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May 31, 2011 at 11:12 am #202238BOLLOCKS wrote:i was laughing Jeffro cause the guy in front of me..i think it was Tony..or SEB..whipped it back at me like a slingshot and i managed to duck under it :laugh:
haha that was me in the orange jacket bol but in all fairness you fired a rock at me off the back wheel of your wr so hard i was like it got shot out of a rifle
check out the hole in my headlight fairing
May 31, 2011 at 12:26 pm #202259Helmet Cam Vid beware it goes for about 20minutes, but I think I nearly got everyone somewhere along the line,
May 31, 2011 at 12:34 pm #202257King STM wrote:Sunday morning dawned relatively warm compared to the days before. Either that or my body was working so hard to filter out the toxins it felt warm :ohmy:
I sat by the fire to chat with a few of the boys and the smoke swung a full 180 and smashed me in the face. I stumbled back, changed seats and it did it again. The third time it got me those in attendance were cracking up so I took the hint and went back to bed to grab an extra hours sleep before making the trek back to Capertee. As for the mystery man on a bike that sounded a lot like a 650 with a custom pipe who decided to cut laps around my tent, Cheers :pinch:
As soon as I started riding the cool air combined with getting into the moment washed my hangover away. It was only on corners that I felt the ill effects of the night before but to be honest it didn’t bother me that much. I enjoy those nights so much and get so excited to see everyone that a little over indulgence was fine and a bit of morning discomfort was a small price to pay. Would I do it all again, you bet I would :woohoo:
My sweeping duties were done for the wekend so I settled into the mid pack and enjoyed the antics. The terrain varied alot and the route was well designed to cater for all levels. One section before the last big water crossings went for ages without any intersections and I was sitting on the back of Nickj for what felt like 20 k’s or so. It was open twin trail with some square edged rocks that hit you hard if you got off line. When we finally got droped on a corner we knew we would be in for a fair wait as the chance of getting the whole crew through that without a flat was almost impossible. Sure enough we could hear nothing coming so we sat down to wait.
From nowhere I was attcked by the most aggressive shit I have ever experienced. I was regretting not following TB for the morning run on the 690 and asked Nickj if he had any poo tickets. He didn’t so I held on as he tried to make me laugh and everytime he did I almost let the turtle escape. :blush:
After 20mins of hanging on the sweeps arived and we were gone. It was at this point that I realised that taking a dump was not the only thing I had forgotten to do in the morning as my bike spluttered to a stop. I turned the tap to reserve and with Nickj on the blue tooth I let him know that I may need to sacrifice my hydration hose and siphon some fuel.
I soon forgot about these two issues and the next deep crossing when my breather hose choked and my bike stalled in thigh deep water. By now Nickj was pissing himself and for the second time that day I nearly shat myself :whistle: I wasn’t on my own walking out ofthe creek as Bollocks on the same bike had the same issue and we walked out together. Mine started firts push and we were away. You reckon 250f’s feel light to ride then you should feel them with about 100ml of fuel in them :laugh: Amazingly just as we rode through Capertee my bike spluttered, I hit neutral, turned it off and rolled to a stop at Nickj’s ute. Gold!!!To be continued
That is Gold STM sorry King STM, first thing I did when I got home was run to the bathroom, I have you and Boll stalling in that creek crossing on VIDEO, I will post that one tonight.
CHris.May 31, 2011 at 2:12 pm #202267OK guys.
Axel…your tent has turned up. It had fallen down between the bike crates on Moose’s truck. I will PM Moose’s ph number to you and you can work it out from there.Boulder…….Moose also has your tank bag, it was also found with the tent.
May 31, 2011 at 2:16 pm #202260TONY. wrote:BOLLOCKS wrote:i was laughing Jeffro cause the guy in front of me..i think it was Tony..or SEB..whipped it back at me like a slingshot and i managed to duck under it :laugh:haha that was me in the orange jacket bol but in all fairness you fired a rock at me off the back wheel of your wr so hard i was like it got shot out of a rifle
check out the hole in my headlight fairing
Oops :blush:
Sorry Tony.
adds character ? :dry:
Bol :woohoo:May 31, 2011 at 2:20 pm #202275Hey Tony, it looks like you may have been following STM as well, by the looks of that other crap on the front of your bike.
