Off to QLD

This topic contains 28 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Alan Roots 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #254704

    simon burke

    Nice looking Digs there Eags ;)
    Have fun up there mate and put it down to a life expeirence B)
    Plenty of sunscreen for that pearly white torso of yours :P
    Bol :woohoo:



    WTF Eags!! Nah it will be ok champ, change is like a holiday ;) I will be up there at the end of the month will see what I can do and if I can catch up maybe. Actually due for another rumsky tour :laugh: :whistle:

    Will give you a ring champ



    Dwayne O

    :laugh: Maybe I could rent the room out for the month and spend my time under the pool brollies sipping Bundy afterall 😆

    Cheers guys,


    Dwayne O

    Been delayed another 2 weeks till 31st March , which may be a good thing as it could most likely mean a bit longer in employment :laugh:

    Now looks like I will need to get a new rear tyre to jam another ride in before I go :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    I`ve been up there, had a ball, did stuffall work, plenty of fishing, ate like a KING (sorry Strucky but Christ I gorged myself :silly: ), bought some good Bundy and did a shitload of klms in the hire car :laugh:

    Then as expected and predicted,,,,
    Arrived back at work today and got the ass within 4 hours :S

    No thanx for a job well done, thanx for spending time away from the family, nothing, just here`s your redundancy paperwork and your not required after Thursday :S

    Anyway, at least now I can get ready for the next stage in my working career (whatever that may be) ???

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    that sux eagle :ohmy: good luck job hunting mate .sounds like you had a good trip but 😆



    i know what your talking about there eags sometimes life sux like that , F#*k em i say better things in front of you mate


    craig evans

    sorry to hear eags problem with big wigs dump the workers to save there bonuses


    Dwayne O

    All good so far thanx fellas…

    You know it is a relief to finally get it over and done with in the end !!
    Been coming for near 12 months now and I have survived other culls and at least I made it to the end of the project I suppose :whistle:
    Other bad news was that there were other peeps dealt the same hand today at the factory I just got back from :dry:

    Just a damn shame to be in this situation now when you know who can`t see what`s going on with manufacturing in this country :angry:

    A Reminder, No political debates please, here is not the place for those to be aired ;)


    Dave Wiggin

    That’s a bugger Eagle, but as you said, a relief to be able to move on and get something else.

    I hope you got a decent payout at least (to pay for a new fuel pump for the 690).



    Ian Kersley

    All the best Eagle . Hope it works out ok for you .

    No excuse for not going on the high country ride now and a great way to clear the head

    catch you on the tracks soon i hope.




    Nothing Quite like getting the ass eh! even when yu know it’s comeing. Well all the best with the future mate. ;)
    I’m just waiting on a letter from oz post,with a bit of luck I’ll be scooting around on a steppy for a living. :cheer:
    Cheers Teza.


    Dwayne O

    Nothing wrong with my 690 fuel pump Wigs :whistle:
    Still running the original pump mate (where`s a tree to touch now I`ve put that in writing)

    Thanx for the thoughts gents, but no chance of getting on the High Country ride unfortunately :pinch:
    Still playing it safe for a while


    Alan Roots

    One door closes , another one soon opens , take any opportunity offered Eags , something that does not necessarily look like your future will appear and you will be surprised with the outcome if you accept the opportunity ;) .

    This I see looking into my crystal balls :laugh: .

    Viewing the situation as a positive is the first step to a brighter future mate . :)

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