OBT 4th Birthday Ride weekend 2nd & 3rd of June 2012

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This topic contains 738 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Todd Jackson 12 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #219052


    I’d just like to make a sugestion in regard to the pooing in the bush situation,,,BRING A POO SHOVEL,,,and burry em along with the paper ;) .All responserble campers should do this.
    Imagin 90 odd campers over a few days all shiting in the bush around the camp aria :sick: That could be as much as 250 turds n paper laying around like a mine feild :sick: :sick: :sick:
    I’l have two shovels with me,anyone is free to borow them.
    Cheers Teza.


    mal5.1 wrote:
    Medogrocket and I have decided to do two different styles of rides.

    Mal5.1’s group will be a kind of introduction to grade 3. The terrain will be grade 3 with a fair bit of fire trail, a few hill challenges but will be aimed at the less experienced riders that want to try a bit more technical stuff. I’ll ask the more experienced riders in this group to help, encourage and offer advice to the less experienced riders so that they enjoy the ride as well. And my group will be riding off at a more respectable time of 9am ish. There is still frost at 10am around here.

    Medogrocket’s group will be the more experienced riders that don’t want to do Galey’s ‘hills of death’ ride. He will use some of the same tracks from my loop and Galey’s loop and throw some other good stuff in as well. As he said he will be winging it most of the way but he does know his way around. He also knows the snotty stuff that Galey will be using and avoid it like the plague (maybe).

    You can choose which rider you would like to follow on the day, pm me or you can ride on your own if that’s your thing.

    The first post will be updated as well.

    Mal have you organised sweeps, I’d be happy to sweep either of your rides and take some photos too.


    simon burke
    teza h wrote:
    I’d just like to make a sugestion in regard to the pooing in the bush situation,,,BRING A POO SHOVEL,,,and burry em along with the paper ;) .All responserble campers should do this.
    Imagin 90 odd campers over a few days all shiting in the bush around the camp aria :sick: That could be as much as 250 turds n paper laying around like a mine feild :sick: :sick: :sick:
    I’l have two shovels with me,anyone is free to borow them.
    Cheers Teza.

    Yeah good point tezza.I trod a landmine last year.god I was shitty :angry:
    Pardon the pun :P
    Why did I just tell everyone that? :huh:
    Bol :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    Thanx for that Boll :laugh:
    Might be an award in that for ya this year mate :P

    The Perpetual Shit Stompers Trophy :laugh:

    See ya there Roota ,,,,,


    Hey TB, Went to last years Birthday ride at Nundle with Boony, Snowy and the boys. Was talking to you at the pub when we were having tea.

    chris72a wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Medogrocket and I have decided to do two different styles of rides.

    Mal5.1’s group will be a kind of introduction to grade 3. The terrain will be grade 3 with a fair bit of fire trail, a few hill challenges but will be aimed at the less experienced riders that want to try a bit more technical stuff. I’ll ask the more experienced riders in this group to help, encourage and offer advice to the less experienced riders so that they enjoy the ride as well. And my group will be riding off at a more respectable time of 9am ish. There is still frost at 10am around here.

    Medogrocket’s group will be the more experienced riders that don’t want to do Galey’s ‘hills of death’ ride. He will use some of the same tracks from my loop and Galey’s loop and throw some other good stuff in as well. As he said he will be winging it most of the way but he does know his way around. He also knows the snotty stuff that Galey will be using and avoid it like the plague (maybe).

    You can choose which rider you would like to follow on the day, pm me or you can ride on your own if that’s your thing.

    The first post will be updated as well.

    Mal have you organised sweeps, I’d be happy to sweep either of your rides and take some photos too.

    I’d be happy to sweep for you too Mal if you need another.



    Lefty wrote:
    chris72a wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Medogrocket and I have decided to do two different styles of rides.

    Mal5.1’s group will be a kind of introduction to grade 3. The terrain will be grade 3 with a fair bit of fire trail, a few hill challenges but will be aimed at the less experienced riders that want to try a bit more technical stuff. I’ll ask the more experienced riders in this group to help, encourage and offer advice to the less experienced riders so that they enjoy the ride as well. And my group will be riding off at a more respectable time of 9am ish. There is still frost at 10am around here.

    Medogrocket’s group will be the more experienced riders that don’t want to do Galey’s ‘hills of death’ ride. He will use some of the same tracks from my loop and Galey’s loop and throw some other good stuff in as well. As he said he will be winging it most of the way but he does know his way around. He also knows the snotty stuff that Galey will be using and avoid it like the plague (maybe).

    You can choose which rider you would like to follow on the day, pm me or you can ride on your own if that’s your thing.

    The first post will be updated as well.

