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May 30, 2011 at 10:33 pm #202051
following Ollie in some trails
May 30, 2011 at 10:35 pm #202239May 30, 2011 at 10:51 pm #202052pines :cheer:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8RyaHPvoeANickJ has alittle lay down
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIzFCF7lT1AMy go :ohmy: ..the Wr was bucking like a mule..front wheel in the air most of the way…i thought Mal was going to catch me at one stage
This is my last one
this was my 3rd attempt at the “hill of carnage”..as per Micks photos earlier
I was just a wee bit exited that i actually made it,so please excuse my rude language at the end :cheer:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViwJGDk5VxoBol :woohoo:
May 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm #202053Sunday morning was a surprise to see the temp a bit warmer than the sat :S A bit of cloud cover & a little breeze overnight kept the frosts at bay
There were some slow risers after the festivities of the night before too :whistle: 👿A good brekky of Bacon & Eggs was enjoyed before I started to get the gear packed early (as it was already dry, which was a bonus)
I had thought about getting Jeffro to drive back to Capertee so I could have a run on the 690, but soon changed my mind as the weather looked a bit dodgy & I didn`t want to slow the group for the return, so I just got the gear all sorted then went back out to sample the trails close by for an hourI think Jeffro`s shoulder was wrecked & giving him grief cause he volunteered to drive anyway, that will teach him to drop the new toy
Most of the group had gone out for a couple of graded loops before the 12 am departure, so we missed most of them when we departed to head back towards Sydney via Lithgow & home to Newy.
We had a good run in the rain down the Bells Line of Rd & commented that we were both glad we decided to bail :whistle: Hope the ride back was s dry one ???????We had Pizza for lunch near the start of the F3 & were home in Newy around 3.30, then had some time to get the gear unpacked & bike clean
Had a great weekend, Many Thanx to TB for the hospitality, good times & banter as usual :laugh:
Also huge thanx goes to Mal & Tim for organising the loops for the guys, also all that helped sweep etc for the crew.
The Support Crew was the best & funniest yet on an OBT trip for me & I thank you all for the laughs & hands on help, it really was a ball (even if you didn`t ride, just ask Bubba & Sam the REDNECK TWINS) :woohoo:Massive thanx go to my travel buddy Jeffro too, without the use of the Rockstar Trailer he borrowed, it would have been a totally different story,,,,, Thanx Mate, it was a good run down & back !!!
Cheers All & can`t wait till next time ,,,,,,,
May 31, 2011 at 12:28 am #202224BOLLOCKS wrote:WTF?…is that God over my shoulder..here to protect me on my ride ???? :ohmy:
Yes…Yes it is !!!!!!!!!!!
Bol :woohoo:
PS…Thanks SuperMoto for my gift voucher…legends :cheer:Funniest and most clever post I have seen this year!!! Well done Bollocks!! You are a dead set legend! :laugh:
May 31, 2011 at 12:52 am #202054One of the most memorable rides in my obviously short riding history:lol: Cant thank every old bull enough for making me feel welcome along all the rides though feeling guilty for not being on the same level of experience. A special thanks to TB, Lefty & Tony for the riding tips & encouragement which definately helped me to complete almost all the riding on my own. It was an awesam ride to camp from capertee with my fingers nearly dropping off from frost bite it was so f#$%ing cold! The grade 2 arvo ride with Mal was tops being my first ride alone with blokes i never met before, had no dramas with Lefty looking out for me, thanks mate! That night couldnt have come together better starting with the biggest f#$%ing log ive ever seen ( good job red neck twins :laugh: ) The entertainment was great with a funny as all f#$% TB hosting, brilliant auctioneer Bollocks, & even a crowning of a new King ( the royal wedding was nothing near as entertaining 😆 ) Great to meet you old bulls over a few too many bevvies !The ride back to capertee was an absolute blast, (Did you really take a wrong turn TB or did you just want to see me sh#t my pants ?? 😆 ) Those photos make me look like a trail demon ” Super Sam” 😆 Really good effort & a huge thanks to Chris & everyone taking pics & video! Ive been on such a buzz since coming home & look forward to the next old bull adventure! Cant express my thanks enough , TB you & your crew & all the old bulls are absolute top blokes!!!
May 31, 2011 at 12:56 am #202055Hey Bol that 017 clip of your celebratory profanity is rather funny 😆 😆
I’m pretty sure we went down that hill on Sunday. There were 4WDs trying to get up it and f&*(&ing it up (environmental vandals haha). :blink:That’s a nice clip of me doing that hill climb thanks TB. There is evidence there I put a foot down, bloody pathetic effort really.
Also, on your youtube page you have me listed as stuck in the mud. Not me I won’t take credit for it (My rear guard is black not orange). I think it might be Crash? The 300 riders were myself, Rocket, Crash, Pete the Wulf, Gayley300 and a couple of older models (’02 & ’06!) with members names I don’t recall (GOCMAN on the ’06). I did push one up a hill after catching him from a potentially nasty highside.
