OBT 4th Birthday Ride weekend 2nd & 3rd of June 2012

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    Matt Baker

    Good for karaoke later in the night too……………………………. :woohoo:


    LC4skin wrote:
    Good for karaoke later in the night too……………………………. :woohoo:

    :laugh: Can’t wait to see that or maybe I can :pinch:




    Special Request

    A song has been written for the weekend and Old Bulls by a special guest famous song writer, sadly the person that has penciled the song and put it to music doesnt sing.

    We need a singer, yes someone to get up stage and sing the song to a guitar. You need to sing the song completely, we know this isnt X factor or the voice and of course your performance will remain at Sunny Corner. We dont expect you to sing your heart out unrewarded but to expect a stellar performance just the same

    We will donate a Kingchrome torch see below for your efforts


    Please contact me via PM, first in best dressed.

    BTW if there is more than one person we will have the crowd vote on the best performance (prizes to all involved actually ;) )



    if i just read weatherzone correctly, it was -6 degrees last night…..

    one of the coldest nights on record!

    jesus titty f**king christ. :ohmy:

    tell me o local yokals, did it snow??
    will we be sleeping on permafrost?? :pinch:

    i’d better bring my hot water teddy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    and my flannelette spiderman pyjamas ;)


    What are you on about Menace your from Victoria, compared to that shithole sunny corner will be tropical! B)


    Adrian Lee

    i just took delivery of an enclosed trailer so ill be sleeping in there with my bike.
    i just hope it doesnt leak if it rains :laugh:


    na mate, i live in the ‘burbs…

    we are lucky to get 2 frosts a year :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    im alreay shiverin me timbers :laugh:

    aido wrote:
    i just took delivery of an enclosed trailer so ill be sleeping in there with my bike.
    i just hope it doesnt leak if it rains :laugh:

    my van doesnt leak….. :)

    and it has a heater ;)

    its dragging myself out of bed in the morning that im fearing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Trailboss wrote:

    Special Request

    A song has been written for the weekend and Old Bulls by a special guest famous song writer, sadly the person that has penciled the song and put it to music doesnt sing.

    We need a singer, yes someone to get up stage and sing the song to a guitar. You need to sing the song completely, we know this isnt X factor or the voice and of course your performance will remain at Sunny Corner. We dont expect you to sing your heart out unrewarded but to expect a stellar performance just the same

    We will donate a Kingchrome torch see below for your efforts


    Please contact me via PM, first in best dressed.

    BTW if there is more than one person we will have the crowd vote on the best performance (prizes to all involved actually ;) )


    We have signed a singer, special guest from ?

    Awesome :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Trailboss wrote:

    We have signed a singer, special guest from ?

    Awesome :woohoo: :woohoo:


    good on Aido for putting his hand up to sing….

    3 cheers for Aido… yay!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    menace wrote:
    if i just read weatherzone correctly, it was -6 degrees last night…..

    one of the coldest nights on record!

    jesus titty f**king christ. :ohmy:

    tell me o local yokals, did it snow??
    will we be sleeping on permafrost?? :pinch:

    i’d better bring my hot water teddy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    and my flannelette spiderman pyjamas ;)

    No snow mate, as we say, it was to cold to snow, I would be more worried about the wind, the wind was strong and I bet a few of the planned rides are going to now included a log jump or two
    Thank god for the rain, the trail dust will now be a little less and the rocks will grow just a little more!!


    pyjamas tested…..


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    I reckon Sammy would have thought that was an improvement over your normal looks!


    Dwayne O

    …..A REMINDER for next week ……

    I remember we had a visit from the men in blue last year. It was early on the saturday just after we arrived at the campsite with the support convoy and the boys went out for the afternoon loops :whistle:

    It was then that Jeffro did his special trick on my 690 right in front of Mr Policeman in his 4×4 :pinch:
    Luckily Mick had already done hid PR work telling him that we were all middle aged responsible blokes with full rego etc etc balh blah :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Chance of more visits this year may be high, especially with the numbers attending ,,,,,


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    …..A REMINDER for next week ……

    I remember we had a visit from the men in blue last year. It was early on the saturday just after we arrived at the campsite with the support convoy and the boys went out for the afternoon loops :whistle:

    It was then that Jeffro did his special trick on my 690 right in front of Mr Policeman in his 4×4 :pinch:
    Luckily Mick had already done hid PR work telling him that we were all middle aged responsible blokes with full rego etc etc balh blah :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Chance of more visits this year may be high, especially with the numbers attending ,,,,,

    Oh yeah what about the 5 mins I spent fast talking to him through his drivers window :dry:
    His was a good bloke actually just wanted to know why and what was doing


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