap of young pines.Damn near took my head off a few times :laugh:


    Bol :woohoo:


    Mark Bunting

    Oh and one more thing.

    My best wishes to aido and his family. Aido drove from Vicco to Sydney to take part in the ride only to have to turn back due to a family illness.

    I hope all is OK.

    Kram B)


    micknmeld wrote:
    shyte, I dont remember that. ;) Did you photoshop that Eagle?? :dry: 👿


    And this one


    That’s it your tyre change and there is Jeffro and I doing it. You did do enough crying and bitching and carry on for two people but it was pleasure to help , not!!

    Next time I won’t offer tp help and you won’t assume I will do the whole thing for you or that I said I would buddy problem solved.

    Actually next time I will do it for you, there it is in writing ok :)



    Robert Clark

    Bloody hell fellas, what a weekend. I am still on a high :laugh:

    Even this work routine can’t get me down.

    (Insert Braaaaaap sound here)


    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    This first vid is a track through a heap of young pines.Damn near took my head off a few times :laugh:


    Bol :woohoo:

    That one that had you cackling early on the vid was a beauty, when I went through I saw it at face height and decided to stand up and just have it brush my arm instead. Problem was it was a lot thicker than I realised and near pushed me off the bike when I hit it. :laugh:
    That shine red stuff when we came out the other side had me nervous too, very reminiscent of the trail where I hurt my shoulder in January :dry: :laugh:

    clarkyktm wrote:
    (Insert Braaaaaap sound here)


    Must be all the excitment causing a bit of wind there Clarky :D :D :P


    Mark Bunting
    Jeffro wrote:
    clarkyktm wrote:
    (Insert Braaaaaap sound here)


    Must be all the excitment causing a bit of wind there Clarky :D :D :P

    :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:

    Your on fire Jeffro


    simon burke

    That one that had you cackling early on the vid was a beauty, when I went through I saw it at face height and decided to stand up and just have it brush my arm instead. Problem was it was a lot thicker than I realised and near pushed me off the bike when I hit it. :laugh:
    That shine red stuff when we came out the other side had me nervous too, very reminiscent of the trail where I hurt my shoulder in January :dry: :laugh:[/quote]

    i was laughing Jeffro cause the guy in front of me..i think it was Tony..or SEB..whipped it back at me like a slingshot and i managed to duck under it :laugh:


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