OBT 4th Birthday Ride weekend 2nd & 3rd of June 2012

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This topic contains 738 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Todd Jackson 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Murph the surf wrote:
    This might be an unreasonable request, but can we have the riders lists for each ride group posted on the front page??

    mal5.1 wrote:
    Also I have a spread sheet with all the pms and posts for leaders and riders. I will update the first post later in week.

    Thanks TB and Mal
    23 pages of posts is way too long to go back through. :blink:



    hi mal and tb could you please put jeff and matto on galeys ride thanks matto.not long to go looking towards the weekend even more after seeing and reading about mondays ride


    xr torcher

    tb i suppose all the ctm pumpkin riders will be all lined up to ride a real bike wr 450



    i know the ride is full but if any spots become available me and hot2trot will join the ride


    Adrian Gale
    riderx wrote:
    tb i suppose all the ctm pumpkin riders will be all lined up to ride a real bike wr 450

    RiderX, word has it that you are the man to do all the challenges clean. B)

    And yes I would like a ride on the WR loop on a newby 450! :silly:


    TONY. wrote:
    i know the ride is full but if any spots become available me and hot2trot will join the ride

    Sorry mate I really don’t want to say no but we have decided it’s full / actually over full given what we are wanting to do and where it’s at 90 is more than enough. Any that drop out we aren’t replacing as I explained via PM to someone that wanted to go last night.

    I applogise but it is full



    xr torcher

    galeyktm300 you should not believe every word you here lol i don’t wont to get my expect stations mixed up with my limitations



    Yes, well said Rider X,,,and you wouldn’t want to put any limit stations on your expectations eather. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Hi all, I have organised a semi-pro photographer and film maker for the weekend, we will be dropping him at different spots throughout the days, he will then edit and compose a DVD of the weekend dvd’s will be available 2 weeks after the ride, there will probably be a $10.00 charge for the dvd but this is TBA.




    no worries TB,
    i was left confused by the log of knowledge last year in fact i left with more questions than i had when i arrived. :unsure:
    ill be sure to get in early next year B)


    TONY. wrote:
    no worries TB,
    i was left confused by the log of knowledge last year in fact i left with more questions than i had when i arrived. :unsure:
    ill be sure to get in early next year B)

    Thanks for your understanding Tony. Next years will more than likely be at a different location so we maybe avoid this problem. Again ai appreciate your understanding



    Hey Mal
    Put me down for your loop in the morning. ;)
    Hey Medogrocket
    Put me down for your ride in the arvo. :unsure:
    I hope I can be of assistance on some of the hills
    Signed Mr Nice Guy. :kiss:
    Murph the surf

    This could change if I awake with an erection, then I’ll have to go on the hardcore ride. :blink: :silly: :woohoo: 👿 👿 👿


    Adam Rodgers
    Murph the surf wrote:
    Hey Mal
    Put me down for your loop in the morning. ;)
    Hey Medogrocket
    Put me down for your ride in the arvo. :unsure:
    I hope I can be of assistance on some of the hills
    Signed Mr Nice Guy. :kiss:
    Murph the surf

    This could change if I awake with an erection, then I’ll have to go on the hardcore ride. :blink: :silly: :woohoo: 👿 👿 👿

    I guess that depends on who you sleep with :P :laugh: :laugh:

    I’ll be keeping my distance :laugh: :laugh:



    Bob Dowsett

    I was looking forward to the OBT Race start but apparently that won’t be happening :(

    Was also looking forward to the half time enduroX pipe, and log challenge but that mightn’t be welcomed either ?? :(

    I might bring them anyway if i get around to it :)

Viewing 15 posts - 466 through 480 (of 754 total)

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