OBT 4th Birthday Ride weekend 2nd & 3rd of June 2012

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This topic contains 738 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Todd Jackson 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    mal5.1 wrote:
    This is shaping up to be a great weekend again.

    Just a heads up Galey is on fire lately and will have a top quality grade 5 loop. You better bring your ‘A’ game and ambulance cover with you for his rides. :)

    Galeys grade 5 sign me up 👿


    Ian Kersley

    Pencil me in TB . only 60% at this stage

    ADV ride . May even ride down with eagle if ok with him

    Any ideas on getting an esky to camp ?




    Always welcome Bones…
    Details will be sorted closer to the date


    Adrian Gale
    Bob wrote:
    can i , can i ,i’ll behave :whistle: ………promise

    Bob , you never behave on tour. Mal1.0 better take you on his easy grade 3 tour of the forest. :huh:


    axel wrote:
    Axel will attend. Put me down for Grade 1 sweeping.
    Hey Rocket I have a nice new 7×5 for all our stinky shet this time.
    Looking forward to another chapter.

    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: new trailer thats the go if your grade 1 i better go in as -1


    Bob Dowsett
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Bob wrote:
    can i , can i ,i’ll behave :whistle: ………promise

    Bob , you never behave on tour. Mal1.0 better take you on his easy grade 3 tour of the forest. :huh:

    blaa blaaa blaaa

    Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones Adrian

    If i don’t go on your “Galey grade 5” ride then you won’t have anyone who feels sorry enough for you and help your sorry arse up your own hills.

    There aren’t any more grade 5 after last weekend they move on to grade 6

    i spose u could have grade 5 rock , grade 5 loam,and sunny corner grade 5 rock and slippery shit clay


    Adrian Gale

    You lost me after the blah blah part. :P


    Please pencil me in at this stage
    Will know later when I check the roster


    xr torcher

    could you pencil me in will know forsure in a couple a weeks 👿


    chadd slade

    Hey TB.

    Can you put

    Myself , Roche , Whitehead , Perko down mate. Looking forward to bring back that shit wreck bike stand whitehead kindly donated to my shed, and of course the CR500 out for some late night Reving. Dong dong………



    Hey TB,

    best be putting me down for this. Meself and one other Vic old Bull are gunna make the trip. :woohoo:

    I’ve already practiced talking with a drool and chewin bacca. Just gotta get me bib and brace overalls and i’ll fit right in up in NSW. Dunno where i’m gunna get a goat from so i fit in with the northern NSW brethren though. :laugh: :laugh: :blink:

    Bit of a worry when you google the distance. A lazy 11 hours.

    JAK wrote:
    Bit of a worry when you google the distance. A lazy 11 hours.

    harden up princess…….

    its a roadtrip after all :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    menace wrote:
    JAK wrote:
    Bit of a worry when you google the distance. A lazy 11 hours.

    harden up princess…….

    its a roadtrip after all :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Game on!!!



    Can you put me on the list please TB…
    No excuses for me this time!!!




    Yeah added Factoryphil and Co, also Jak, his other, Riderx and Justo


Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 754 total)

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