May 31, 2011 at 2:26 pm #202057Lads,
I am off to visit Mick in Orange Hospital today. I will pass on all your good wishes. I will update on my return.
Also spoke to a lovely lady at Adventure moto today who took my order for a bright orange Spot Tracker ($219 0n special) and ICE usb card ($10). Perfect colour to match the Kato!
# 1 and 2 on the best sellers list! Maybe after the weekend there has been a rush on:) I told her that TB and the OBT crew gave me the heads up and i think she muttered something that I couldnt pick up:woohoo: This seriously must be the one stop shop for any Adv and Trail rider looking for their adv gear. Well done to the OBT crew for getting them on board as a sponsor and the preso on Sat night showed their commitment to our members.
Awesome pics and vids and love the bench racing even if it is via a keyboard.
Peace out
And no I dont get stuck in mud. I have learnt that much at least from Mal 5.1 can ride.:laugh:
May 31, 2011 at 2:39 pm #202278That’s a good effort Galey. Hpe he’s recovering without too much pain.
Yep that’s not you in the mud mate. The front wheel is still on the ground and there is no massive roost
Thanks for the heads up Mick. I’ll have a chat to Moose tonight. Tent found!
May 31, 2011 at 2:44 pm #202277micknmeld wrote:Hey Tony, it looks like you may have been following STM as well, by the looks of that other crap on the front of your bike.:laugh: Your a funny bastard Mick 😆 😆
May 31, 2011 at 5:50 pm #202276BOLLOCKS wrote:Oops :blush:
Sorry Tony.
adds character ? :dry:
Bol :woohoo:its ok bol i told my bike how girly bikes like husabergs and hondas dig yamahas with scars
its cool nowMay 31, 2011 at 9:57 pm #202299The Old King is dead…………Long live the better looking, younger, balder, swaheely speaking New King……KING STM! well done mate, well deserved
Another terrific weekend. How well do TB, Chris, Mal, STM & Mick organise a Ride and Do!
It was also good to see all the newbys, they seemed to enjoy themselves! We didn’t lose any, which is always good for the OB reputation.
Really good to catch up with the old hard heads too!
Bad luck Mike, glad to hear your on the mend!
Thanks to all the Sponsors…….
Tekniks, Suttos, Jacks Links, Adventure Moto, Whipps, DirtbikeDeals, 4bp, MudnTar, Pivot Pegz
Thanks to DR D for the lend of the 300………sweet machine that.
I had a great time…………..still trying to erase the image of TBs’ arse trying to escape from his ripped jeans though!!! :blink:
Thanks Donna for your help with wood, water etc.
Excellent auction call Bol.
How surprising was it to see Rocket on a 300….OR….Ollie on a 650! good on ’em.
What perfect weather too……….nice and cool & no rain.
that’ll do for now
[strike]King Crash [/strike]
May 31, 2011 at 10:28 pm #202304Old bull trailriders………. massive ride report. :cheer:
Sounds like a great weekend.Almost there with photos and vids posted up, well done.
Hail king STM and gum tree leaves go well for wiping.
:huh: :laugh:
cheers dude
May 31, 2011 at 11:04 pm #202097Looks like a great time out there in the mountains was had by all,some top riding and no doubt plenty of laughs I so wish that I was up to it,but could have only managed a trip out in the 4by,not quite the same as riding eh!
any way i’m loving the vids,pics n stories.
