OBT 4th Birthday Ride weekend 2nd & 3rd of June 2012

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This topic contains 738 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Todd Jackson 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Ev and everybody will still be covered, it will be ok, there still will be plenty of challenges !




    Yes of course. We will stay on the designated formed roads. That was the plan from the beginning. That’s how we roll at OBT. By the book.


    Steve Wyeth
    menace wrote:
    team “moto” will have a brand new 570 berg for you to test ride/crash bob :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh it doesn’t look brand new anymore mate, scrathed plastics and a big dent in the header pipe already 😆 :pinch:

    I *might* let Bob have a go…..if I think he can handle the power. Hang on, I already KNOW he can’t :silly: :silly:

    Well done for organising the required permits last minute guys, must have been a heart stopper when you first heard that!


    Adrian Lee
    mal5.1 wrote:
    We found out this morning that we need a permit to trail ride in Sunny Corner forest. TB has been on the phone and email all morning trying to sort it out. Looks like we have the permit now if TB and Chris can get the paper work to Forestry by tomorrow.

    This is now a trail ride with no real set tracks but a good interesting ride should be had by all. There will be plenty of riding for everyone.

    This permit has cost a bit of money and OBT can be fined for not adhering to it, so any UN OBT behavior will not be tolerated. I have spoken to the local Police today and they may pay us a visit. They also said any behavior we are not happy with they are more than happy to sort out for us. They wished us a safe and happy ride and would not like to stand out in the cold, in other words ride safely.

    I hope everyone understands the situation. More will be explained on Friday night and Saturday morning.

    has the ride format changed or will there still be the 4 differant levels?


    Dwayne O

    All good, great work on acquiring the relevant permit guys :whistle: ;)
    Whatever we get up to, I`m sure it will be a great weekend event ,,

    See you all there friday :)


    aido wrote:
    has the ride format changed or will there still be the 4 differant levels?

    The ride format has changed mate and there are tracks for all rider levels.

    The format will be explained on Saturday.


    Bob Dowsett
    moto wrote:
    menace wrote:
    team “moto” will have a brand new 570 berg for you to test ride/crash bob :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh it doesn’t look brand new anymore mate, scrathed plastics and a big dent in the header pipe already 😆 :pinch:

    I *might* let Bob have a go…..if I think he can handle the power. Hang on, I already KNOW he can’t :silly: :silly:

    If i can’t handle the power you had best make sure your pommy arse is always in front of me and my 8 yr old weapon of mass destruction :laugh:

    Sometimes i have trouble turning right as you noticed
    Sometimes i have trouble with little sticks or rocks or ruts
    Sometimes my ambitions get mixed up with my capabilities
    Sometimes i have trouble holding my bike up whilst stationary

    But sometimes I’m on fire and will kick your pommy arse

    But remember its not a race No no No

    Its just a heap of people trying to get somewhere first



    I was so hiped up for this ride weekend,,,,,cant beleev I cant make it,,so spewin.



    not coming for a stuby teza


    Sean Ramsay

    jerries filled, new tyres fitted, gear all sorted,
    now if only i could avoid work on friday….:unsure:


    white rocket wrote:
    not coming for a stuby teza

    Would love to Rocket,,but not out of hostpital till friday,and a camp out on cruches,,could be a bit much mate.


    Dwayne O

    Talk to Mick Teza,,,, He did the campbitch duties at the Watagans Xmas Party a fvew years back in a full cast :laugh:
    It was stuffed by the end of the weekend though :P

    We will miss ya mate,,, rest up and get back on the steed soon ;)



    Good luck getting Bob to do what his told :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Just a “Heads-up” everyone, was out at Sunny yesterday and after the rain on Tuesday night, it is a tad slippery.
    Others that were FAR more experienced than me out there, also stated the same….then again, he was riding a Husky!!!!! lol
    Enjoy the weekend all.


    Boony wrote:
    Good luck getting Bob to do what his told :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    I think everybody may have to just make extra sure we do the right thing this weekend. We always do but we will set the bar this weekend

    Read this again Boony just so no one is confused. It will be a great weekend but I promise :woohoo:

    mal5.1 wrote:
    We found out this morning that we need a permit to trail ride in Sunny Corner forest. TB has been on the phone and email all morning trying to sort it out. Looks like we have the permit now if TB and Chris can get the paper work to Forestry by tomorrow.

    This is now a trail ride with no real set tracks but a good interesting ride should be had by all. There will be plenty of riding for everyone.

    This permit has cost a bit of money and OBT can be fined for not adhering to it, so any UN OBT behavior will not be tolerated. I have spoken to the local Police today and they may pay us a visit. They also said any behavior we are not happy with they are more than happy to sort out for us. They wished us a safe and happy ride and would not like to stand out in the cold, in other words ride safely.

    I hope everyone understands the situation. More will be explained on Friday night and Saturday morning.

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