    Mal have you organised sweeps, I’d be happy to sweep either of your rides and take some photos too.

    I’d be happy to sweep for you too Mal if you need another.


    Thanks guys.

    I have a couple of top sweeps organised. But I will ask any of the experienced riders tohelp out through the pack.

    Chris you can be the photographer only if you wear a pink vest. :P

    Lefty you will be a great mid pack sweep, riders will think they are being coached by a 14 year old. :laugh: Good stuff mate, it will be good to have you on one of my rides. :)


    mal5.1 wrote:
    Lefty wrote:
    chris72a wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    Medogrocket and I have decided to do two different styles of rides.

    Mal5.1’s group will be a kind of introduction to grade 3. The terrain will be grade 3 with a fair bit of fire trail, a few hill challenges but will be aimed at the less experienced riders that want to try a bit more technical stuff. I’ll ask the more experienced riders in this group to help, encourage and offer advice to the less experienced riders so that they enjoy the ride as well. And my group will be riding off at a more respectable time of 9am ish. There is still frost at 10am around here.

    Medogrocket’s group will be the more experienced riders that don’t want to do Galey’s ‘hills of death’ ride. He will use some of the same tracks from my loop and Galey’s loop and throw some other good stuff in as well. As he said he will be winging it most of the way but he does know his way around. He also knows the snotty stuff that Galey will be using and avoid it like the plague (maybe).

    You can choose which rider you would like to follow on the day, pm me or you can ride on your own if that’s your thing.

    The first post will be updated as well.

    Mal have you organised sweeps, I’d be happy to sweep either of your rides and take some photos too.

    I’d be happy to sweep for you too Mal if you need another.


    Thanks guys.

    I have a couple of top sweeps organised. But I will ask any of the experienced riders tohelp out through the pack.

    Chris you can be the photographer only if you wear a pink vest. :P

    Lefty you will be a great mid pack sweep, riders will think they are being coached by a 14 year old. :laugh: Good stuff mate, it will be good to have you on one of my rides. :)

    Pink is fine Mal and I’ll bring the high heels for lefty.


    Adrian Gale
    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    teza h wrote:
    I’d just like to make a sugestion in regard to the pooing in the bush situation,,,BRING A POO SHOVEL,,,and burry em along with the paper ;) .All responserble campers should do this.
    Imagin 90 odd campers over a few days all shiting in the bush around the camp aria :sick: That could be as much as 250 turds n paper laying around like a mine feild :sick: :sick: :sick:
    I’l have two shovels with me,anyone is free to borow them.
    Cheers Teza.

    Yeah good point tezza.I trod a landmine last year.god I was shitty :angry:
    Pardon the pun :P
    Why did I just tell everyone that? :huh:
    Bol :woohoo:

    Being such a well run trail ride group with 100 riders camping, and with our sponsors and other dignatries attending WHY DON’T WE HIRE A PORTALOO! ;)

    Then the nice sponsors wont have a Bollocks moment in the bush! B)



    Steve Wyeth

    Medogrockets ride sounds good thanks Mal.


    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    teza h wrote:
    I’d just like to make a sugestion in regard to the pooing in the bush situation,,,BRING A POO SHOVEL,,,and burry em along with the paper ;) .All responserble campers should do this.
    Imagin 90 odd campers over a few days all shiting in the bush around the camp aria :sick: That could be as much as 250 turds n paper laying around like a mine feild :sick: :sick: :sick:
    I’l have two shovels with me,anyone is free to borow them.
    Cheers Teza.

    Yeah good point tezza.I trod a landmine last year.god I was shitty :angry:
    Pardon the pun :P
    Why did I just tell everyone that? :huh:
    Bol :woohoo:

    Being such a well run trail ride group with 100 riders camping, and with our sponsors and other dignatries attending WHY DON’T WE HIRE A PORTALOO! ;)

    Then the nice sponsors wont have a Bollocks moment in the bush! B)


    I was thinking 1 for the admin team everyone else $5.00 a go. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Matt Baker

    When you need a shit get on your bike ride far away from camp into the forest sit on a log and do your business.


    LC4skin wrote:
    When you need a shit get on your bike ride far away from camp into the forest sit on a log and do your business.

    I will give you a beer, or a can of Wild Turkey or whatever your poison is LC for not only being clever but giving the best advice on this thread since my first post :laugh: Honestly how hard can it be :pinch:



    Matt Baker

    Can’t take all the credit, Bob had the idea, however I will take all the beer or bourbon or scotch or rum or whatever is on offer :laugh:

    If people are that worried about crapping in the bush drive 5 mins up the road to the servo and push one out.



    Or just snap one off in rockets swag 😆

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