OBT 4th Birthday Ride weekend 2nd & 3rd of June 2012

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    Adrian Gale
    Trailboss wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Also I have a spread sheet with all the pms and posts for leaders and riders. I will update the first post later in week.

    Thanks Mal will leave it all up to you, to many cooks here will spoil the broth ;)


    Good idea Mal. I just want to know if I will have 5 or 35 riders. No harm in prior planning.Look at what happened to my ride last year. Mutiny by half way.

    Pls add riderx to my ride mal. That makes 13 so far!


    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Pls add riderx to my ride mal. That makes 13 so far!

    Unless you have heard from X in the last couple of days he send me a pm and said he was a maybe. I think it’s best to direct everyone to Mal soon there in limited confusion IMO



    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Also I have a spread sheet with all the pms and posts for leaders and riders. I will update the first post later in week.

    Thanks Mal will leave it all up to you, to many cooks here will spoil the broth ;)


    Good idea Mal. I just want to know if I will have 5 or 35 riders. No harm in prior planning.Look at what happened to my ride last year. Mutiny by half way.

    Pls add riderx to my ride mal. That makes 13 so far!

    Mate you wont know exactly how many you will have. There are 90 odd riders and I have about 25 names on the list. Not everyone will post or pm so you will have to do some planning on the fly.

    With the calibre of some of the riders on you’re list you may have a reversre mutiny on your hands and a heap of guys pushing you along. 👿

    RiderX is on the list mate.

    I have 19 on you’re morning loop so far. :woohoo:


    King STM wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Tiny wrote:
    Can anyone tell me what grade the beer drinking seats are please i might need some stabilisers

    Think grade 2 for the first 6 beers then grade 3 for the next 12 ( as long as you stay seated). From there it would have to step up to grade 5/6.

    STM would be more (if not the most) qualified to grade it after the 12 beer mark. :laugh:

    I think you still have some incriminating footage somewhere don’t you mate :blush:


    I do mate, but it won’t go on here unless you approve it. It’s not pretty.


    Oh yeh, count me in to please Galey. If anyone has troulbles i guess Ev can ghost
    bike’s up the hills Brrap its moto talk for lets go.

    mal5.1 wrote:
    King STM wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Tiny wrote:
    Can anyone tell me what grade the beer drinking seats are please i might need some stabilisers

    Think grade 2 for the first 6 beers then grade 3 for the next 12 ( as long as you stay seated). From there it would have to step up to grade 5/6.

    STM would be more (if not the most) qualified to grade it after the 12 beer mark. :laugh:

    I think you still have some incriminating footage somewhere don’t you mate :blush:


    I do mate, but it won’t go on here unless you approve it. It’s not pretty.

    Don’t want to bring such a high brow site into disrepute :laugh:
    Maybe we should leave it in the vault or we could always auction its release.
    I am sure that would make some money at my expense :unsure:



    Adrian Gale
    Trailboss wrote:
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Pls add riderx to my ride mal. That makes 13 so far!

    Unless you have heard from X in the last couple of days he send me a pm and said he was a maybe. I think it’s best to direct everyone to Mal soon there in limited confusion IMO


    OK . See you 7am on the saturday.



    The adventure ride is going to be lead by Steve from Adventure Moto as he is the Adventure Guru :laugh: I have spoken with Eagle and he is going sweep it has he will be leading the ride to and from, thanks Eags
    I will post the kms and a rough route and some directions for this route next week. I will be able to load people’s GPSs on Friday evening should they wish, it isn’t really required as it will be a cornerman style ride

    More on this later



    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Pls add riderx to my ride mal. That makes 13 so far!

    Unless you have heard from X in the last couple of days he send me a pm and said he was a maybe. I think it’s best to direct everyone to Mal soon there in limited confusion IMO


    OK . See you 7am on the saturday.

    :ohmy: :ohmy: Won’t you be there Friday night mate :( I have a special gift from my son who got the DS 80 from you :)

    I must say I am looking forward to your loop more than most rides lately mate :woohoo: you have defiantly put the hard yards into making an awesome sounding loop



    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Pls add riderx to my ride mal. That makes 13 so far!

    Unless you have heard from X in the last couple of days he send me a pm and said he was a maybe. I think it’s best to direct everyone to Mal soon there in limited confusion IMO


    OK . See you 7am on the saturday.

    Don’t wake me up at that time. My beauty sleep will still be working it’s magic. :P

    mal5.1 wrote:
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Pls add riderx to my ride mal. That makes 13 so far!

    Unless you have heard from X in the last couple of days he send me a pm and said he was a maybe. I think it’s best to direct everyone to Mal soon there in limited confusion IMO


    OK . See you 7am on the saturday.

    Don’t wake me up at that time. My beauty sleep will still be working it’s magic. :P

    Better take some sleeping tablets and get to bed now then mate and wake in June…. :kiss:



    once again to confirm my ride will be a mix, i will be making educated guesses on the day but Sunny Corner being what it is the grading will be 3/4, please don’t turn up with a poorly maintained bike and no spares or tools, if you are running tubes please carry a spare tube, I have been known to be a cranky bastard and i may just leave you out there if you wish to spoil the ride for others
    And remember there will be a nice variety of rocks


    I’ve survived 4 or 5 murph’s berg’s!!! :dry: And the rest…. 😆 . Would that qualify for galeys grade 4-5 loop?? :blink: :whistle:

    cheers justo


    Justo wrote:
    I’ve survived 4 or 5 murph’s berg’s!!! :dry: And the rest…. 😆 . Would that qualify for galeys grade 4-5 loop?? :blink: :whistle:
    cheers justo

    Hey Justo, that depends on how many times the yank straps were tied to your forks! :D
    I’d say you’ll be fine on Galey’s rides, unless your super unfit. You’ll make it through, the difference will be if you will enjoy it being shagged 3/4 through it.

    Tim, I’m going to try and get on one of your loops. Last year your Berg threw you off in protest and you hurt your shoulder by my memory. We’ll help turn it into a 4/5 … I can see it now: “Hey Tim, that looks steep, lets go that way!” :)



    Will someone be leading a grade 3 ride without too much pushing n pulling involved,as I tend to run out of puff pretty quick on that stuff :laugh:

Viewing 15 posts - 406 through 420 (of 754 total)

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