OBT reunion

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This topic contains 19 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Is any one keen on a Old bulls reunion ride, I have no venue nor date yet, just putting feelers out, I miss the road trips and the campfire ring of knowledge/bullshit . let me know who’s keen and we will make it happen. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


    Boony wrote:
    Is any one keen on a Old bulls reunion ride, I have no venue nor date yet, just putting feelers out, I miss the road trips and the campfire ring of knowledge/bullshit . let me know who’s keen and we will make it happen. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

    Gyday Boony Id be up for that need to get things happening again.



    Mark Bunting

    Fantastic Idea Boony. I’d love to catch up with one and all and talk and laugh. Can I borrow a bike though :blush:

    Kram B)


    Great idea

    Find a venue
    and we talk more..

    road trips



    Great idea Boony

    It would be good to catch with everyone




    I’d be in depending on when of course.


    Adam Rodgers

    I’m rarely known to knock back a ride ;)

    And never knock back a road trip :woohoo:

    Bring it on B)



    Damien Smith

    I would be keen on meeting some more Old Bulls have met a few regulars that are local, just need to hope it fits in around my racing schedule. I don’t mind a good camping weekend riding, fire, drinks and a good company what else could you want in life


    Why not? :woohoo:


    Mark Bunting
    Kram wrote:
    Fantastic Idea Boony. I’d love to catch up with one and all and talk and laugh. Can I borrow a bike though :blush:

    Kram B)

    Ha ha, I notice no one has offered me a bike. :laugh: :laugh:

    Come on Ollie, you’ve got stacks of em in the shed. Give us a lend of the gasser

    Kram B)


    i smell a party :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Mike Wyeth

    im sure a few of us Northerners would be keen on a road trip :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Kram wrote:
    Kram wrote:
    Fantastic Idea Boony. I’d love to catch up with one and all and talk and laugh. Can I borrow a bike though :blush:

    Kram B)

    Ha ha, I notice no one has offered me a bike. :laugh: :laugh:

    Come on Ollie, you’ve got stacks of em in the shed. Give us a lend of the gasser

    Kram B)

    Sorry Kram, Gasser ATM no rego, DRZ has FAT tank and Motard setup, XR650 no rego and road tyres, Ive got a PE400 that could do with a run :woohoo:



    The Pe would still be a newer model than Kram

    snowy09 wrote:
    The Pe would still be a newer model than Kram

    you know, i once saw Kram open his wallet and a moth flew out of it! :laugh: :laugh:

    true story :woohoo:

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