OBT 4th Birthday Ride weekend 2nd & 3rd of June 2012

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This topic contains 738 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Todd Jackson 12 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #221557

    bigger al wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    Been on the phone today, Yamaha are bring up 4 yes 4 new WRs for you blokes to test ride around the test loop! 


    I will be announcing a major prize at the auction watch this space next week. Sponsor gear is rolling in steadly and I will pu a list up with a week or so to go. Save your money there will be prizes and gear for auction a plenty.

    To everyone arriving on Friday after talking with some of the guys we are worried about groups going riding Friday given how people could end up going different directions etc head-ons could be a drama. There are people coming to help setup, cut firewood, run the lights, set the generators up so maybe it would be best if no one rode. I mean you are all big boys and can make your own minds up but if we all get in and get it done it’s shared and we can have a drink sooner

    Hey TB will one of those new wrs be a lucky door prize ;)

    No sorry Al they won’t :laugh:

    Trailboss wrote:
    :laugh: :laugh:

    Cowpat now so this thread can be about the birthday ride eh


    ADV riders………

    it really comes down to pup tents…………

    and who’s riding who :unsure:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    wolfie wrote:
    hi mal if you do a grade 3 pre run let me know and ill see if i can sneek up again i made it through today “just” with a cpl of good tumbles after you left ,that way i know what im in for

    I thinking of heading out tomorrow mate. 1inarow (my grade 3 guide) is wanting to do some riding so I might show him my other loop. Will let you this arvo mate.


    Steve Wyeth

    Can someone stick me down for Mal or Medogrockets ride please.


    moto wrote:
    Can someone stick me down for Mal or Medogrockets ride please.

    Yes someone can and will mate. :)

    Be good to catch up.


    Bob Dowsett

    Well there’s been a few developments since i last frequented the site

    Capped again …………………nearly 100 take back all those words you muttered TB when i posted that

    Sat Morn
    Grading I think i would like to go on Galeys Nancy Boy Run (was 5 now 4 ) , if Galey is having a good day he will be at the top laughing at us , if he is having a bad day , or if his sticker kit is starting to peal , we will de riding past him laughing at him ……….Keeping in mind he is fitter than most (and me)

    Medogrockets mystery tour sounds Adventurous i like winging it , however he might not let me come when he looks at my bike ?? :ohmy: :laugh:

    Moto you can sleep in my tent so long as you bring that hot chick i slept with at your place

    Friday Riding

    I appereciate your concerns over safety on riding Friday
    I would be a little more concerned about pissed idiots on sat or sun myself

    However I don’t get to ride as much as i would like , so IF i can get away with a sicky on Fri and can get to SC by about 1-2 pm I will be going for a ride for a few hours (a few more if i get Lost)
    I will help set up shit when i return :)

    IF i get there on Fri this is


    seems to be something wrong here…..

    a few of my posts are missing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i thought censorship went out in the 60’s :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Bob Dowsett
    menace wrote:
    seems to be something wrong here…..

    a few of my posts are missing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i thought censorship went out in the 60’s :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    obviously your not NEEDED? 😆 :laugh:

    Bob wrote:
    menace wrote:
    seems to be something wrong here…..

    a few of my posts are missing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i thought censorship went out in the 60’s :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    obviously your not NEEDED? 😆 :laugh:

    or an ADV rider got offended :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Check this thread out http://www.obtrailriders.com/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=49&id=124388&Itemid=75#124388

    Bloody awesome prizes including the last posts prize donated by a newbie that can’t even make the ride, not a sponsor a new member :ohmy:


    Bob wrote:
    menace wrote:
    seems to be something wrong here…..

    a few of my posts are missing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i thought censorship went out in the 60’s :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    obviously your not NEEDED? 😆 :laugh:

    its gonna be bloody cold bob….

    best you bring your yellow puffy jacket :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Bob Dowsett
    menace wrote:
    Bob wrote:
    menace wrote:
    seems to be something wrong here…..

    a few of my posts are missing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i thought censorship went out in the 60’s :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    obviously your not NEEDED? 😆 :laugh:

    its gonna be bloody cold bob….

    best you bring your yellow puffy jacket :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You just worry about what i might do to you :laugh: :whistle:

    mal5.1 wrote:
    Justo wrote:
    I’ve survived 4 or 5 murph’s berg’s!!! :dry: And the rest…. 😆 . Would that qualify for galeys grade 4-5 loop?? :blink: :whistle:

    cheers justo

    You’ll be fine Justo. From what Galey showed us today he needs to step up his morning loop to a higher level for the hardcore guys. Dozer hill was the hardest this morning (which I didn’t do). I’m sure he’ll have an awesome loop sorted for the ride weekend.

    Cheers mal… I’ll help fly the flag for the central coast chapter on galeys loop…. :woohoo:

    Justo wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Justo wrote:
    I’ve survived 4 or 5 murph’s berg’s!!! :dry: And the rest…. 😆 . Would that qualify for galeys grade 4-5 loop?? :blink: :whistle:

    cheers justo

    You’ll be fine Justo. From what Galey showed us today he needs to step up his morning loop to a higher level for the hardcore guys. Dozer hill was the hardest this morning (which I didn’t do). I’m sure he’ll have an awesome loop sorted for the ride weekend.

    Cheers mal… I’ll help fly the flag for the central coast chapter on galeys loop…. :woohoo:

    Nickj, Spud, Bellingen Ev, Rob400 and myself are representing for the North Coast! :woohoo:



    This might be an unreasonable request, but can we have the riders lists for each ride group posted on the front page??
    I know that might be asking a bit much but it would be good to catch up with some peoples who we don’t see very often out on the trails. B)

Viewing 15 posts - 451 through 465 (of 754 total)

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