OBT Short Film Competition.

Home Forums Bull Pit for Members Only Bull Pit for Members Only OBT Short Film Competition.

This topic contains 81 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  pete 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    There are some top videos being put up lately and it’s sparked the idea of a competion.

    So bring on the OBT Film Comp

    This is open to all, members, moderators, and owners.

    There will be prizes and the winner will get a $200 voucher to spend at one of the site sponsors, the winner will be decided by members votes.

    This starts now and will finish just before the birthday ride next year, these things take time, so a decent amount of time you will get, that means we should get some awesome movies.

    * your movie doesn’t have to be bike related but must be clean.
    * your movie should not be any more than 5 minutes long.
    * post you movie onto YouTube then post a link to it in this thread.

    *OBT logo, try and get the logo in there somewhere.
    * product placement, try and get a sponsor plug in.
    * Quote, try to get the quote ” the chicken is in the toaster ” into your movie.
    * the most creative way you can get your user name into the movie

    * celebrity plug, this is the big one, see who can get a celebrity to plug OBT in their vid.

    Prizes will be given out for the challenges.

    This is free to enter, and if your keen to have a go then put your name down and get filming. All votes are to be PM’ed to me and the to be named 2nd Judge




    Can you have more than one entry Pete :blink:



    I have a project in the works B)



    I always break my new bikes in like this…..


    Yellow Mountain this year.


    singletrackmind wrote:
    I have a project in the works B)


    Noooooo Scotty,,,no porn mate!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Boony wrote:
    singletrackmind wrote:
    I have a project in the works B)


    Noooooo Scotty,,,no porn mate!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    It will have some bike porn in it B)



    Mark Bunting

    Top idea gentlemen.

    I’ll have to dust off my super 8 and get my reel -to- reel editing machine working :woohoo:

    Kram B)



    How are our film makers going ?

    We have some top vids coming out of the OBT production crews

    Gumbyrider Productions

    Single Line Cinema

    Feet Up Films

    Rum Soaked Studios

    Scotty’s vid’s

    and Dudes vid’s

    Im sure there are some that I’m missing, but all are putting out some top notch editing.

    A few changes to the comp, the judges will be some of the site sponsors, but you will not know which ones, ( that way your product placement challenge wont be bias :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )
    Users votes will still be taken as there will still be a prize for the user favourite, but the big winner will be judged by site sponsors.

    Can the people who are in the comp please PM me so i can keep track.



    SingleLine Cinema is working on the project but are only at the early draft stage right now. I have had inside word that a competing Studio has spent their money on Rum instead of Ram so it will take them a lot longer 👿




    I wanna see boobs and bikes people :laugh:


    That last one of mine was meant for this competition but it wasn’t up to the standard I had in my head. might be the best I can do though unless I invest in some better editing soptware


    Mick D
    Jeffro wrote:
    That last one of mine was meant for this competition but it wasn’t up to the standard I had in my head. might be the best I can do though unless I invest in some better editing soptware

    And learn to spell. :laugh:


    micknmeld wrote:
    Jeffro wrote:
    That last one of mine was meant for this competition but it wasn’t up to the standard I had in my head. might be the best I can do though unless I invest in some better editing soptware

    And learn to spell. :laugh:

    Have a beer Mick and the spelling will be fine

    You’re not bringing your work home and editing all the posts? :)


    Jeffro wrote:
    That last one of mine was meant for this competition but it wasn’t up to the standard I had in my head. might be the best I can do though unless I invest in some better editing soptware

    Thats where the Challenges come into it Jeffro, it doesn’t matter how big your ram is or how clever your soptware can be, it all comes down to creativity and that makes it a level playing field.


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