OBT Short Film Competition.

Home Forums Bull Pit for Members Only Bull Pit for Members Only OBT Short Film Competition.

This topic contains 81 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  pete 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #242647


    Excellent video Scotty,a quality production.

    Awesome Single Trail. It was great catching up with you guys down at The Transmoto 12 hour.

    Top marks.



    Dickie wrote:
    Top video Scotty, can see this one at Tropfest. Pitty you broke the 5 min rule otherwise it could have been a winner. :cheer:

    Oh Dickie, can o’ worms :whistle:

    Great vid Scott, third time watching and think it’s fantastic! Makes me want to do the same thing down my hometown of Albury/Wodonga … In fact I think it may just have to be on my Bucket List now! :woohoo:

    Loved the sepia-tone section … the whole thing actually.




    Awesome! Work on the video’s!


    Mike Wyeth

    Excellent story/video Scott, very professional indeed


    Thanks mate
    You have just inspired me


    Steve Wyeth

    That was funny shit Dude, I was laughing my ass off! Dude for the win!!


    Dwayne O

    Any more entries guys ???

    Keep `em coming in and give PTW some work to do in the judging :laugh:



    This is NOT an entry per se.

    It doesn’t meet any of the criteria set…

    But I’m practicing posting a you tube vid I posted re some of the blokes I ride with at Sunny Corner.

    Before you start watching I can tell you Bucky hates:
    -Single track
    -Camping in shearing sheds we call the “LUND Hilton”

    It’s a pisstake on one of our mates… there are some “in” jokes you may not get but it may stimulate some others to something. The others I have watched have been good! ;)



    LOL that was brilliant. You win :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    jtb2879 wrote:
    This is NOT an entry per se.

    It doesn’t meet any of the criteria set…

    But I’m practicing posting a you tube vid I posted re some of the bloke I ride with at Sunny Corner.

    Before you start watching I can tell you Bucky hates:
    -Single track
    -Camping in shearing sheds we call the “LUND Hilton”

    It’s a pisstake on one of our mates… there are some “in” jokes you may not get but it may stimulate some others to something. The others I have watched have been good! ;)


    That’s funny well done John!



    Thats 3 great vids!!
    Actually, awsome vids!!
    Any more out there?????
    Totally awered by them all
    I know it takes hours and days and weeks and months to put together
    Keep them coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    jtb2879 wrote:
    This is NOT an entry per se.

    It doesn’t meet any of the criteria set…

    But I’m practicing posting a you tube vid I posted re some of the bloke I ride with at Sunny Corner.

    Before you start watching I can tell you Bucky hates:
    -Single track
    -Camping in shearing sheds we call the “LUND Hilton”

    It’s a pisstake on one of our mates… there are some “in” jokes you may not get but it may stimulate some others to something. The others I have watched have been good! ;)


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that’s tops,what does Bucky say about it?


    If we can get the goats to follow directions we may yet have one


    twobanger wrote:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that’s tops,what does Bucky say about it?

    Bucky says “Single track… that sucks!” I have it on video but haven’t converted it to you tube…


    I love single track

    I’ve just been miss-quoted……………a lot :unsure:

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 88 total)

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