Old Bull Project DRZ400

This topic contains 86 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Chris 14 years, 8 months ago.

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    Today Chop and I went over to Battyes to drop the wheels of, I had stripped the tires form the rims and Chop had cabled tied the spokes. Travis the back bone at Battyes was going to strip the wheels so the rims could be sent to Mortdale for painting.
    While there we confirmed the order with Fathead, this list includes such items as a high density plastic bash plates, radiator guards with braces, bar lifters, stealth sprocket set, brake snakes, stubby levers, exhaust system, steering damper and carbon fibre handle bars, Yes Carbon Fibre bars, bling city rider X.

    We traveled back to Penrith to visit Tee n Cee signs, these guys have been doing my sticker kits for ever now and I have never had a drama, never. I have two complete sets of plastics, the triple 888 set has been on my bike for over 3 years now only removed so I could have yellow back grounds for the A4DE in 2006. I only ever spray them with truck wash and high pressure washes them, they have never lifted and protect the plastics like I can’t believe.

    The boys at Tee n Cee are doing up a template for an Old Bull Trailrider sticker kit, so if you ride a WR for example you will be able to ring them and order an Old Bull sticker kit to suit your blue ride, the back ground could be blue and you can support Old Bull while protecting your plastics. The kit will fit your radiator fairings, (not the tank as we dont want them to bubble) your side covers and rear guard sticker including your number plate if you desire. You can order just the fairing stickers or side covers etc to suit you. I have ordered a set for my radiator fairings and rear guard as by side covers are still in excellent condition and these will be red back ground, as your Kato ones would Orange.

    We are now waiting for bits and pieces to turn up, Chop purchased a 280mm over size front brake disc and bracket last night for $120.00 with thanks to Slug for that. Scotty we have asked Fathead to chase the tail light you suggested thanks for that.

    Ollie we have ordered some Michelin ultra heavy duty tubes a new front tyre but need a new rear hint hint, could trial I retread

    Cheers TB



    Where did you get the case savers Boulder?



    Chris said it was thumpertalk Boulder, cheers




    boulder wrote:

    I would highly recommend Case savers, bar risers, bash plate, rad guards, S/S brake lines and MCCT.

    S/S brake lines can be had from Ebay for about $30 ea pyramid parts username krisodemus (i think) you just need to measure the length and order the right one.

    cheers OllieB)



    The parts have been ordered and we expect delivery next week, stay tuned for a full list




    Check this sticker kit for the DRZ, the guys at Tee n Cee signs have done a great job. I have a set of the radiator shrouds, black front mud guard stickers, and rear guard stick including number plate.
    They can make them up in your bike colour for you bike, or colour choice. My Tee n Cee sticker kit is over 3 years old now and its very good condition I do nothing the look after it, I truck wash and pressure wash. The quality of the sticker material protects your plastics and is even better when you get them to fit them lol.

    Radiator Shrouds


    Side panels


    Front & Rear guards




    Trailboss wrote:

    Check this sticker kit for the DRZ, the guys at Tee n Cee signs have done a great job. I have a set of the radiator shrouds, black front mud guard stickers, and rear guard stick including number plate.
    They can make them up in your bike colour for you bike, or colour choice. My Tee n Cee sticker kit is over 3 years old now and its very good condition I do nothing the look after it, I truck wash and pressure wash. The quality of the sticker material protects your plastics and is even better when you get them to fit them lol.

    Radiator Shrouds


    Side panels


    Front & Rear guards


    They look SH#THOT i just ordered some new plastics for the KX may have to get some stickers made up for that



    Cheers Badfun I think they are, mate they protect your plastics and look phat

    Contact Tim and tell him you want a set of stickers for your KX in green instead of yellow, I think I would sent the plastics down and have them fit them its a black art I reckon




    Mick D

    Man I can’t wait to see the finished product!! It is gunna be trick.



    Should be able to pick all the parts up tomorrow or friday morning and start screwing it all together



    Mick D

    Are you going to unveil it online or at the Xmas Party?



    Ollie wrote:

    I would consider a front disc plastic cover like the RMX has keeps out a lot of mud and crap.
    also the nice shiny lower fork legs cop a hiding and need protection I made some carbonfibre/kevlar ones for the RMX and they do a great job.
    hope all goes well with the DR


    We cant buy an over the counter disc brake cover because of the oversize disc we have fitted :(



    Well Chop turned up from Battyes with the wish list complete OMG! I was better than christmas.

    Last nite we started screwing it together

    Some of the parts used

    All parts have been supplied by Battyes, Fathead (aka Scott) can and will hook you up with any of these parts plus more, contact Scott on (02)95435133 or check his web site http://www.battyesbikes.com.au/

    Barrett Exhaust


    The rims



    Oversize front disc


    Plastic bash plate


    Roc Stompa steering damper kit




    Carbon Fibre handle bars and risers



    There is more but we will wait till its finished before we put anymore pictures up




    Cool project Chop, looking forward to seeing this bike!


    Dwayne O

    Can`t wait to see this baby in the flesh Chop. Sticker kit looks ,as my 11yo son would say, “HEAPS MAD & FULLY SICK”
    Keep up the good work guys & get it to the Watto`s next week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cheers :woohoo:

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