Excellent photos and vids. Keep the comentary going lads
May 31, 2011 at 12:56 am #202245Sounds like Sam13 had a good time. :cheer: Good onya Sam. Glad to see you stepped out of your comfort zone and come up trumps.
May 31, 2011 at 1:25 am #202247Ok guys heres some video’s this is from my still camera, the helmet cam footage is still being processed.
Log Crossing
[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7-wlbgscpw[/video]The Whole Group into the singles.
[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP1rHUMX_VY[/video]Bollocks the Auctioneer
[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAJLHOomDd8[/video]TISCO does the hill in style
[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWE1s4ZJLeo[/video]THE first water crossing
[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb4y-yrJfzE[/video]May 31, 2011 at 1:28 am #202056Well another great Birthday weekend ride, they just get bigger and better! :woohoo:
It was great to see so many new OB’S along and so many of the old ones too, the riding was great as always and a big thanks to all those that led and swept and made it such a great weekend. Also a big thanks to all the support guys for a big effort they made it all look so easy and were there for us everywhere along the way. Thanks to Moose for bringing the truck along we would have been stuck without it.
We are so lucky to all be part of such a fantastic group of blokes not a bad one amongst us :whistle: and we raised some good money that will help out some really good people top effort by everyone involved.
I look forward to the the next year and some more top rides and social events thanks again to all that make this site what it is and long may it continue.
P.S WE must not forget the sponsers for all there support and for the prizes that they donated this year.May 31, 2011 at 1:38 am #202246axel wrote:Also, on your youtube page you have me listed as stuck in the mud. Not me I won’t take credit for it (My rear guard is black not orange). I think it might be Crash? The 300 riders were myself, Rocket, Crash, Pete the Wulf, Gayley300 and a couple of older models (’02 & ’05) with members names I don’t recall.Excellent photos and vids fellas, I was also one of the orange 06 300 riders, I had a look at the vid of stuck in the mud thinking that it could of been me but it wasn’t. I didn’t have a decent rear tyre on and that mud pit was slippery as .
May 31, 2011 at 1:47 am #202254I am uploading a 1gb Helmet cam vid, which is very long, so don’t expect it till the morning
May 31, 2011 at 2:01 am #202255Hey Sam13, glad you had a great ride and I hope that you got a few good tips.
Thanks for some more great footage too Chris.
Great job,
Cheers, Lefty
May 31, 2011 at 2:10 am #202167Sunday morning dawned relatively warm compared to the days before. Either that or my body was working so hard to filter out the toxins it felt warm :ohmy:
I sat by the fire to chat with a few of the boys and the smoke swung a full 180 and smashed me in the face. I stumbled back, changed seats and it did it again. The third time it got me those in attendance were cracking up so I took the hint and went back to bed to grab an extra hours sleep before making the trek back to Capertee. As for the mystery man on a bike that sounded a lot like a 650 with a custom pipe who decided to cut laps around my tent, Cheers :pinch:
As soon as I started riding the cool air combined with getting into the moment washed my hangover away. It was only on corners that I felt the ill effects of the night before but to be honest it didn’t bother me that much. I enjoy those nights so much and get so excited to see everyone that a little over indulgence was fine and a bit of morning discomfort was a small price to pay. Would I do it all again, you bet I would :woohoo:
My sweeping duties were done for the wekend so I settled into the mid pack and enjoyed the antics. The terrain varied alot and the route was well designed to cater for all levels. One section before the last big water crossings went for ages without any intersections and I was sitting on the back of Nickj for what felt like 20 k’s or so. It was open twin trail with some square edged rocks that hit you hard if you got off line. When we finally got droped on a corner we knew we would be in for a fair wait as the chance of getting the whole crew through that without a flat was almost impossible. Sure enough we could hear nothing coming so we sat down to wait.
From nowhere I was attcked by the most aggressive shit I have ever experienced. I was regretting not following TB for the morning run on the 690 and asked Nickj if he had any poo tickets. He didn’t so I held on as he tried to make me laugh and everytime he did I almost let the turtle escape. :blush:
After 20mins of hanging on the sweeps arived and we were gone. It was at this point that I realised that taking a dump was not the only thing I had forgotten to do in the morning as my bike spluttered to a stop. I turned the tap to reserve and with Nickj on the blue tooth I let him know that I may need to sacrifice my hydration hose and siphon some fuel.
I soon forgot about these two issues and the next deep crossing when my breather hose choked and my bike stalled in thigh deep water. By now Nickj was pissing himself and for the second time that day I nearly shat myself :whistle: I wasn’t on my own walking out ofthe creek as Bollocks on the same bike had the same issue and we walked out together. Mine started firts push and we were away. You reckon 250f’s feel light to ride then you should feel them with about 100ml of fuel in them :laugh: Amazingly just as we rode through Capertee my bike spluttered, I hit neutral, turned it off and rolled to a stop at Nickj’s ute. Gold!!!To be continued
May 31, 2011 at 10:40 am #202256I wasn’t game to mention your battle of the bowels on the corner STM but it was bloody funny and I’ve got tears in my eyes reading it
Their was a little to much detail on the day though mate
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