Cheers Teza.June 1, 2011 at 12:09 am #202311Wow !! what a great weekend
awsome to see so many bikes in the one place. I had a great time and recieved many comments on my decision to take my new adventure ride (BRP) out to sunny corner :ohmy: It was great along the twin trails especially with the heated grips :laugh: I was soon wandering what had got into me when we hit the hard sections and I had to work my arse off to get up some of those Hills :laugh: Thank god its got about 50HP on tap and managed to get up every hill without falling off :laugh:
I had one little off on the arvo grade 3 ride when I went down into a gully and the BRP flamed out on me
Jeffro wasnt far behind and a couple of other OldBulls helped me Lasoo it around the forks and heave her out.
Back at the Camp we quickly got into the drinks :laugh: while we waited for the return of the rest of the boys, news filtered thru about Micks incident
and I can tell you mate everybody was concerned about your well being. The auction was a crack up laughed so hard it hurt :laugh: wasnt long before my beers had changed to JD and coke and I was putting em down far to quick, at about 1am I had half a cup left and gave that to the new Crowned King which he instantaniously projectile vomited back up :laugh: that was it for me so I wandered down to the swag and died :S I had one foot outside to help stop the sky from spinning :blink: I woke up in the morning my tonsils were as sore as and the size of a melon
and it took me nearly an hour to eat a bowl of muesli :sick: I didnt do the morning loops as I was still feeling crap and packed my gear up and helped clean the camp site.
The ride home was a ripper although I was still feeling pretty green and STM didnt help :laugh: The tight singles were a real challenge on the BRP and I was absolutley rooted I came unstuck a couple of times and it seemed like there was always a camera there (thanks Pete ) :laugh:
The tracks back suited the BRP perfectly and I knew that it would take out a few tyres and sure enough it did.
Cracked me up when rocket went past on his new 300 looked like he was having a ball the crazy mofo ! Loved the water crossings although the yammy 250 boys both seemed to be having issues :laugh: 5 minute Job Bol
got back to the car park and it just started raining it was a mad scramble to get the bikes and gear loaded.
Just as I was leaving Bolls Bike decided it didnt want to stay upright and fell over on his trailer :laugh:
Unfortunatley Pete the wolfs battery had chucked it in and didnt want to go even after pushing it down the hill and getting ol mate to tow her back up to the servo. Hope you got home alright mate.Anyway thats it for me I had a blast of a time on the 6Fiddy and was great catching up with every one. Thanks to all concerned for making it the awsome weekend that it was
cheers Ollie
XR650R 👿
Gasser 300 (next time baby I promise :laugh: )
LaterJune 1, 2011 at 12:42 am #202058Awesome weekend, it was good to put faces to names, then forget which name went with what face, then put helmets and riding gear on everyone and really confuse the crap out of me :unsure:
Organisers, sponsors, lead riders, sweeps, support crew, hell yeah red neck twins, everyone, you all deserve a medal as it was one of the best ride weekends i have had
Thanks TB for letting me crash at your place Friday night, it was a good warm up :laugh:
My weekend didn’t go as smooth as i would have liked, My wife’s cat pissed in my gear bag before i left and i didn’t realise till it was too late to do anything about it :sick: then there was the first flat of the day, my brand new ultra heavy duty tube decided to shred the valve 15 klms into the ride :angry: but it did give me a chance to teach Lefty and King STM how to change a tyre :laugh: :laugh: the night went well except when i got into my swag i didn’t realize my pliers were on the canvas and when i flipped it over me I managed to fire them into the air and have my face act as a landing pad :side: :S Kram offered support in the form of laughter ( his not mine ) :laugh: surely it gets better , but no, we got back at the cars and my car wouldn’t start cause some numb nut ( me ) :blush: left the lights on, ChrisT and Ollie tried there best to get me going but it was no go and they had to get home, thanks guys :cheer: :cheer: i finally got going and had a slow trip home with a few naps here and there and ended up going straight to work and having a shower, the day went slow as all i wanted was to get home and go to sleep :silly:
I would do it all again in a heart beat if it meant i would get a chance to ride great trails with a great bunch of blokes :cheer:
Bloody perfect weekend.
:woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:
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