OBT 4th Birthday Ride weekend 2nd & 3rd of June 2012

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    Can I ask everyone coming to pm me or post up the ride grade they want to do or lead rider they would like to ride with?

    This hopefully will give us an idea of the size of the groups and then we can adjust the rides to suit.

    If we have the majority of riders wanting a grade 3, I have another local lead rider on standby (sort of).


    Eagle – grade 2 adventure style ride

    Medogrocket – grade 3ish (hopefully)

    Mal5.1 – grade 3 (with help on the hills)

    GaleyKTM300 – grade 4 (hill climb heros ride) Some of Galeys hills will suck the life out of the unfit.

    Cheers :woohoo:


    kram140 wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    We did a quick pre run today of one loop, then I went back out and sorted a few tracks for a longer loop for the grade 3. 1inarow and Captain Furious were my judges for track selction. They were happy with the grade. There is some open fire trail, narrowish fire trail and some singles with a couple of hills to challenge the less exprienced.

    Only a couple of pics on the one hill.




    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Looks like I’ll be dusting off the Husky

    :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Looks a bit soft,might ride the vstrom instead.


    If your coming on this ride make sure you and anyone you know going has read and keeps reading the first post on page one

    If you think you are coming and aren’t on the list don’t it’s full, reading the first line on the first post on guess where? Yes the first page will tell you that! Any questions please ring me on 0419 421334

    Why is it full? A few reasons, catering, ride limits, lead rider limits, only so much forest (don’t want head ons), camp area size, and because we have decided that 91 or 92 is enough!



    Dwayne O
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Can I ask everyone coming to pm me or post up the ride grade they want to do or lead rider they would like to ride with?

    This hopefully will give us an idea of the size of the groups and then we can adjust the rides to suit.

    If we have the majority of riders wanting a grade 3, I have another local lead rider on standby (sort of).


    Eagle – grade 2 adventure style ride

    Medogrocket – grade 3ish (hopefully)

    Mal5.1 – grade 3 (with help on the hills)

    GaleyKTM300 – grade 4 (hill climb heros ride) Some of Galeys hills will suck the life out of the unfit.

    Cheers :woohoo:

    Put me down for the Eags` Mystery Tours all 3 days please :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Put me down for the ‘i really don’t want to drop my bike’ grade thanks mal5.1

    Eagles grade 2 adventure for me.

    Q: how long is the loop?
    Q: Will tea and scones be provided on route

    Cheers mal5.1


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Can I ask everyone coming to pm me or post up the ride grade they want to do or lead rider they would like to ride with?

    This hopefully will give us an idea of the size of the groups and then we can adjust the rides to suit.

    If we have the majority of riders wanting a grade 3, I have another local lead rider on standby (sort of).


    Eagle – grade 2 adventure style ride

    Medogrocket – grade 3ish (hopefully)

    Mal5.1 – grade 3 (with help on the hills)

    GaleyKTM300 – grade 4 (hill climb heros ride) Some of Galeys hills will suck the life out of the unfit.

    Cheers :woohoo:

    Put me down for the Eags` Mystery Tours all 3 days please :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    No worries Eags, your at the top of the list mate. :laugh:

    Are you sure you can handle all three days on the mystery tour? :P


    Ace wrote:
    Put me down for the ‘i really don’t want to drop my bike’ grade thanks mal5.1

    Eagles grade 2 adventure for me.

    Q: how long is the loop?
    Q: Will tea and scones be provided on route

    Cheers mal5.1

    Your on the G2 list mate.

    Don’t know how long the loop is. I know you guys are out most of the day. That’s why it’s a mystery tour. :)
    The town your having lunch does a nice scones and coffee actually. and has a bit of history too.


    Ben Guest

    Put me down for GaleyKTM300 – grade 4/5 thanks. :unsure:



    Mal Krusy wants to go on your loop

    I want to go on Galeys loop Saturday morning and where ever Boony goes saturday arvo



    mal5.1 wrote:
    Don’t know how long the loop is. I know you guys are out most of the day. That’s why it’s a mystery tour. :)

    It’s not a mystery tour :laugh: I set that route ;) They will be visiting Sofala and Capertee



    Trailboss wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Don’t know how long the loop is. I know you guys are out most of the day. That’s why it’s a mystery tour. :)

    It’s not a mystery tour :laugh: I set that route ;) They will be visiting Sofala and Capertee


    Every visit to Sofala is a mystery mate. :P


    Dwayne O
    Ace wrote:
    Put me down for the ‘i really don’t want to drop my bike’ grade thanks mal5.1

    Eagles grade 2 adventure for me.

    Q: how long is the loop?
    Q: Will tea and scones be provided on route

    Cheers mal5.1

    Answer 1. Not sure on the saturday just yet,, Sunny Corner to Capertee Pub for a nice hot lunch (and a brew) :whistle:
    2. NO tea or scones,, unless you can buy `em at the Pub :P


    Dwayne O
    mal5.1 wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:

    Are you sure you can handle all three days on the mystery tour? :P

    I can handle it mate,,,, Have no choice really do I , I have to ride back home anyway :laugh:

    And besides,,,,, Remember,,,,I am the “Dirty Bird” afterall :whistle: 😆


    mal5.1 wrote:
    Every visit to Sofala is a mystery mate. :P

    So true :laugh: :laugh:




    lack of tea and scones aside – i can’t wait for this ride :woohoo:

    Put the new front tyre and h/d tube on today…ready to roll :)

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